chapter 7

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Feeling someone on the top of his body, Jeno called for whoever he was thinking in his mind. "Renjun, are you awake?" He groaned in his sleep.

"Renjun? Is dad already forgetting my name?"

Renjun, who heard that, quickly ran from the kitchen to the living room where the scene happened. "Chenle, Sungchan, get down now," Renjun sighed at the sight in front of him, receiving giggles from the boys before both of them went down from Jeno's body. Jeno opened his eyes. As soon as he made eye contact with Renjun, he scratched his head. "Ah, good morning Renjun," He stuttered. What kind of weird dream he dreamt of. "G-good morning. Want to have breakfast?" Renjun asked, also stuttering every time he spoke up.

"Yeah, sure," Before Renjun could return back to the kitchen, Jeno grabbed his hand, making the other fall backward onto Jeno's laps. Renjun bit his lips, froze in his place. "Were we doing something last night? Hmm?" Jeno asked him with his husky voice as he just woke up. Jeno was really sure it was not a weird dream. It felt real. Realising what Jeno meant by that, Renjun pushed Jeno away and stood up to face the guy.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder then I need to put you on the couch. Then I slept in Chenle's bedroom. Nothing at all if that was the thing you want to know," Renjun walked away, leaving Jeno startled after being deceived by Renjun.

"Is your dad being rejected by my pa?" Chenle whispered to Sungchan. It was not a whisper as Jeno can hear it clearly. Both of them hide behind the chair, but anyone that passes by it can see them actually.

"I guess so,"


"Huang Renjun!" Renjun looked at Jaemin and rolled his eyes at him before sitting beside Renjun while watching the children play in the playground. "Jaemin, you don't have to shout like that! I can hear you!" Renjun glared at Jaemin only to receive a gentle hit on his shoulder. "I called you many times. You did not pay attention to me at all,"

"Ah, really? I'm sorry," Renjun chuckled awkwardly before looking at the children once again. "Renjun, what are you thinking about? You're never being like this. Mind sharing it with me?" Jaemin started their conversation, sounding concerned with his best friend. Renjun looked at the floor, biting his lips.

How should he explain this to Jaemin?



Jeno tightened his hug on Renjun's waist, loving how Renjun's body fitted his arm perfectly. Seeing Renjun did not push him at all, Jeno stayed like that for a while. He did not realise he fell asleep on Renjun's shoulder afterward.

Although his eyes shutted tightly, he can feel how Renjun tried hard to lift him from the floor onto the couch. Renjun panted heavily as he made it, looking at the sleeping figure in front of him. He looked at the mess of the food that they ate before.

As he wanted to turn away, Jeno pulled his hand until he fell onto Jeno's body. Jeno's eyes were slightly opened, looking into his.

"J-Jeno, you are drunk,"

Jeno still does not say anything. Slowly, his fingers made their way towards Renjun forehead where strain of Renjun's hair was covering the forehead, tucking Renjun's hair behind his ear as Renjun silky hair was a little bit longer until his neck, compared to Jeno's undercut hair.


Hearing those made Renjun completely startled. Before he could say or do anything, Jeno gave a quick peck on his nose. Jeno's eyes then gazed on Renjun's red lips, rubbing it with his thumb. Scaring at the thought of what will happen next, Renjun quickly got up from Jeno's body, walking away without looking back towards Jeno's direction. He entered Chenle's bedroom, locking from inside.

He sat behind the door, did not know why his heart beat so fast.

'He is just a stranger, Renjun. He just pity you,' He thought.

//End of Flashback//


"It's nothing, Jaemin. I'm just a little bit tired," Renjun smiled warmly.

Jaemin smiled before the smile turned into a smirk. He grabbed Renjun's hand, holding it with eyes filled with plans. Renjun knew Jaemin wanted to tease him about something from that look in his eyes. "Is that the reason why Sungchan's dad sent you here along with you two children? What did he do to you until you became tired? Like me and Minhyung on the bed-"

"Na Jaemin! Kids are here and we are fucking doing nothing," Renjun's face turned red.

"Both of you are fucking like us? I will consider if you did the first word."

"It's doing nothing, Jaemin. I'm on my way to the bus stop when Sungchan's dad drove his car in front of my apartment. We were on our way in the same location and he sent us here." Renjun can't look into Jaemin's eyes because he completely lied to his best friend. Jaemin sensed that. That was why this happened.

"Chenle, you will get a little brother or sister I don't know, soon!" Jaemin shouted jokingly before running away from Renjun after Renjun glared at him like he did something wrong. Jaemin sometimes can be childish although he is married and already has a son. No one can handle Jaemin like Minhyung does. Yeah, but what Jaemin said before was a little bit wrong actually as Chenle replied,

"Sungchan, we will get a brother!"

"I want a sister!"

Ah, Renjun knew he already fucked up this time, hoping that no one will mention about that again.

He and Jeno did not do anything. Fullstop.

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