chapter 12

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//Minor don't read this. This chapter is not that important actually but you know, it's a thing,//

Not explicit but implied a little bit sexual content. Not good at writing this kind of stuff.


Renjun prepared breakfast in the morning. A sudden happiness surrounded him, making him in a really great mood. Hearing the sound from his back, he was really sure it was from the boys.

"Sungchan, you go first,"

"I'm older than you Chenle,"

Renjun turned around, letting out a chuckle to see the boys pushed each other jokingly, heading towards him. Renjun kissed Chenle on the forehead, looking at Sungchan and gave him the same kiss on his forehead, making the boy smile. Seeing the boys still standing in front of him, Renjun guessed that they wanted to ask him something. Renjun bent over them to match their height, holding onto their shoulders.

"Anything, dear?"

Chenle shoved Sungchan, making the startled boy talk about what was in his mind without any filtration, to be exact, their mind. "We saw pa and dad kissed last night," Renjun looked at his bedroom's direction before looking at the boys again. He did not say anything because he did not expect that to come out from Sungchan's mouth.

"Sungchan, it's too direct. Move, let me show you how to ask the question without being caught,"

Renjun's eyes moved nervously because he knew how his curious son would ask him the question. He just pretends to be fine with that. "Pa, will we get a sibling? Is it really happening?" Uh, Renjun was really sure Jeno locked the door last night. They also did not be too loud, maybe? "What do you mean by that, baby?" Renjun remained calm.

"No, you said before, if two people love each other, they will get a baby! So, you and uncle Jeno will get a baby?" Before Renjun could answer that, his bedroom door was being opened, revealing Jeno who just took a bath. He seems to hear Chenle's question, immediately answering the boy. "No, we used protection."

"Lee Jeno, seriously," Renjun glared at the man only to make Jeno chuckled to see his lover acted like that.




Jeno stepped back, realising he kissed Renjun without his permission. He scratched the back of his head, muttering the word 'sorry' many times but Renjun did not reply to him, instead, the Chinese changed the topic. "Do you want to sleep here? It's late,"

"Oh, yeah sure,"

"Have clothes?"

Jeno looked at his outfit that he did not change from last evening. It was uncomfortable to sleep in the leather jacket with his tight jeans. Sure, he shook his head.

"Let me take you some,"

Jeno wondered if the clothes fit his body. He knew Renjun's body was more petite compared with his buff body. Renjun walked out from his bedroom, bringing a pair of chequered pyjamas and giving it to Jeno. "You can change in my room if you want. I want to send the kids to sleep,"

Jeno eyed Renjun who left him there before he walked into Renjun's bedroom to change his clothes. He looked in the mirror, and it seemed like the clothes were huge and perfectly fitted so he was sure that the pyjamas did not belong to Renjun.

The sudden knock on the door made Jeno flinch, realising it was Renjun who asked him if he was done. He opened the door, meeting the other who looked a little bit sleepy. "Um, your pyjamas?" Jeno pointed at the pyjamas he's wearing, making Renjun shake his head. "It's Yangyang, my best friend. He always sleeps here anytime he wants," Renjun replied.

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