chapter 17

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"Leno, manager hyung wants to meet you," Jaeyu knocked on the toilet's door that Jeno stayed in before walking away, leaving Jeno who had a bad stomach ache since that morning.

He was not going to blame others because he, himself chose to eat that food that his group member bought. But, he was not feeling really well after that, until the evening when he supposedly had a meeting with his manager and the sponsor. Guanheng and Dejun asked him to go to the clinic in the morning as they not only worried about Jeno, but also the child Jeno needed to take care of. And as always, Jeno said that he can endure the pain, which he can't.

Not realising that about an hour he stayed in the company's toilet, he walked straight to his manager's room, only to be scolded by their manager in front of Dejun.

"No, I don't need you anymore. Dohyu will become the clothing brand model along with Deju. I already told the sponsor. Just do whatever you want after this, I am already tired of you," The manager talked with a serious tone, making Jeno can't even explain himself as from the very beginning, he was being cutted off by their manager.

"But, you also know that this is not unfair! I already informed you that he had a bad stomach ache! He was just late for a while?! Don't act too far, hyung!" Dejun did not know since when he gained the braveness to talk back to their manager, but it still unfair for Jeno as supposedly, Jeno and Dejun were chosen to be that cloth brand model, and they already had an agreement back then with the company itself but they changed their mind that day and choose Dohyu instead.

"Late for a while?! Are you being serious Deju?! It's not once, but a lot of time! I think it's better to promote Dohyu after this. Leno just gets on my nerves day by day. Too overrated! I don't know why he is even popular? Only face? That's all you have?!" The manager stood up, glaring at Jeno before leaving the room.

Dejun sighed, sitting on the couch inside the room, motioning Jeno to sit beside him.

"Just ignore the asshole. You are really good at everything, don't believe in him," Dejun said, heart sinking when he looked at Jeno's face. "Ah, hyung. It's nothing! I'm not someone who cries easily over those things," Jeno jumped to Dejun's side, hugging the man tightly. He felt good once he could get that close to Dejun and Guanheng, having those two whenever he needed them.

"But I still don't get why he needs to act like that? He is so fucking annoying," Dejun rolled his eyes but Jeno giggled, flicking the older's forehead. "He is right at some points! It's good to know Dohyu is the one who got that job. I just want to rest, you know," Dejun shook his head, can't believe what he heard from Jeno's mouth, how the guy still can stay calm after receiving harsh words from their manager.

Can't admit more, indeed, he is a father of someone. That was why he was born stronger than others.

"Come on, let's get to Guan and go to your house! I miss my Sungchan already," Dejun lowers his voice before pulling Jeno from the couch to get out of the room.


"Let's go to my house today," Jeno smiled as he took Sungchan from the kindergarten. Since almost weeks they knew each other, never once he invited Renjun to go to his house. Renjun eyes widen with the sudden suggestion. "But why-"

When Renjun saw two heads from Jeno's car window, Renjun finally understood why Jeno invited him there. "Renjun, come on! We never know you that much! Let's spend time together our brother-in-law!" Guanheng shouted out from the car but Dejun quickly covered Guanheng's mouth as they were still in front of the kindergarten where children could easily see them. "Yeah, sure. But clothes?"

"Wear mine, love," Jeno replied before lifting up Sungchan and Chenle to put them in his car. Jeno turned around to look at Renjun, who was still standing there, staring at him. "You want me to lift you up too?" Renjun's face turned red once when Guanheng and Dejun laughed at how flirty Jeno was towards Renjun. Renjun quickly made his way to the front seat, sitting there with a blush that never faded away from his face without reply to Jeno.

As soon as Jeno entered the car, Jeno held Renjun's hand before driving the car away from the kindergarten, not really minding if Guanheng and Dejun saw it. He just wants to show how much he loves Renjun to everyone.

Yeah, Jeno is always that touchy. He loves skinships and Renjun is already used to it.


"Oh, do you take the pictures? Send them to me now," The man sat at the edge of his bed, ending the call quickly. He opened the chatbox between himself and an unknown person which he called before, receiving a lot of pictures from the other.

"Ah, he's dating someone?" The man smirked, finally getting what he wanted. This made it easier for him. He scrolled through every picture of Jeno and Renjun that he received, smiling as he was satisfied with what he got.

It was not a big deal. Everything about Jeno is in his hands now.

"You are not that perfect to be an idol. What would it feel like when your fans know about this? Let's see. Huh, poor you, Leno."


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