chapter 8

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After they finished the variety show recording, all seven of them gathered in the waiting room. Jeno seems not to focus on anything that his group members said. "Leno. Yah, Lee Jeno." Dohyu hitted Jeno's shoulder jokingly, finally making Jeno focus on them but looking at him with no feeling in his eyes.

"Kiro hyung wants to treat us to a Japanese restaurant tonight. Will you join us? No choices, you have to," Jisu snuggled to Jeno's side, pushing Dohyu who stood there first, causing Dohyu to glare at him. Seeing no response from Jeno, Deju whispered to Guan. "He seems to change to his old self,"


Jeno shook his head before apologising to Kiro and his group members. It was 4 in the evening and in Jeno's mind, he wanted to take Sungchan earlier that day, as his son's class ended at 5 pm. Actually, parents can take their children anytime they want to, but knowing that one teacher who lately returned home too early, Jeno decided to meet him that day. It was not because he missed the teacher. For about two weeks the teacher avoided him by entering the kindergarten late or too early because he thought that Renjun did not want to meet him again. Was Renjun scared if Jeno will ask him to do another favour?

That was why Jeno was really sure that Renjun completely avoided him.

"I will get going first, thank you everyone," Jeno took his bag and walked out from the waiting room, leaving the other six speechless human beings in the big room. "Dohyu, you know him the most among all of us. Is he having any problems lately?" Jaeyu asked, sounding concerned. Dohyu beamed an awkward smile, shaking his head. Actually, he was a little bit upset with Jeno, who obviously deceived him as a friend. Jeno should share everything with him. He wanted to be with Jeno at his worst and also his best. He wanted Jeno to rely on him the most. He wants to be the closest one to Jeno.

But Jeno seems not to want to. It broke his heart, for sure.


Jeno parked his car at the front of the kindergarten, rushing up through the gate, being welcomed by the sight of children that played in the outdoor playground while waiting for their parents. Seeing the familiar figure of the other teacher who also teaches his son, Jeno quickly made his way towards the guy. "Good evening Mr. Lee, I will call out for Sungchan. Please wait here for a while," Jaemin greeted Jeno as soon as Jeno stood in front of him.


Jaemin looked back at Jeno, seeing Jeno seems to look around, searching for someone.

"Where is teacher Renjun?"

Jaemin already expected this. He knew something happened between these two as both of them acted weird these past few weeks. "He returned home early these days. I don't know why. Maybe since Chenle entered kindergarten and he must be tired because of that?" Jaemin made up a story. From Jeno's eyes, he knew that Jeno was really worried about Renjun. "Ah, okay. Thank you, teacher Jaemin. I want to pick up Sungchan, please," Jeno changed the topic before Jaemin walked away to bring Sungchan to Jeno. "I will go first, teacher Jaemin!" Sungchan said cheerfully before walking with Jeno towards their car.

Jaemin looked at those two from a far, looking around before he met a pair of eyes of their part time teacher assistant, Sicheng. "He is Renjun's boyfriend?" Sicheng asked the other. The person is too familiar to him.Jaemin chuckled, "Future boyfriend? I can say that. You should ask Renjun," He then walked away to look for the other children.


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