chapter 18

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'Breaking News : Leno from JCT was being caught dating!'

All members of JCT gathered in the room, standing beside each other, and couldn't look into their manager and CEO's eyes. Leno's name was all over the internet because of the new headline from the daily newspaper that morning.

"What is this? Dating?" The CEO of the company threw away the newspaper, hitting directly on their manager's face. "Why can't you handle your idol?! I'm giving you this job and you should take it as a serious matter! This is not the place where you can make it as your own playground!"

His voice echoed in the room. Face turned into bright red, showing how mad he was.

"Leno, is it true? About the news? Answer me," His voice became softer once he talked to Jeno. One of the reasons why the manager dislikes Jeno. He was being treated better than anyone else. Every pair of eyes were looking at Jeno, waiting for his answer. Jeno shook his head, denying what he did in his real life.

"Good then. Pay the media to stop them from posting about this, ask them to take down all the rumour about Leno and give a statement that Leno denied that he is dating someone. Make sure to be careful after this and don't let this happen again, or you know what will happen to you, and JCT," The CEO said before gesturing to them to leave his room.

Jaeyu's eyes caught the sight of Jeno and as soon as they left the room, Jaeyu asked Jeno to meet him personally. Jeno thought he was a lucky little bit because their manager also wanted to meet him but Jaeyu was a little bit quick, grabbing his hand first. After making sure no one was there, Jaeyu brought Jeno to a small room located at the end of the hallway in that level. He closed the door before facing Jeno.

"Are you really dating someone?"

Jeno already expected that question will come out from their leader's mouth. He did not know how to answer him, lying for the nth time, shaking his head as the answer.

"Ah, it seems like you want to keep the problem all by yourself. I don't know what happened in your real life. Sometimes, I'm wondering if you are considering me as your leader or not,"

Jeno sighed, looking at Jaeyu. "Do you think I should tell you every single thing? My personal matter is none of your business. So, stop it, hyung." Jaeyu grabbed both of Jeno's shoulders, making the boy look into his eyes. "Three years Leno. It's been three years since we debuted and almost ten years since we knew each other, but I never knew you personally! I want to know you better, Jeno. I don't want you to suffer alone,"

Jeno kept on shutting his mouth, and did not know what to respond. He knew Jaeyu was trying really hard to take care of their group members and he kinda admits he is the one who put the line between them. He did not talk very much with Jaeyu since their debut, but back then, Jaeyu was the only hyung that helped him a lot in training, practising and singing but never once he depends on Jaeyu in other things especially about his personal life.

Seeing no response from Jeno, Jaeyu laid his back on the white wall before continuing, "I think I should tell you this but, please don't tell the others." He paused.

"It's okay to date someone you love. I'm doing that, you know? For about four years?"

The statement from Jaeyu made Jeno gasp, not believing what he heard. Their leader was dating someone too? Same as him? Jaeyu took out his phone, showing his lockscreen to Jeno. He smiled, saying, "Isn't he pretty? His name is Doyoungie," Jeno looked at the phone before looking back at Jaeyu's face as the guy seemed to want to talk about 'Doyoungie' more.

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