chapter 6

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Renjun opened the front door, revealing Jeno that smiled brightly at him. It was already late at night, and finally Jeno came to his house to take Sungchan home. In Jeno's hands, he held two paper bags that Renjun considered there was food in those paper bags as seasoning fried chicken can be smelled from those.

"You don't want to invite me in?"

Renjun looked at Jeno blankly before realising he forgot to invite Jeno to enter his small house. Jeno smiled as soon as Renjun opened the door widely, motioning him to enter his house. As Jeno stepped inside the house, he smiled to look at the simple design of the house. Most of the things were white and light coral in colour, neat and smelled nice, like a mix of vanilla and peach. Although the house is small, Jeno can't deny that the house is more comfortable for him than his own mansion.

"Where are the kids?"

Jeno asked as soon as he put the paper bags on the dining table. Renjun came back to his direction, giving Jeno a glass of water. "They already sleep in my bedroom." Jeno nodded, muttering the word 'thanks' before gulping down the cold water. Renjun stood beside him, taking the empty glass as soon as Jeno finished it. "Where is your wife? Or maybe husband? I bought a lot of chickens. We can eat together,"

Renjun stared at him, blinking his eyes.

"I don't have anyone, only Chenle,"

Both of them looked at each other, feeling awkward once again.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Renjun smiled at him before he walked towards the kitchen, returning back with plates and those paper bags in his hands. "Mr. Lee, can you take the plastic gloves on the rack?"

"Yeah, sure,"

Renjun and Jeno sat beside each other on the floor, leaning their backs on the couch. Renjun opened the chicken's paper bag, looking at Jeno.

"Do you like thighs or breasts?"


Jeno looked at Renjun's body to his thigh. He gulped down his own saliva, looking at Renjun's eyes, trying to figure out what Renjun means by that. "Ah, I mean this chicken. Which part do you like," Renjun coughed, knowing that his face turned red. At the same time Jeno was realising he thought things too far.

"Oh, it's chicken's thigh for me," Renjun put the chicken thigh on Jeno's plate by wearing the plastic glove as he preferred not to make his hand smell like the seasoning chicken. He also put another chicken thigh on his plate. Giving the plate to Jeno, he then sat beside Jeno before both of them started to eat the chicken.

"I brought soju with me? Wanna drink?" Renjun shook his head. "I still need to go to work tomorrow. I don't want to smell like alcohol in front of the children," Jeno poured soju in a glass and plain water in Renjun's glass. He handed the plain water to Renjun. "Still, we need to celebrate my last day of concert, cheers,"

"Yeah cheers,"

Jeno put his glass on the table after six shots of soju, looking at Renjun that already switched on the television. Both of them decided to watch any movie, only to break the silentness around them. "So, where are your family members?" Jeno asked Renjun. Renjun looked in Jeno's direction, giggled when Jeno's face already turned red, knowing that Jeno was already drunk.

"Are you drunk?"

Jeno smiled, shaking his head. "Nah, not really. Don't change the topic,"

"But you must to share yours too,"

Jeno hummed as he agreed to that although he actually can't do that because of his work as an idol. Everything is in the contract. But, he just wants to share everything with Renjun although Renjun is just a stranger. He then paid his full attention to the story that Renjun would tell him.

"I tell you this because there is nothing for me to hide. I was being raped, getting Chenle and being kicked out from house because of that. That was when I found Yangyang, my friend and his dad in South Korea. They helped me and now, I'm here?"

"We are the same then,"

Renjun knitted his brows. "Mr. Lee, what do you mean by the same?"

"You don't have to call me that, Renjun. It's Jeno for you. By the way, I made my high school friend pregnant at our school reunion because we were drunk. It's an accident actually, and I hid the truth from my parents until the girl decided to leave South Korea with her family. She left me with Sungchan. I didn't have any job back then, so when I told my family about this, they also kicked me out of the house." Jeno took a deep breath, looking at Renjun with his drunk eyes before continue,

"It's hard to survive actually, isn't it?"

Renjun gasped, and couldn't believe that he finally found someone that had the same situation as him before. He patted Jeno's shoulder slowly, trying to make Jeno feel better.

"Why?" Jeno looked at him. "I think, you need a comfort, I guess,"

Renjun pitied Jeno more than himself as Jeno needed to survive with his child alone. At least, Renjun has Yangyang and Kun that helped him a lot. Jeno, he has no one. Suddenly, Jeno moved from his side, sitting in front of Renjun before hugging the tiny man tightly. Renjun's face automatically fell onto Jeno's shoulder, his nose inhaled the gentleman scent of Jeno, making Renjun relaxed a little bit in his warm hug.

"You too. You also need comfort," Jeno whispered into Renjun's ears before Renjun heard a small snore from the guy that still hugged onto him. Without him noticing, he smiled because of that.

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