chapter 4

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After putting Sungchan on his kid's car seat at the back, Jeno opened up the door of the front passenger seat, asking Renjun to enter the car. Renjun bowed a little, his right hand held on the back of Chenle's head to make sure his little baby's head would not bump into the car's door. Jeno closed the door for Renjun before he entered the car and sat on the driver's seat. "Are you already wearing your seatbelt?" Jeno asked, receiving a nod from Renjun. Jeno also asked Renjun to type his house address on the screen which Renjun quickly did.

The night ride was filled with silentness, neither one of them wanted to talk. Being in someone else's car already made it awkward for Renjun. Having someone to sit beside him while he was driving also made Jeno feel something new that he never felt before.

As soon as both of them arrived at the front of Renjun's apartment, Jeno stopped the car. "We arrived,"

"Thank you Mr. Lee. You don't have to do this but thank you very much," Renjun smiled at him.

Jeno suddenly remembered about the last day of his concert that will be held the next day. Before Renjun could open the car's door, Jeno held his hand. "Renjun, I have something to tell you." Renjun eyes widen, feeling weird with the sudden touch. His eyes glared at Jeno's hand that still held onto him. Realizing that he still did not let the tiny hand go, he muttered the word sorry before he let Renjun's hand go.

"So, what is it?" Renjun laid his back on the seat, waiting for Jeno to start talking. Jeno breathed heavily before taking off his mask, revealing his perfect face. Renjun was kind of amused by that. 'Is showing his face is what he is going to tell me? Is he trying to seduce me? Erm,' Renjun bit his lower lips as he did not get what Jeno was trying to explain.

"I am Leno, from JCT." Renjun looked at him with no expression before letting out an awkward chuckle, eyes moved to make Jeno explain. "W-what is JCT, I'm sorry." For the first time he heard that. It made Jeno become awkward too but relieved as Renjun did not become too excited after knowing he is from one of those popular kpop groups. "Ah, it's a kpop group."

"I'm really sorry, I'm not into Korean songs. I often listen to Chinese songs," Renjun gulped. Finally, he felt a little bit guilty because their conversation became awkward because of him. "I will listen to your song after this, I promised." Jeno giggled, seeing Renjun stuttered very much after he revealed himself. "It's okay. That is not the point. I just want to ask you for help?" Jeno looked into Renjun's eyes.

"Yeah, sure. I will help you if I can,"

Jeno turned his body to face Renjun, taking a deep breath before saying what he was going to say.

"Can you take care of Sungchan tomorrow night? I have a concert until late at night. It will be the first and last time, I promised." Jeno bit his lips. He closed his eyes, scaring at the fact that Renjun might refuse to do so. But Renjun's answer made him excited a little bit. "Only that? Sure. You don't have to be that nervous to ask me for help. It is good to have Sungchan here to play with Chenle," Renjun giggled.

"Thank you, Renjun."

"Yeah sure but how can you trust me that easily?"

Jeno looked at him in his eyes, raising his eyebrows.

"You are a teacher, my son's teacher. You also have a child. What would I expect you to do with my child when you are having the same situation as me,"

"You are too confident to say that. Never mind. Thank you Mr. Lee for the ride," Renjun replied before getting out of the car with Chenle still asleep in his arms.

"Hmm, welcome. Take care,"

"Yeah, you too Mr. Lee."


Minhyung wrapped his arms around his husband trying to make his son sleep. He dropped a peck on Jaemin's cheek before looking at Jaeyun in Jaemin's arms. "Babe, you should sleep now. It must be tiring to take care of children everyday." Minhyung whispered into Jaemin's ears, causing Jaemin to smile warmly. "You are tired too, Minhyung. Go to rest first, I will join you later," Did not really care with Jaemin's answer, Minhyung took the child from Jaemin's arm, singing Jaeyun to sleep.


Jaeyun excitedly called for Minhyung, making Minhyung and Jaemin chuckled to see that their baby did not want to sleep. "I guess, he thought of playing with you,"

"I think so," Minhyung replied before he pecked his son's nose. "Jaeyun baby, sleep with dada, okay? Your dad is tired," Minhyung said with a lowered voice towards their son. Jaeyun, not understanding what his 'dada' said, only giggled with his two teeth at the front. Minhyung rubbed his son's nose with his finger, patting his son's back slowly with his other hand and at the same time singing a lullaby. Jaeyun's eyes were getting heavier, finally shutted as he already fell asleep in Minhyung's arms.

"He's already asleep."

Minhyung put his son in the crib, smiling with Jaemin that stood beside him as they watched their baby. Minhyung wrapped his arm around Jaemin's shoulder, massaging his shoulder, saying that Jaemin did a great job as a parent.

"Thank you, Minhyung,"

"You too, babe,"

Jaemin laid his head on Minhyung's shoulder, and suddenly, he remembered his best friend, Renjun. These days, he worries a lot about his one and only best friend. Renjun looked so tired especially when his own son started to attend their kindergarten.

"I pity Renjun a lot. I don't know what to do if I were at his place. Taking care of Chenle alone, working for both of them to survive, being thrown away from his own family. I don't think I can be as tough as him. Lucky me, I have you,"

"We should help him find someone then."

"Will he let us do that? Of course no, Minhyung,"

"You don't have to worry about that a lot. Soon, someone that he can rely on will be there for him. I'm really sure about that. Okay, baby?"

Jaemin did not reply to it. Minhyung seems not to care about Renjun at all. Maybe he should not have shared that to Minhyung in the first place. "Let's sleep," Jaemin said, changing the topic, taking Minhyung's hand in his but Minhyung pulled him back until Jaemin's face bumped onto his chest. Jaemin looked at him, blushing when Minhyung kissed his forehead.

Knowing what his husband needs, Jaemin slowly wrapped his arms around Minhyung's neck before kissing him slowly. "I miss you, Jaemin," Minhyung muttered those words while they were kissing.

"Me too,"

"So, can we focus on ourselves for now, hmm?"

Jaemin nodded, looking at Minhyung lovingly before he kissed the lips once again.


Jaemin and Minhyung's son

Lee Jaeyun (2)Jaemin and Minhyung only son

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Lee Jaeyun (2)
Jaemin and Minhyung only son. They got him after a year of marriage. (Pretend the picture is when Jaeyun already become an adult)

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