chapter 22

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|| I dont know why this story rank 1st in noren's tag because this story is not that good, but thank you everyone!! i'm sorry because my english is really bad but some of you guys still read it 😭 thank you so much. will try to update more after this 🤍||


The second day of the trip was somehow went well. They did almost everything since morning, but of course the day will not complete without the children nonstop crying.

Finally, they can go down to the beach, for the second last activity of the day. Not only the children get excited over that, but two pervert adults (according to dejun) also excited to play with them. Sometimes, Dejun kind of feel that he is a mother of four. Not to mention, last night, Sungchan and Chenle were hugging him from both side, while Sicheng and Guanheng each on children side, trying to hug Dejun too, making them as a sandwich on the bed. Dejun also can't feel the airconditioner as he received warm from those four.

That was the fact. He did not know since when Sicheng started to be that kind of clingy towards him, and Guanheng to be over clingy to him. He started to get tired somehow but sometimes, he actully loved it.

The same thing happened again that evening, with the kids forced him to join them playing their beach ball at the seaside, with Guanheng joined them that time.

Everyone was doing their own business. Kun only rest at the mat, along with Jeno and Renjun. Yangyang at the same time was being forced by Sicheng to join the others playing ball.

"We will enter the water first! Let's go Minhyung, bring our baby." Jaemin and Minhyung left the others, preferred to be inside the water than resting on the mat. "Is it okay to bring him there? I'm scared," Minhyung hugged his son as Jaemin wanted to take Jaeyun away from him.

"He needs to try, honey. Let's him discover his little world. It's not like we are going to leave him inside there alone. Come to dad, baby," Jaemin took Jaeyun from Minhyung's arms, laughing when Minhyung seemed not to trust him but Minhyung did not have any choice. He followed what his husband wants. "Wait. I bet you don't want to get yourself wet. You hate water, Jaemin,"

Jaemin rolled his eyes at Minhyung's words before answering, "I wet everyday because of you. Come here, Minhyung," It did make Minhyung shut his mouth, processing what was Jaemin mean by that while walking towards Jaemin that already went a little bit away from him.

"Love, you want to drink something? I will go to buy it," Jeno asked when he focused on the other that sat beside him. "It's okay, Jeno."

"Are you okay? You seem tired. Want to go to our room first?" Jeno sounded concern, worrying a lot when he saw how pale Renjun's face was. Renjun only shook his head, laying it onto Jeno's shoulder.

"I will buy you drink, wait here okay, love?" Jeno gave a quick peck on Renjun's forehead, making Renjun removed his head from the other's shoulder as Jeno wanted to buy him a drink.

He then looked at the sight of his children and the adults played with the ball.


The sudden scream made everyone looked at Dejun that already fell on the sand. Guanheng and Sicheng was quick enough to check on his condition. "You're bleeding," Guanheng held on Dejun's legs, seeing a red blood dripped from his leg. Dejun held onto Guanheng's t-shirt tightly, feeling pain when Guanheng blew on his wound.

"Oh, let me bring him there," Sicheng offered which Guanheng then gave him a space to lift up Dejun.

At the same time, Chenle ran towards Renjun, telling him that his ball already floated on the water. "Pa, my ball!" The boy started to cry, making Renjun's head became dizzier.

"Okay baby, pa will get it back. Stop crying," Renjun stood up walking at the direction that Chenle pointed at.

He entered the water, but his head was too hurt and the ball got too far. The water level already reached his waist at the point his body started to get freeze in the cold water. His sight was getting darker, can't response anymore when he heard the others called his name.

He did not know what happened after that.


"Renjun, wake up," Again, the lips attached to Renjun's to give him a cpr from mouth to mouth. There was no sign for Renjun to wake up. Everyone gave both of them a space as Renjun needed a lot of open air.

"Where is Jeno? Is Jeno that person Renjun can rely on? So where is him now?!" Yangyang spitted out his words, face getting redder as he was really mad. Everyone did not really focus on what Yangyang said, more to worry about Renjun that did not wake up since he fainted just now. Luckily Yangyang was quick to see that, saving the man from drowning.

Jeno who just returned from buying a drink for Renjun, dropping the drink on the sand before running at his lover. Yangyang glared at him, did not want to move away but the sudden touch on his shoulder made Yangyang looked at the person, who was Kun that motioned him to move, finally giving Jeno a space to sat beside Renjun.

"Love, come on," This time, Jeno was giving the other cpr, struggling very much to do so. He prayed for Renjun to wake up, knowing he was too weak to see Renjun like that. His hands was shaking badly, holding onto the guy who finally coughed, making the water came out from his mouth.

"J-jeno?" Renjun opened his eyes, calling the guy's name. Jeno placed his palm on Renjun's cheek, brushing it with tears in his eyes. "Love, don't leave me," Jeno grabbed Renjun's hand, holding it tightly, tears still running from his eyes. "Jeno, I won't,"

Yangyang looked at both of them before quietly leaving the beach, walking towards his hotel room. Nothing can hurt him more than Huang Renjun did. But he knew, Renjun will come back to him soon.

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