chapter 25

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"Dad I want to go to the school! I want to meet Chenle! Why wouldn't you understand?" Sungchan stomped his feet, looking at his father that wanted to leave him with a babysitter. Sungchan is not a baby anymore and he already tired of staying in the house like that.

Jeno did not reply to his son. He focused on preparing his things as he was off for a JCT content that will be held for three days and two nights which in that time, they will go for a not-so-vacation with the other members. "Dad, can I stay with pa-"

Jeno dropped his bags on the floor, looking at his son. Not his intention to shout at the little boy, "Can you shut up for a moment?! I'm stressed right now! Would be better if you are not here!"


"Stop calling me that!"

Jeno breathed heavilly, looking away as soon as he realised he was wrong. "Go inside, Sung-" He can't finish his words when the little boy ran into his room, closing it before Jeno could here a click sound of the door, noticing him that Sungchan locked his room.

"Fuck my life,"


"Dejun, no." Guanheng stopped the other man when Dejun wanted to ask Jeno about the sudden break up. Of course Dejun was getting angry about the break up because it did make Dejun and Guanheng's friendship with Renjun became awkward. "What do you mean by no? He is the definition of trash."

"You also saw the article, right? It dangerous for all of them,"

"I saw it, but it already being removed. At least, Jeno should explain to us, to Renjun," Dejun continued. Their eyes still stare at Jeno's figure which he was talking to Donghyuck, looking good like nothing happened before. "If Jeno explain about that to Renjun, Renjun will blame himself, not Jeno,"


The three days trip was going on smoothly. Only at some moment when the cameras were off, the other six members saw Jeno preferred to be alone, looking blankly at random things, refusing to eat, saying he was on diet as an excuse. Dejun and Guanheng obviously were the persons who knew everything about Jeno, what happened to that man. They can tell Jeno was slowly letting himself down because of the breaking up.

"Is Leno hyung always act like that?" Jisu asked Dohyu, but the man just shrugged him off. "He never join these kind of activities. Maybe he was trying to make himself comfortable?"

"But you saw the article, right?" Kiro asked, making the other five of them nodded their heads. "Is it true that he has a relationship? Wow, the company must pay the publisher of that news a lot right, to delete the article. Leno's power," Jisu said, rolling his eyes. He was not throwing hate to Jeno but everyone might agree with him again this time.

"Knowing how Leno will act, I think he will break up with that person. Leno always love his group members more than his lover and his sons. I know him for a long time, you know?" Dohyu said, smiling before walking away.

Jisu and Kiro agreed with that without thinking further, walking to the other place as both of them planned to play some games before going back to the company. Jaehyun stayed silence, trying to process with what he just heard.

Dejun and Guanheng looked at each other.

"So far, the articles that were being released only stated about Jeno and his unknown lover. None of them mentioned about Jeno has children," Dejun gulped down his own saliva.


As what Jaemin promised him the day before, both Sicheng and Jaemin decided to hang out for a while, without Renjun knowing.

"I returned back to the barbeque place because I left Jaeyun's milk bottle there."

Sicheng was deeply focused into Jaemin's story, did not realised he sipped on his drink until half of the drink left.

"But on my way there, I saw Jeno, with someone,"

"So, you want to say that Jeno has someone else behind Renjun's back? He is a playboy?"

"Sicheng hyung, can you listen first?!" Jaemin scolded the man that sat in front of him which then, Sicheng decided to stay on his place, continue to sip his drink.

"Jeno, he was begging at one person. He asked that person to stop posting around the news about him. I heard that Jeno wanted to pay a lot of money if that person agreed with him but, the person asked Jeno to end what he should end. Jeno and Renjun's relationship."

Sicheng's eyes widened, placing his drink aside. "That person also did not know why but he just followed the order of his leader. When Jeno asked who is his leader, the person just walked away, leaving Jeno alone."

"But then, Jeno caught me eavesdropping every single things between them. That was when Jeno asked me for help. He did not want to put Renjun, Sungchan and Chenle at any risks while he can. He always love Renjun and he asked me to take a good care of Renjun. Although it does mean he needs to let Renjun be happy with Yangyang,"

"What kind of drama is this? If I was Yangyang, I might give up already. See, Renjun was deeply in love with Jeno. Disadvantage of having a relationship with idol, urgh," Sicheng nodded his head, agreeing with his own words.

"Then, I think you should give up on Dejun already. So bad, he seems to like your brother and you know what worst? He is also an idol."

Sicheng coughed, glaring at Jaemin with an unbelievable look. Well, what Jaemin said was kinda true. But still, he did not want to be defeated by Jaemin! "Your husband is busy for 24 hours!"

"Lol. At least, no one follows us around to invade our privacy. And he is not that busy, at least we hang out together two days in a week, spending time at our home every night and oh! Having sex four times in a week! I mean like, that is my forever favourite session with Minhyung!"

How proud Jaemin was to say all of that, making Sicheng covered his face with his palm. Well, they were still in public.

"We are not in kindergarten, hyung! Why would you get embarrassed with my words?! It's normal to say things like this in public!" Jaemin rolled his eyes. Sicheng lifted up his face a little bit, making an eye contact with Jaemin. "A mother and her son sit beside our table,"

Jaemin took a glance at their side, meeting the fiery eyes of the 'mother' which was standing up as she wanted to leave the cafe, holding her child's hand. Jaemin looked at her son, gulping down his own saliva when he heard what was coming from her son's mouth,

"Mum, what is sex? What is sex, I want to know it! The word that the uncle said is so cute," The child pointed at Jaemin when he mentioned the word 'uncle'. His mother was trying to make her son shut his mouth as all the attention were on them.

Jaemin looked away, avoiding her eyes while muttering some words, "You should tell me earlier, hyung,"

"The kid is literally three or four years old. Poor his mind, getting 'free education' in public, not from his own parents,"

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