chapter 26

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The next morning, Renjun woke up with Yangyang still there for him, preparing him breakfast for about a week. He already asked Yangyang to return home but Yangyang said that Kun asked him to take care of Renjun and Chenle. Seeing Yangyang made him porridge for breakfast, Renjun couldn't say a thing, just his mind kept on thinking about the same person. He only remembered the warm figure of Jeno, their first kiss and everything about Jeno just by looking at that. He missed the guy very bad.

"You should eat some, Renjun. I will feed Chenle,"

Renjun nodded his head, looking blankly at the dish in front of him.

"Yangyang, can you leave me alone this time? I really need to free my mind from everything. I want to think about myself and Chenle from now on so please stop doing these. I don't want to rely on you anymore after everything I've done," Renjun said, trying very hard not to look at Yangyang's face, which he knew that guy must be really upset with his words.

Yangyang sighed, nodding. Renjun was right. He can't stay here longer, hoping Renjun will just open his heart for him like that. He should give some time for Renjun.

"Then, I'm going first. Just call me if you need anything."


Jeno knocked on his son's room, getting no answer from him. Sungchan just go out whenever the babysitter called him to eat, and surely after Jeno left for works. In a past few days, he did not know how to talk to his son.


Jeno opened the door slowly, revealing Sungchan's figure that sat on his mini study table, drawing something on the paper. He approached the little boy slowly, sitting at the edge of the bed, beside the table.

"What are you doing?"

Again, he received no answer from the boy. Jeno took a look at what the boy drew on the paper, smiling a little bit to see the drawing of four persons, with names written on it ; dad, sungchan, lele, pa.

"Come here, my boy," Jeno said, lifting up Sungchan and put him on his laps. Jeno brought the boy into a hug, kissing the top of Sungchan's head for a long time, muttering, "I'm sorry, my baby, dad is really sorry. I shouldn't be mad at you." Jeno smiled warmly when he felt the little hands tried to hug him back.

"Dad, I don't want you to get angry,"

"No, I won't baby. I will focus on you from now on, is it okay? We should spend more time together," Jeno asked, receiving a nod from Sungchan which suddenly fell asleep in Jeno's arm.


"Is everyone here?" The staff looked at all the faces in front of him, nodding when he saw every faces that he wanted to be there in that morning. "Okay, I will start now. So, all seven of you will prepare for the comeback in three months from now. What I'm going to mention here today, please take a note, especially you, Jaeyu."

"So, in these three months, please make sure all of you do not involve in any rumors with idols, staffs or any person out there," The staff looked at Jeno when he said that, making Jeno nodded, looking down onto the table as he knew, the staff was talking about him.

"All of you will get to attend a lot of variety shows, except for Dohyu, he needs to get a lot of rest as he will prepare his single album too within this comeback."

Dejun looked at Guanheng, asking question with his eyes. Guanheng raised his hand, making the staff looked at him. "Anything Guan?"

"Yeah, isn't it a little bit unfair? Deju and Jaeyu hyung also need to shoot their dramas. I mean, they also need enough of rest, right?" The staff stayed silent for a moment before replying,

"Dohyu gets so many things to do. I thought all of you already know about this. Leno's sponsors ended the contract with Leno, and changed it to Dohyu. So, he will shoot a lot of advertisement alone and no need to attend some shows. I guessed everyone knows the reason why we did this. I hope all of you get the point right now and don't ask me anymore about this matter,"

"Hyung, it's okay. I still can attend all the shows." Dohyu cut the staff, smiling when the staff gasped at his words. "You are really nice, Dohyu. No wonder everyone really likes you. I see the reasons now. But if you need a rest, just tell me, okay?"

Dejun rolled his eyes, annoyed with the staff. Just lately, he felt the company treated them badly. Not only that. The inner self of Dejun wanting to hate Dohyu at the same time.

Guanheng patted his back slowly, trying to calm the other guy as he knew how mad Dejun was. Well, they somehow got the hints about everything that happened was because of Dohyu. But still, they don't have any proof.


"Would you mind tell me what is this?!" The manager showed the phone towards all seven members of JCT. As a leader, Jaehyun was trying to explain but the manager will never let him to.

Everyone could see the image of Jeno and Renjun was spotted being lovey dovey with two children on their laps. Jeno was really sure, the picture was taken at the night when he decided to leave Renjun and the others. But, he already did what the other wanted him to and still, the picture now was everywhere in the Internet.

"Mind to explain anything, Leno? Do you plan on making your group gets so many hates from the netizens? You are the problematic one here. I don't want because of this news, it will effect your group members and Dohyu. He got a lot of offers right now and because of you, the offers might be taken back from him! Are you acting jealous right now Leno, so you did all of these?!"

"I already broke up with him. I do not mean to do that, I-"

"Apologize right now. Post your apology in the internet, in your social media account and any other platforms. Right now! We should end this quickly," The manager raised his voice, looking at Jeno who was standing on his place, hands shaking badly.

"I want to-"

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