chapter 24

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"Where is Jeno?" Renjun entered Dejun's room that morning, only to find out that Sungchan was also not there. Just Chenle still sleeping in Sicheng's embrace. His face looked worried, chest going up and down as he was trying to catch his breath. "I thought he brought Sungchan to sleep with you two last night as he said that this bed is too small for five of us," Dejun scratched his head, trying to progress what was Renjun trying to do early in the morning. He just woke up from his deep sleep because of Renjun's sudden call.

"Maybe he had an emergency last night," Dejun tried to give a good answer as he did not want Renjun to feel bad. "But he always tell me if anything happened. At least a message,"

The sudden notification from his phone made Renjun quickly looked at his screen, relief a little bit when he saw Jeno's contact who was messaging him at the moment.

"I already say, he will never leave you, trust-"

Before Dejun could finish his words, Renjun's bright smile slowly faded away, his phone dropped on the floor, not really heard Dejun that asked him what happened. Dejun took the phone, reading the text.

'Let's break up.'


On the way to Seoul, no one barely talked when almost everyone knew Jeno and Sungchan already left earlier. Just Chenle kept on asking to his uncles and his pa about where his 'dad' was and where was Sungchan. Dejun was the one who answered every questions from the little boy.

Jaemin looked at Renjun's direction, feeling hurt to see how upset the other was since he was the second person Renjun told him everything. Renjun already cried really hard that morning in Jaemin's arms, with Dejun and Sicheng comforted him along. If Renjun tell Yangyang about that, he knew, Yangyang will never forgive Jeno.

"Honey, give me your hand," Jaemin looked at Minhyung, giving his hand to the other. Minhyung took the hand gently before giving a quick kiss on the back of his husband hand. "Maybe Jeno has a problem. You know how much Jeno loves Renjun from his eyes, right?" Jaemin did not reply, laying his head on his husband shoulder. He scared if Renjun will never believe in men anymore after what Jeno had done. At least, Jeno needs to tell Renjun a good reason to leave.

As they arrived at the airport, Yangyang eventually sent his father home before sending Renjun and Chenle to their apartment. He wanted to stay a night in Renjun's house, thinking that Renjun might need a comfort for that time being. Although Renjun did not tell him anything, he got to know this from Jaemin, as Jaemin trust him a lot. Not to mention how Jaemin encourage him to take the chance of being with Renjun. He did not know why Jaemin asked him to do so.

"Yangyang, you know it right?" Renjun asked the man that now was sitting on the dining chair, more specifically, Jeno's chair. Yangyang nodded, still not reply Renjun with words. "You should scold me, Yangyang. I should trust you, and I'm hating myself because of this,"

Yangyang held Renjun's hand tightly, did not have any intention to let go of the hand. "It's not your fault, Renjun. Just cry, I'm here for you," Renjun took a glance at Yangyang for a moment before crying really hard in front of Yangyang. He knew he already fall badly to that person named Jeno and break up only by a text was making he hates himself more.

'Jeno would never left if I've never done something wrong.'

"Maybe he left you because of the news. His company used you for his popularity, I guess," Yangyang tried to comfort the other but it turned out badly as Renjun denied it, "Jeno will never agree to do something like that. Good night Yangyang. If you need anything just inform me," Renjun entered his room, leaving Yangyang alone in the dining room. Yangyang choked down the water in front of him, sighing in disbelief.

Never he knows, Renjun holds onto Jeno that much, somehow Jeno already had a tight grip of that Chinese.


"Is Renjun usually someone who act like that?" Sicheng moved to Jaemin's side, eyes watching Renjun who was telling a story to the children. Jaemin looked at the direction which Sicheng pointed at, knitting his brows as he did not know what did Sicheng mean by that.

"Urgh, I'm sure he did not found the article, right?"

Jaemin nodded before replying to Sicheng. "Sure, let him be. I'm sure Jeno knows what he was doing,"

"Jeno obviously the one who should we blame this time. I already asked Guanheng to scold Jeno when they arrive at the company. How can he make the decision alone? I can't even look at Renjun right now! I might cry," Sicheng mumbled but Jaemin rolled his eyes over those hates words that came out from Sicheng's mouth.

"Just stop hating on someone without knowing the truth, hyung,"

Sicheng stopped him when the guy wanted to walk away.

"Na Jaemin, you know something, right?"

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