chapter 14

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Minhyung hugged Jaemin from his back, kissing the nape of Jaemin's neck while the guy was cooking in the kitchen. "Are you cooking for the children?" Jaemin hummed, laying his head on Minhyung's chest for a while before giving a peck on his husband's cheek. "Go check on the kids, Minhyung. Oh, Sicheng hyung will arrive later,"

Minhyung walked to the living room, sitting between Sungchan and Chenle. After Jeno and Renjun sent their kids there, both of them went straight out for a date. But sure, Minhyung found it funny to see how worried Renjun was to leave his children there. Maybe both of them never separated with each other over things like this. "Uncle Minhyung, where is Jaeyun? Is he sleeping?" Chenle asked excitedly. "He is still sleeping, Lele. Later on you will play with him, okay?" Chenle nodded, and continued to play with Sungchan after that. Minhyung really loves it when the house is filled with children, making their house brighter with the kids.

The sudden bell's sound made Minhyung quickly walk to the front door, knowing Sicheng already arrived. Once he opened the door, he met the three pairs of eyes that looked at him.

"I bring these two along. They literally do nothing at home," Sicheng pointed at the other two guys that Minhyung was not familiar with.

All three of them sat in the living room. Sicheng motioned the other two people to open up their masks, revealing their good looking faces. Minhyung admitted those two were handsome. But still, Jaemin is the only person his eyes are stuck for. "This is Guanheng, my brother and his friend, Dejun," Minhyung nodded, greeting the other two.

Suddenly, Jaemin walked into the living room. His spatula dropped onto the floor, making all eyes focused on him. "Why do you bring the idols with you?!"

"Baby, you know them?" Minhyung asked in confusion, getting up from his seat, heading towards Jaemin. He took the spatula, helping Jaemin to take off his apron from his body. "JCT, Minhyung. It's Deju and Guan! Oh my God, I want your autograph!!" Jaemin quickly headed to his shared bedroom, coming out again with a piece of paper and a pen in his hand. His hands were shaking badly, asking for their autograph.

"Teacher Jaemin? Hi! I'm Sicheng's little brother, Guanheng. Hyung always talks about you," Guanheng greeted him with a bright smile on his lips. Excitement also hitted him when he met one of his fans. "It's Jaemin for you," Jaemin's eyes shined brightly, looking at both Guanheng and Dejun, back and forth.

"Enough of that, Jaemin. You make me jealous," Minhyung took the paper and the pen from Jaemin's hands, put it on the table. Jaemin suddenly realised he acted weird in front of his husband, friend, the idols, especially the children. He quickly stood up, muttering the word sorry for many times.

"Honey, help me in the kitchen," Jaemin gestured to Minhyung to go to the kitchen with him while Minhyung just followed his husband. Ah, Jaemin is so unpredictable but Minhyung still loves him.


"Don't look at me like that," Renjun acted normal, trying to push Jeno's affection towards him. Since they sent their children to Jaemin's house, Jeno never stops from staring at him, complimenting him, saying how pretty Renjun is.

Renjun looked at the scenery around him from the car. Jeno did not tell him where the place they were heading to, but for sure, it's not a typical location for a date. At first, Renjun expected it to be a cinema date, maybe a cafe date or things that are similar to that. But, when Jeno drove the car to a location filled with hills and mountains around them, he was really sure, their first date was somewhere rare. "Jun, you can sleep first. We will arrive in an hour?" Jeno took a glance at the sleepy Renjun who was trying to not fall asleep. "You will not leave me anywhere right when I sleep?"

"Love, what are you talking about? I bet you will love this place."

Renjun hummed after listening to Jeno's replies, finally closing his eyes to sleep. He does not know why he trusts Jeno very much, somehow, he feels that he completely belongs to Jeno.


They arrived about an hour later, and finally Renjun knew where they were. He did not expect for Jeno to love nature, same goes for him. "Strawberry Farm?"

"Yeah, I know it's weird but I'm craving for strawberries." Jeno scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed over that fact although they can get strawberries easily in the mall. Renjun did not say anything, walking hand in hand with Jeno towards the entrance of the farm. The farm was huge, but not many people went there. It was good for Jeno at first, he did not want any of his fans to recognize him and second, he wanted a private first date with Renjun and no one is allowed to disturb them.

After purchasing the entrance tickets, Jeno got both of them two baskets and two pairs of scissors as they wanted to pluck the fresh strawberries from the farm themselves.

"Come here." Jeno took Renjun's hand, bringing him to a place far from others. Everytime Renjun let out a giggle, Jeno smiled when he heard them. It will be forever his favourite sound.

Renjun took a spot not too far from Jeno, starting to pluck up some red strawberries from its tree. How big and fresh the strawberries were, making Renjun can't help himself from stuffing his mouth with the strawberries. Jeno, who saw that laughing when Renjun had a hard time making the strawberry fully enter his mouth, quickly made his way towards Renjun.

"Jjejehnnnw-" Renjun had his hard time to talk, making he looks cuter that way. Renjun held Jeno's hand tightly, motioning Jeno to help him which Jeno understood that, but bending his body towards Renjun before placing his mouth on the strawberry at Renjun's lips, with a purpose, to kiss him.

Jeno bit the excess strawberry from Renjun's mouth, deepened their kiss before pulling away, causing the Chinese's face to get redder.

"Love, you look much more like a strawberry now,"

"I hate you, Jeno!"

"Love you too,"

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