chapter 15

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Renjun laid his head on Jeno's shoulder as both of them sat on the bench. It was already 6 in the evening and they were already tired after going through so many activities that day. To be exact, only Renjun felt tired that day as Jeno was already used to that. Jeno played with Renjun's hair while humming one of his group's songs. Loving how Jeno treated him, Renjun wrapped his arms around Jeno, not wanting to let the guy move away from him. "Are you tired?"

Renjun closed his eyes, nodding. "You?"

"No, I'm not. My mind only full with you until I don't know what is tired anymore,"

Renjun pinched Jeno's waist, making the other groan in pain. "Cheesy,"

While they were enjoying their time alone, Renjun's phone rang but Jeno answered the call. It was from Jaemin anyway. Jeno couldn't say a word when Jaemin already spoke on the other side. "Huang Renjun! I'm sorry for disturbing any moment you two are in now but how to make Chenle stop from crying? He wants you, oh my god,"

"Minhyung honey, do something! Oh no, Jaeyun! Oh baby what a mess! Sungchan, come here don't cry too baby!! Sicheng hyung, can you take Jaeyun? Where are the other two?! I thought they were just going to the store for a while?" Jaemin mumbled nonstop that Jeno could feel his ear starting to bleed.

Although Jeno did not make it a loudspeaker, Renjun could hear word by word clearly as Jaemin was shouting over the phone. Renjun held Jeno's hand, gesturing him to return home.

They already missed their children very much. Leaving them to Jaemin was not a really great idea although they can trust Jaemin very well. Their children never get used to it.


Dejun waited for Guanheng at the outside of the store while Guanheng bought some snacks for the others at Jaemin's house. Jaemin asked all of them to stay there for a night, which Sicheng immediately agreed without asking Dejun and Guanheng's opinion.

Dejun actually was feeling okay about that as he loves the children anyways. He already missed his family in China after years did not meet any of them. Only Guanheng and Sicheng he can depend on while he is in South Korea. Meeting the others that treat him as a family member already made him feel grateful at that.

Dejun is not really close to his group members unlike Guanheng. The other person he is much closer to is Jisu. That was because Jisu is a maknae and Dejun thought that he needed to take care of the boy no matter what. "Dejun! What were you thinking?!" Guanheng grabbed Dejun's shoulder's from his back, causing the other to flinch. He shook his head, giving a little smile to Guanheng.

"Do you feel uncomfortable staying in Jaemin's house? Do you want to return home? I can tell Sicheng-"

"It's not that, I just missed my family, that's all. It's nothing," Dejun did not know why his tears dropped at that moment although he was trying really hard not to drop any of it. Guanheng took a seat beside Dejun, scooting to the man's side. He wrapped his arm around Dejun's shoulder, patting it gently as a gesture to comfort him. "Stop it, you will make me cry even harder," Dejun tried to laugh but his tears still flowed down to his cheeks.

"Ah, I don't care. Just cry until you feel better, baby," Guanheng immediately covered his mouth with his palm, realising what he called Dejun with.

Dejun stops crying, letting out a hiccup after a moment. He did not know how to respond to that. "I'm sorry, I think so?" Guanheng finally talked.

"You think so? What was that-"

"Because I'm not sorry at all, I just- yeah I want to- I think I like- you?"

"You think you like me?" And again, Dejun hiccup, making Guanheng look away as he can't endure how cute the man beside him was. "Yeah, I like you. I know it's weird so please don't make fun of me,"

"I'm not."

"Huh? Wait, why? I thought you love making fun of me?"

"Yeah, but I-"

The sudden call from Sicheng made Guanheng's focus immediately move to the caller, answering it without waiting for Dejun's replies. Hearing Sicheng shouting from the other side, Guanheng ended the call quickly, grabbing Dejun's hand as they needed to return to Jaemin's house as soon as possible.

'I hope he will forget about that. We can't date. We are idols anyway,'


The children already stopped crying once Dejun calmed them down. Dejun was really good at taking care of children until Jaemin asked him for the tips. As Minhyung received a call from Renjun, informing that both of them were already at the front door, Minhyung made his way there, finally opening the door to meet the new couple that seemed exhausted after a long date.

Jeno finally opened his mask for the first time as he entered the house, completely forgetting his identity that he wanted to keep as a secret. Not until he walked into the living room, meeting the others, receiving different reactions from them.

Again, Jaemin dropped the thing that he held when he saw Jeno's face without a mask for the first time as Jeno always wears a mask when he took Sungchan from the kindergarten.

"Mr. Lee-"

Jeno also startled when he made eye contact with those two human beings that he knew the most, Dejun and Guanheng. Before Guanheng could ask him what he was doing in that house, Sungchan cut him off,

"Dad, pa, I miss you two! Do you bring anything for me and Chenle?" Jeno knew he was in a great mess when Guanheng and Dejun's reaction on their faces completely changed once they heard the word 'dad' come out from Sungchan's mouth.

It's Leno, their group member who is dating someone and having a child in secret.

And Leno already broke the strict rules of the company.

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