chapter 32 (side characters ending part 1)

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//a long chapter//

1) donghyuck + JCT

He felt empty. He regretted everything he had done. Looking blankly at the amount of files in front of him, the cotracts that was being stolen by him from Jeno. He felt dirty with his doings. He did not know the point to be popular anymore when he literally lost his favourite members because of himself.

He missed Jeno. A lot. Thinking about what they went through together in their trainee's days made Donghyuck hates himself for doing such things to Jeno. Because of his jealousy and greediness, he did everything that he can to make Jeno fell badly. Ended up, hurting himself more.

His group members did not talk to him anymore after that day. Everyone avoided him and it did not make him feel happy. He had almost everything but lost the most precious things in his life- his friends. Only if he could turn back time and being selfless.

"Dohyu, you will have another schedule on-" Before the manager could finish his words, Donghyuck cut him off. "I want to stop all of these. Hyung, can we be fair now?"

The manager rolled his eyes, grabbing Donghyuck's shoulders to face him. "Do you really want to waste everything that we did together? We go through everything and become success at the point no one could stop us. Don't say anything ridiculous, Dohyu,"

"It's not like that, hyung. I feel guilty to my group members. Jeno quitted this job because of me when he really needs money to survive with his own child. We are too cruel, hyung. We should stop everything and let's find Jeno," Donghyuck begged to his manager but the other just shrugged him off.

"Enough of this nonsense and stop acting like you was not the one who planned everything. It's your fault and no one would believe you anymore so, just follow everything now. Attend the schedules and that's all you have to do. Don't pretend to be kind when you are not. And now, go to prepare with the next schedule,"

The manager then left Donghyuck alone there before leaving the room. Donghyuck sighed, thinking about another way to fix everything.

Well, being a brat for one last time is not a bad idea, wasn't it?

So there was Donghyuck, leaving the studio without looking back anymore.


"Hyung, I'm really sorry and I just realized I should never do that." Donghyuck looked down at the table in front of Jaehyun and Shotaro. He was too embarrassed to face his own group members. Well for months, they did not talk to each other, more likely his group members avoided him and focus more on their own schedules.

"You should apologize to Jeno. He had a really hard time, you know?" Jaehyun sighed. He did not really mad at Donghyuck as he did not know what the other felt before. As a leader, he blamed himself for not taking a good care of his members.

"I know, I really hope to talk to him soon. Hyung, do you have his phone number?"

Jaehyun nodded a little before turning on his phone and sending Jeno's new contact to Donghyuck. He also hope that those two relationship will be fixed as soon as possible. "Thank you, hyung. But actually, there is another thing I want to tell you. I want to quit. I don't want to make all of you become uncomfortable to have me in JCT."

Jaehyun sighed, looking at Shotaro who somehow getting annoyed with their conversation. "Hyuck, we never hate you. And please don't leave the group. We don't want to lose another member again. But I just hope that you will never do that again. Can you promise us that?"

Donghyuck thought for a while before nodding, immediately hugging both Jaehyun and Shotaro. "I'm really sorry. But, manager hyung. He still don't want to admit what he did wrong. I don't think we can stay with him,"

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