chapter 31

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"Dad, what are you doing?" Sungchan looked at Jeno and something in the laptop that he did not understand. He knitted his brows, trying to figure out what was Jeno trying to do. "I compose a song. You want to hear it?"

Sungchan nodded eagerly before Jeno lifting him up to sit on Jeno's lap. Jeno clicked the play button, playing the music that he composed for almost three months. It not completely finish yet, but Jeno kind of satisfied with his works.

He did not have anyone for this time being to share his feelings with so by composing the song and writing his own lyrics, he can describe his feeling well through it, with someone in his mind.

"Dad, is it your voice? The song sound fun! Play it again, please?" Jeno nodded at his son before he playing the song once again.

To be exact, the song might sound cheerful for children like Sungchan. Only if Sungchan knew the meaning of the song, but he is still too young to understand that.

"Dad, I really want to ask you this. Do you play that guitar?" Sungchan pointed at one side of the recording room which he saw an acoustic guitar that belong to Jeno. "Yes, I can play that,"

Sungchan amazed at that. Jeno never show his guitar's skills in front of Sungchan, that was the reason why Sungchan was excited to know his dad can play the instrument well.

"Play it for me!" Sungchan went down from Jeno's lap, taking the guitar and giving it to Jeno. Can't endure his son cuteness anymore, Jeno nodded, taking the guitar with Sungchan in front of him patiently waited for him.

"You're my missing puzzle piece~"

(Puzzle piece - Nct Dream is playing)

His voice was soothing enough to make Sungchan gasped, did not even blink when his focus was fully on his dad. His dad melodic voice, how skillful Jeno can play the guitar, and Jeno's face and voice were showing how much the lyrics of the song can relate to his life. Everything about Jeno made Sungchan proud to have a dad like him although he grew up without a figure of mother beside him.

Jeno could not finish the song when Sungchan immediately jumped onto him, making Jeno startled. "Baby, you will hurt yourself," Jeno put the guitar aside, holding his son who still have his arms around Jeno's neck.

"What's wrong, my little boy?" Jeno asked but Sungchan just shook his head.

"I love you dad."

"I love you more, baby,"

The father and the son stayed like that for a few minutes before Sungchan leaned away from Jeno, asking,

"Can you teach me to play the guitar? I want to be someone like you,"


"Yangyang, Chenle, come here let's eat!" Renjun called the two guys that was chasing each other in front of Kun's house. He did not serve more, only a plate of cookies that he tried to bake before promoting them on his cafe, and also a jug of orange juices, his Chenle's favorite.

Yangyang came back with Chenle in his arm, tickling the little boy as he caught Chenle on their previous game. "Uncle Yangyang, put me down!" Chenle giggled, struggling in Yangyang's arms until Yangyang needed to put the boy down.

Both of them walked towards Renjun, and also Kun that just came out to join the other three.

"Pa, you baked cookies?" Chenle asked excitedly before he sat beside Kun. Renjun nodded before he can feel an arm wrapped around his shoulder. He turned his face to his side, only to meet Yangyang's eyes. Renjun gulped at how close their gaps were, how Yangyang looked at his lips after that, gulping down his own saliva at Yangyang's own action. Yangyang smirked, whispering into his ears, "Your lips are pretty though. Hope they can touch mine soon," Yangyang said before sitting in front of Chenle, leaving Renjun speechless.

"Pa, your face is red! Do you feeling sick?" Chenle asked, making Renjun deny it quickly. Well, Yangyang was actually hot and he did not know if his heart still can remain calm after everything Yangyang done to him lately.


That night, it was the same night as usual. Renjun preferred to have a movie night along with Yangyang by his side, as Chenle and Kun already fell asleep earlier.

The movie was the same movie that they watched almost every years. But that time, they somehow can't focus on the movie anymore.

Yangyang moved closer to Renjun, until their shoudlers touched each other under the same blanket. The night was cold, but both of them can feel the same heat between them.


Renjun looked at Yangyang, waiting for the guy to continue his words. Renjun should expect this because he was really sure that their conversation will lead to something that he did not know how to answer.

"Can I hold your hand?" Yangyang asked but Renjun thought for a while before nodding. Yangyang took Renjun's hand and holding it under their shared blanket.

"Hmm. I guess you already know about this but I want to explain everything to you. Since the first day I met you in the cafe long time ago, I fell for you and until now, I can't even move on from you. I thought that if we stay as friends, I could never lose you but I was wrong about it. You finally fall in love with another person, that is not me. I never felt down before until you told me about your relationship with Jeno. I know I was kinda selfish if I asked you this but now, I think I already give you enough of time to think about this. So, Huang Renjun, let me be with you, take care of you and Chenle, build a new life together and have kids around, have me as someone that you can rely on, someone that you believe the most, and someone that can love you more than yourself. Please, let me be that person. So, Renjun, I don't want a boyfriend phase between us so I will ask you a question. Will you be my husband?"

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