chapter 23

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That night, Jeno asked Renjun to rest in the bedroom which Jeno will keep him company for all night, but Renjun was too stubborn, saying that he was getting better and wanting to join the barbeque night with the others. Not wanting to make his lover upset, Jeno agreed with him, but with one condition, Renjun needed to stay by Jeno's side all the time.

The night breeze was somehow really cold, making Renjun shiverred badly when they on their way towards the barbeque place. Jeno wrapped his arm around Renjun's shoulder before bringing the other closer to him. Renjun smiled at that before hugging Jeno's waist while they walking to the others' direction.

"Dad, pa!" Chenle and Sungchan ran towards their parents, hugging the two. "Pa, are you okay? Uncle Dejun said that you need to rest," Chenle asked, blinking his eyes towards Renjun. Renjun bent down to meet his son's height, smiling before kissing the other. "Hmm, I'm good, baby. What do you want to eat? Let me feed you,"

"Pa, I want you to feed me too," Sungchan shyly said, grabbing on the end of Renjun's long coat. "Sure, baby. Let pa feed you two, come on," Renjun brought the boys to take their food, completely forget about his 'big baby' that already pouted behind him.

Before Jeno could follow his boyfriend and their sons, a bright flash from the end of the road caught his attention. He looked at that way, catching a glimpse of a person in black jacket, running away when Jeno caught him. Jeno gulped down his saliva, many thoughts came into his mind. What if the thing he does not want to happen, will happen next?

He knew, something might happen tomorrow.

"Jeno?" A soft voice called for him, making Jeno smiled when Renjun held his hand, motioning him towards a table where Chenle and Sungchan sat. "Don't knit your brows like that, love," Jeno smiled, thumb making it way to rub Renjun's brows, making Renjun's face relaxed once again.

For sure, Renjun knew something was up as Jeno seemed not to focus on anything that night. He called for Jeno's name but Jeno did not reply anything. Until the dinner ended, Jeno still sat on the same position, with food that already cold on his plate.

"Hyung, can you bring Sungchan and Chenle?" Renjun asked Sicheng, which the man nodded in understandment. Still, Dejun was having a hard time to bring Hendery to their room as they sneaked up to drink alcohol at a pub in the hotel, ending up Hendery was getting drunk badly. For Sicheng, it's better to take care of the children rather than his own drunk brother.

Renjun cut the piece of the grilled chicken, placing it on Jeno's lips, making Jeno startled before looking at the food that Renjun tried to feed him with. "Eat," A simple word from Renjun made Jeno opened his mouth before the food being fed into his mouth. They did not talk much that night as Jeno did not want Renjun to get worried if he told Renjun what he saw earlier, at the same time for Renjun, he did not want to ask Jeno with his sudden mood change, worrying if the guy might feel uncomfortable with his acts. Everything has limits, even though they were in a relationship.

"Thank you, Jun." Jeno muttered, face blankly looked at the table in front of him. Before Renjun could feed him with more food, Jeno stood up from the chair, saying, "I want to go to the toilet," Without looking at Renjun, Jeno headed towards the direction where he saw the person snapped their picture. He needed to stop whoever the person was.

Renjun sighed, putting down his cutlery on the plate, eyes looking sad when Jeno left him just like that. He knew something was off as Jeno went to the opposite direction from the toilet.


Yangyang's soft voice made Renjun looked at the guy, smiling when Yangyang sat beside him. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the man that he loves. Renjun nodded, hands bring up to Yangyang's hair, messing up with his hair. "Don't worry about me too much, I have Jeno,"

"That guy makes me worried about you a lot,"

Renjun looked extremely annoyed with Yangyang's words. Why did Yangyang talked something that bothered him like that? Why Yangyang need to care with Renjun's relationship. "You shouldn't say like that, I feel safe with Jeno,"

Yangyang pressed his lips into a thin line, forcing himself not to say whatever that will happen if Renjun still choose to be with Jeno. The risks Renjun will take, not only for himself but it will also affect Jeno, Sungchan and Chenle. Yangyang might sound selfish if he ask Renjun to leave Jeno and be with him instead of being with the idol. Well, he saw the news about Jeno date someone and the idea of that person is his bestfriend and most importantly, the one who he loves so much, he will never let Renjun fall for Jeno badly.

Seeing Yangyang do not response to anything, Renjun grabbed Yangyang's left hand, holding it with both of his hands. "You trust me, right Yangyang? Whatever happened, I still want to stay with Jeno. I will never leave him after he went through a lot,"

'Is this how Renjun fall in love? Is this what Renjun can do for his relationship? This guy is precious,' Yangyang beamed a little smile, nodding. "I trust you, but, I just want to let you know that I'm here and always be here whenever you need me,"

"Sure, Yangyang. I know it,"

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