chapter 29

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Renjun opened his eyes once he felt the warm of his favorite's person gone, wiping tears from
his eyes. He is someone that easily being woke up by a slight touch. Of course he felt everything that Jeno's done to his face! "Fuck Lee Jeno. I love you too!" He said under his breath, taking a glance at the tiny figure that slept beside him.

He might open his eyes and kiss Jeno roughly if only Jaeyun was not there, because Renjun knows they will not end up only with a kiss, maybe they will do more than that, and of course not in front of the sleeping baby. He tried his best to pretend that he still sleep, with hands grabbing on the mattress trying his best not to touch Jeno at all when Jeno kissed him all over his face.

But after listening to the words Jeno told him, Jeno did really mean to leave him, asking him to move on from Jeno. He wondered if Jeno really thought about his feeling. Sure, Jeno is selfish. Asking Renjun to be in love with someone else when Jeno is the only guy that he loves.

Jeno is dumb actually. Until now, Renjun really hates everyone that says 'I love you but you deserve someone better,'. Oh fuck. Is that really something that you should say to someone that you really love? If Jeno truly loves him, he should never let Renjun go at the very first place.

Renjun can't sleep after that. His mind kept on thinking about the other, not realise it was already seven in the morning. A sudden cry from Jaeyun made Renjun immediately focus on the boy, lifting up Jaeyun and put him on his lap.

"Yes baby? Are you hungry?"


"Renjun, you look tired," Jaemin asked as soon as he arrived at the chinese's house to pick up his son. Renjun shook his head, smiling. "I was watching movies alone until 4 a.m. I just enjoyed myself too much, I guess?" He laughed awkwardly. If he told Jaemin about Jeno, Jaemin might send a bomb to Jeno's house on the spot to kill the man.

"Good at lying, Huang. I don't want to ask more because you already take a good care of my baby. By the way, you might want to know this or not, but Minhyung was too rough last night, same like our first wedding night."

"You like it though." Minhyung replied, not even denied it and Renjun already tired with the couple's dirty talk. He just had enough.

"Not in front of Chenle, you two. Oh, God. Please protect my innocent kid." Renjun closed his eyes, praying.

"So, what is your plan today?" Jaemin changed the topic. Renjun pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head as an answer. Actually, he did not want to tell Jaemin that he planned on going to Jeno's house. It just, he wanted to make everything clear between both of them.

"Uh, I see. I don't know if I should tell you this but, Sicheng hyung told us that Jeno already moved put to somewhere else. Dejun and Guanheng did not tell him where is the location was. It does look like he doesn't want to meet you anymore," Jaemin said, eyes looking worried when he said those. First, he was really sure Jeno is not that bad. Second, he was hoping for Renjun to see Yangyang's effort.

"Just forget about him, Renjun. Find someone else that better than him." Minhyung never get involve with that kind of topics but that time, he seems to care a lot. Maybe, those two already had enough of having Renjun got hurt twice in his life.

"I already forget about him. Don't worry about that too much," Renjun chuckled, sipping his tea although he was really shocked at that fact.

If Jeno really left him, does it mean he also needs to leave and give up already?


"Dejun hyung, please. I know that you know everything,"

Dejun shook his head, hand grabbing on Renjun's hand, trying to comfort the other. He knew, Jeno left everything behind for the best. Maybe the best is not about Renjun.

"I'm sorry, Renjun but I can't tell you anything. He is safe, trust me. He is doing good along with Sungchan. I think by now, you should move on,"

"If that is the easiest thing to do, I will be the first person to forget about him, hyung. But I can't. He is someone that I can't forget. It's okay to break up but I really need an explanation from him."

Dejun did not reply to that. Only if Renjun knows what happened to their group, Renjun might blame himself.

"I really miss him, hyung. But why?"

Before Renjun could ask more, the news on the television made he paid his full attention on the thing.

'Popular singer, Leno leave his group, JCT'

Renjun's eyes widened at that, standing up from his own chair to get a clear view of the face that he saw on the screen. Dejun did not expect for the news to drop out very soon, in result, he held onto Renjun.

"He left the group two days before,"

"Hyung, is that happened because of me? Or did he really wants to avoid me that bad? Hyung please, I want to meet him," Renjun asked Dejun, asking for an answer that Dejun can't give.

Dejun had enough of that, trying not to let out his anger to Renjun. Deep inside, he also blame Renjun for making things worst. If only Renjun did not accept Jeno's confession, their group will never have a problem like now. He should stop Jeno since beginning from having a relationship when their job at risk.

"I think, you should be with someone better, Renjun. He is not someone that can give his full attention on you. He kept on thinking about you, although when we were working, losing his focus on his work. Not only that, he lost many offers and that happened because of you. I'm sorry but you should stop intefere with his life. I'm sure he already realised that, that's why he left you,"

Renjun chuckled at that, eyes looking at Dejun's. "Someone better? Is that the only thing that you guys could think of? Attention? Intefere his life? Huh, wow,"

"Okay then, I will forget about him.

And all of you."

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