chapter 21

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|| I'm sorry for a really late update! This week is my last week of exam! I will come back on 12 February ||


"Dad and pa already forget about us, I'm really sure this time," Chenle whispered into Sungchan's ears, looking at Jeno who was teasing Renjun, making his pa blushed. "We will get another sibling and they will love that kid more than us!" Sungchan replied, looking at his dad with his fiery eyes- that can't scare anyone at all.

Dejun who sat beside Chenle only laughed to that as he heard the conversation between those two from beginning, also not paying that much attention to the adults' conversation in front of him. "Dejun, why are you laughing?" All eyes on Dejun, making Dejun stop himself from laughing.

"Urm, nothing but perhaps Renjun, Jeno. Do yo guys already plan to have a kid?" The sudden question made Renjun coughed while Jeno patting on Renjun's back, worrying about the other. "What are you talking about hyung?"

"Ask these kids," Dejun pointed at Chenle and Sungchan, but the kids only giggled. "It's nothing dad, we just um- randomly," Sungchan did not know what to answer but then, Chenle immediately cut him off, "Sungchan wants a brother,"

"What? I didn't say that," Sungchan sobbed before finally he cried. Jeno immediately walked towards his son, lifting him up. His hand rubbed onto his son's back, kissing his upper head to make Sungchan stop from crying. "Dad, I don't want a brother. You will not love me anymore if I have a brother." Sungchan burried his head into Jeno's neck, hugging his dad tightly with his small arms. "No, baby. I love you. Don't cry anymore, okay?"

The dinner went well through the night. Jeno booked everything earlier, did not want his fans to see them. Luckily that hotel was a little bit private, a good holiday hideout for someone like him. Only Jeno sometimes caught Yangyang kept on glancing at his lover. Being jealous Jeno was, he wrapped his arm around Renjun's neck, bringing Renjun closer to him. His eyes looked at Yangyang, warning with only his pair of eyes. Yangyang looked away before eating his food.

"Jeno, are you okay?" Renjun put his hand on Jeno's thigh, rubbing his thumb on it. He noticed how his lover's mood changed and suddenly being over clingy to him that night. Jeno beamed a smile, nodding at Renjun's question. He then gave a peck on Renjun's forehead, making the Chinese smiled at him.

"Oh please, I want to eat but look at those two! Being lovey-dovey in front of my food?" Jaemin rolled his eyes jokingly, laughing when Renjun and Jeno separated from each other. "Babe, don't say that you are jealous,"

Jaemin looked at his husband, pouting before moving away from Minhyung. "I want to be like them too! Minhyung! Do it!" Jaemin suddenly being childish, did not really care with everyone's eyes that looked at them. "Jaemin, not now," Minhyung covered his face with his palm as his face already turned onto bright red colour.

"Fine, Jaemin. Stop being sulky, I love you," And that was when finally Jaemin got what he want, Minhyung gave him a quick peck on his cheek. Jaemin's eyes widen, looking at Minhyung. "You really do it? Are you seriously my husband?!" Jaemin cupped Minhyung's cheeks, can't believe how Minhyung gain a lot of confident to do that in public.

"I love you, Jaemin. I mean it," Minhyung always say those words but when he said it in public, Jaemin can't help himself from smiling throughout the dinner.

Jaemin suddenly being shy when the others cheered for the married couple. Not liking what he saw, Jaeyun suddenly throwing a tantrum, dropping his food on the floor.

"Oh, my baby, dad is here. Minhyung, this is your fault!"

"Wait what? Me?"

And again, the dinner filled with the children's cries and their parents that tried hard to comfort them.


Renjun entered his bedroom after taking a bath, heading towards Jeno who sat on the bed. Silent. For the first time they were under the same roof without their children.

Dejun came to his room just now to take the children's bags. Chenle and Sungchan were too excited about sleeping with Dejun until they forgot their parents.

"Jeno, are you okay? Something happened isn't it?" Renjun laid his head on the other's shoulder, making Jeno smiled warmly at him. He put his arm around Renjun's waist, bringing the other closer to him. "Nothing but, what are you talking about with Yangyang this evening? Something important?"

Renjun let out of chuckle, taking Jeno's right hand and holding it with his both hands. "He asked me about our relationship? He just worried about me. But, it's okay I already told him everything,"

Jeno nodded before replying, "You must be someone important to him. He must love you. Do you love him?" Renjun knew by hearing Jeno's voice, he seems to be jealous again.

"Yeah, I love him,"

Hearing his answer made Jeno took away his hands away from Renjun, feeling sad with that answer. He did not reply anything as he was upset with that but suddenly, Renjun brought him into an embrace. "I love him as my family member, my brother. But you also know that I love you more, because you are the one who own my heart, not Yangyang or anyone else."

Renjun looked up to see Jeno's face. Jeno looked at him without any expression, making Renjun frowned at that. "Why, Jeno?" Renjun put his right hand on Jeno's cheek, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Kiss me,"

"Only that?"

Jeno nodded, pointing at his lips, motioning Renjun to kiss him.

"Lee Jeno, I can do more than that, you know," Renjun bring his lips closer to Jeno, giving him a quick peck before both of them looking into each other in their eyes. "Yeah, I know. I just want to taste you a little bit before I taste you more," Jeno kissed the chinese lips again but that time the kiss was deeper and passionate. Jeno can't describe how addicted Renjun's lips that he kept on wanting to taste it more.

It was a good thing for Chenle and Sungchan to stay with Dejun. At least, those boys can avoid whatever that happened after the kiss between their parents.

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