chapter 19

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"Hey Dejun! I miss you!" Sicheng shouted from the other side, making Dejun pull the phone away from his ears. Dejun can't go to Sicheng's house along with Guanheng as he needed to attend the photoshoot that day. "Hyung, give me back my phone!" Guanheng took his phone back, and finally he could talk with Dejun.

"Are you done? By the way, you look good." Guanheng complimented him, making Dejun smile sheepishly. He shrugged off the comment, changing the topic. "We are not even starting yet. Dohyu seems to be a little bit late today,'' By that time, Dejun spotted Dohyu's figure that had just entered the studio.

Dohyu was looking around, searching for someone. His hand was holding two cups of coffee, which Dejun considered the other one was for him. Dejun walked towards the guy after ending the call, waving at him.

"Hyung," Dohyu smiled at him. "Where are you going?" Dejun said while he was actually waiting for Dohyu to give him that coffee.

"I ordered the coffee truck for our staffs today. You can get yours. Oh, hi Mr. Yang!" Dohyu walked away, leaving Dejun speechless. Ah, he really thought that the coffee is for him, but no. Its for the cameraman. 'But why would he ordered the coffee truck? He makes me look bad,' Dejun thought. As soon as two female staff walk past him while holding a coffee cup in their hand, Dejun can spot a sticker with Dohyu's image on the cup.

"Wow, he did not tell me at all,"

It is much better to talk on the phone with Sicheng all day than attend the photoshoot alone with Dohyu. He just felt a little bit uncomfortable to be there when he did not prepare anything, only himself for the photoshoot.

And because of that thought, he missed Sicheng. 'Guan, take me home, please,'


Renjun was resting at the bed when Jeno called him to ask him to go for a three days and two nights vacation in Busan. This was all because Jeno wanted to bring Sungchan and Chenle to the beach. This week is a perfect timing for the vacation as the teachers and the children were on a week of holiday.

Jeno asked him to invite Jaemin's family along with Sicheng as Guanheng and Dejun will also join them. But suddenly, he remembered about Yangyang's plan to visit his house that week.

"Jeno, can Yangyang and uncle Kun come along? Because, last week Yangyang had informed me that he will come to my house. But if you are not comfortable with it, it's okay," Renjun explained.

"Yeah, sure. Bring them along, I'm okay with it. But, why are you stuttering, love? Perhaps, are you scared if I get jealous?" Jeno caught him.

"Yeah, you are?"

"It's a big lie if I say I'm not. Of course I am but still, he is your best friend and he knew you longer than me. But don't worry, love. I know you still love me more than him," Jeno's answer made Renjun smile, feeling relieved with that. At least, he did not need to hide his relationship with Jeno from the persons he already recognised as his own family.

'This is the perfect timing to tell uncle Kun and Yangyang. They must be happy with my relationship,'


Jeno closed the book that he was reading, taking a glance at his phone that he put beside him. He received so many calls from Dohyu, and for the fifth time, he finally answered the call.

"Dohyu, is there something important?" He directly asked the question, did not want to waste his time if Dohyu only called him for nonsense.

"Not really, but are you planning on going anywhere next Monday? If not, I want to ask if you can help me find a present for my mother. Her birthday will be on the other Saturday," Dohyu excitedly talked on the other side, telling Jeno about his plan. "Sorry, Dohyu. I will go to Busan next week," Jeno quickly covered his mouth. He completely forget that Dohyu did not know anything about this.

"Ha? Alone? Or do you really date someone?" Jeno's eyes widened, denying it.

"I go there with Guan hyung and Deju hyung."

"Wow, since when did the three of you got really close? I never knew about this, but can I join you guys? It's only for a few days right?"

Jeno bit his lips, did not know how to reply without hurting the other. An idea popped up in his mind, "We already bought the flight tickets a week ago. I'm sorry, Dohyu. I think you can ask Kiro to join you because he is not going anywhere next week." Jeno gave a suggestion, feeling a little bit guilty inside.

"Oh, okay. Sure, buy me something later! I will ask Kiro after this. Bye, Leno!"

The call ended, making Jeno sighed in relief. He lied to his only friend and it did make Jeno wonder if he really considered Dohyu as a friend or not. Dohyu never knows anything about him and the same goes to Jeno.

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