chapter 32 (side characters ending part 2)

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3. Guanheng, Dejun & Sicheng

"Guanheng, why are you being too clingy lately? I'm tired, seriously," Dejun sighed as soon as the taller guy laid on his thigh when they were watching a random television show in Sicheng's living room. Guanheng ignored the other, proceeding up to play with Dejun's hand.

Sicheng asked the two to take care of his house while he was off to something. He said he wanted to meet someone and Dejun can't stop himself from thinking whoever the person Sicheng wanted to meet. Sicheng looked so freaking handsome that day and he wanted to lock Sicheng in the house to be with him all day. Dejun did not know since when he always think that way about Sicheng.

"You seem to have a lot of thoughts in your head. I'm sure it is not me in your mind right now. You keep on ignoring me," Guanheng muttered while still stay in his position, burying his face on Dejun's stomach, sometimes snuggling on it.

"It's ticklish, Guanheng," Dejun tried to hold his laugh, placing his hands on Guanheng's cheeks to stop the guy to snuggle more onto his tummy. Guanheng looked up to see Dejun smiled at him, looking pretty in Guanheng's eyes as always. "Jun, how can I move on from you when you always be this pretty?"

Guanheng did not realize the words he thought really came from his mouth until Dejun's smile faded away, asking Guanheng with his eyes. He completely forgot, once Guanheng talked about this with him and he never give Guanheng any answer since that.

"Hey, Dejun. Why you look startled? I did something-"

Before Guanheng could continue, Dejun quickly placed a kiss on Guanheng's lips, did not care less what the other will response to the kiss.

Their lips touched each other, but none of them really know what to do. They stayed longer in that position without noticing someone already stood there, looking at them with mixed feeling.

"I asked you two to take care of my house, not making out in my house."

Dejun leaned away from Guanheng while Guanheng immediately sat down on the couch, gulping down his own saliva as soon as he saw Sicheng looked at them with an expression he can't describe. Guanheng can't say any words when Sicheng turned around and walked towards his room.

"Guanheng, I-"

"I know my hyung loves you and I know you love him too. Just, can you explain to him that you did not mean to kiss me at all and confess to him already? I hope both of you can have a good talk and clear everything up. Um, I need to go somewhere," Guanheng stood up from his seat, heading towards the front door.

Dejun sighed on his seat once he heard the door was being closed by Guanheng, sighing before thinking if he should talk with Sicheng. But, he did not really sure if what Guanheng said to him was true. 'Is it true Sicheng loves me too?'

"I hate myself,"

Dejun stood up from his seat, entering Sicheng's bedroom without even knock on the door first. "Hyung. We need to talk."

Sicheng who just laid himself on the bed, taking a glance at Dejun before sitting down on his bed. He sighed, "What?"

Dejun did not know what he thought in his mind, sitting beside Sicheng before hugging the man tightly. "Hyung, don't move and don't say anything."

Sicheng froze at his place, waiting for the younger to continue his words.

"Hyung. I like you. Yeah I know that both of us always annoy each other, but I don't know since when I started to like you more than just a hyung of my friend. The most ridiculous part is I also like Guanheng and it seems like I already broke his heart when I did not give him answer for almost months. Just, I can't let go each one of you. Yeah, I'm selfish-"

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