chapter 30

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Guanheng and Sicheng looked at Dejun that just told them everything that happened when he met Renjun the day before. They still can't believe Dejun can't control his anger at that time, spitting words that of course will hurt Renjun more.

"You should not put the blame on him, Dejun. Renjun also know nothing. He is clueless about everything. I bet Jeno will not agree with anything that you told Renjun yesterday,"

Dejun rolled his eyes. He admitted he was wrong about that, and he blamed his mouth over that. But true, he did not feel good after talking such things to Renjun.

"Then, they should be together by now. No need to hide anything. I just trying to protect Jeno in case he really does not want to be in any relationship from now on."

"Jeno already said that he wants to focus more on his own project. I don't know what that guy was thinking in his mind but it seems he was serious about this." Guanheng said, looking at his brother and Dejun.

"Well, you know Jeno is the dumbest person I've ever met. He scared if Renjun might leave him first after knowing the truth. That was why he was the first one who asked for a break up. But right now, what should we do about Renjun? He really upset with your words, Dejun,"

Dejun looked down to the floor. He did not know what to do when everyone seems to put the blame on him. Sicheng sighed, smiling warmly at the other before motioning Dejun to sit beside him. "I'm sorry, I did not mean that way. We will figure it out together okay?" Dejun nodded slowly before he could feel Sicheng brought his head onto Sicheng's shoulder.

Guanheng coughed, looking away. Well, his brother seems to take Dejun away from him. Feeling uneasy with the affection betweem those two, Guanheng immediately stood up, making an excuse to leave his brother and his crush.

Before he closed the door, he could see a sight of Dejun hugging his brother, making him hurt even more. He wondered, if that was a sign for him to move on from Dejun as he already confessed before and Dejun never reply him with anything after that night.


"He quits." Jaemin bit his finger, looking anxious when Renjun texted him about quitting his job as a teacher in the kindergarten. That was a sudden decision and Jaemin could not even think straight at that time. Minhyung who just returned from work, immediately went to hug Jaemin from his back, after he saw Jaemin was shaking badly. "Honey, I'm here." Minhyung brought his fingers to intertwined them with Jaemin, holding them firmly in his hold. He gave a few kisses on his husband shoulder, trying to make Jaemin calm down.

"Minhyung, am I doing something wrong? Is it happened because I asked him to forget about Jeno? What if Renjun doesn't want to meet me anymore. I'm scared, I don't want to lose him." Jaemin stuttered. Losing Renjun by his side made Jaemin did not know what to do anymore. Besides Minhyung, Renjun is someone that really important for him.

"Honey, don't blame yourself. It is Renjun's decision. Maybe he needs some time to move on and think about everything all over again. It is hard for both of them. So please, listen to me. I'm here, Jaemin. Always be here for you," Minhyung turned Jaemin's body to face him. Seeing Jaemin's sulky face making Minhyung brought Jaemin to a deep hug to make the other feel better.

"Thank you, Minhyung." Jaemin said before burying his face onto Minhyung's chest. His husband's warm was the best comforting thing in his life. With hope, Minhyung will never leave his side.


To be honest, Yangyang felt good to see his favourite figure in front of him for almost two weeks since Renjun quitted from his previous work. He smiled lovingly at the guy, as finally, the guy stayed in the same house along with him, which he did not need to worry anymore about Renjun.

"Yangyang, stop staring and come on, help me," Renjun said as he was preparing the coffee for the customer.

After having a discussion a few days before, Renjun and Yangyang decided to build their own cafe, working there as both of them did not have any job. Plus, Kun welcomed Renjun and Chenle to live in his house without need to
pay anything although Renjun insisted to do so.

At least, that was one of his ways to forget about Jeno, hopefully he can do that.

"What you want me to help with?" Yangyang appeared behind Renjun, placing his head on Renjun's shoulder. "Can you please clean up the table there? Pay attention more to our customers, Yangyang,"

"As your order, sweetheart." Yangyang 'jokingly' said before he walking away, to do what Renjun asked him to.

Renjun could see, that lately, Yangyang was getting bold over certain things. The guy did not hesitate to call him with a lot of sweet nicknames, and sometime, Yangyang becomes a little bit touchy with him. Renjun did not annoyed with those but, he felt guilty because of unknown reasons. He knew Yangyang likes him more than just a friend. But, Renjun was not really sure if he could give Yangyang a chance to be with him.

"Renjun! I'm done! Why are you smiling at me like that? Don't do that because I might think about it another way!" Yangyang said, giving a light chuckle before he entered the staff room.

Renjun shook his head at Yangyang's words. 'Hmm, why not giving Yangyang a chance? Well, Yangyang deserves it right?' He nodded at his own thought before focusing back on his work.

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