chapter 27

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"I want to quit." Jeno said, throwing the file with his contract with the company on the table, in front of his manager.

"What?" The manager wiped his face in anger, sighing when he saw the change in Jeno's face. For years he worked with Jeno, that was his first time to see that face, the side that Jeno never show to anyone else.

"Don't you have ears?" Jeno said before taking his bag and wearing his cap, walking towards the exit door, bumping his shoulder with the manager's until the manager shoved backward. He ignored whoever that was calling his name at that time, wanting to leave the cruel company as soon as possible.

Dejun laid his back on the chair, closing his eyes shut. "I don't think I can stay here longer, come on," He muttered, which can be heard by Guanheng clearly before the other man pulled his arm, to leave the room.

"The meeting already ended right? We will leave now," Guanheng and Dejun left the room, did not waited for their manager to reply them.

"This is what you want?" Jaehyun looked at the manager before his eyes focused on Dohyu. "I hope you are happy with this." Jaehyun was the next to leave with Jisu followed him from his back.

Kiro knitted his brows, trying to figure out what was happening. It seems like he did not know anything that happened in the group at the moment. Until he heard the manager's laugh, saying, "The company is yours, Dohyu,"

"Yeah, it's better this way. I don't need to compete with that guy anymore. Kiro, I will help you and make sure we will get every opportunities in this company. You should thank me-"

"What? Thanking you for breaking up our friendships? Hell, no. You are so selfish, Dohyu. I thought you really close with Leno. But look at what you have done?" Kiro got up from his seat, walking towards the door with a disappointment on his face. He trust Dohyu, but not anymore.


Flashback the night before //Jisu (Jisung), Dohyu (Donghyuck) and Jaeyu (Jaehyun)//

"Hyung! You already practice your part?" Jisu nervously walking back and fourth the room as his turn will come soon after Dohyu. Dohyu nodded at the question, finally standing up to record his part.

"Jisu, can you keep my phone?" Jisu nodded, taking the phone from Dohyu's hand before flopping down onto the couch in the recording room. "Hyung, I want to take selcas!" Jisu shouted, receiving an 'okay' sign from Dohyu.

Although he was really nervous with the recording, he still pose a lot, taking selcas from every edges. After he done with taking a lot of pictures, he looked into Dohyu's gallery to look back the pictures that he just taken. Not to mention how he can memorize it really well every members' phone password, so he can easily access to their phones. (for emergency purposes, Jisu said)

When he opened the gallery and as careless he can be, he accidentally opened another file. But when he saw the pictures in the gallery, there were some pictures he never seen before.

'How Dohyu hyung can have Leno hyung and this other man's photos? Why the pictures are the same one as the pictures that was being uploaded before? Oh hell, the date,'

The sudden message notification made Jisu flinched, accidentally opened the message. He wanted to close the chat back, but the sudden pictures of Jeno, a man and another two children were getting his attention. With a text, 'I already got their family pictures for you, Hyuck. The one that you want,'

Jisu immediately turned off the phone when Dohyu walked to him after finishing with his recording.

"Done taking selcas?" Dohyu asked, taking his phone from Jisu. Jisu nodded, smiling awkwardly. "Send to me those selcas later," Jisu replied before entering the recording studio with heart beat fast than usual.

After the recording session ended, Jisu did not wait any longer, returning to their dorm quickly. Lucky for him, Dejun and Guanheng were hanging out with Guanheng's hyung, Dohyu was busy with another schedule and Kiro was going out to meet his family that just arrived from Japan. It did mean only Jaehyun left in their dorm.

Jisu entered their dorm, spotting Jaehyun on their living room, smiling while texting. But as soon as Jaehyun realised Jisu was already there, Jaehyun quickly turned off his phone, motioning Jisu to come to his side.

"Something happened? What's wrong Jisung?" Jaehyun asked, concern.

"Hyung, do you remember when the first article of Leno hyung and his boyfriend was being released?" Jisung asked. He knew, Jaehyun will questioning him as Jisung never really care about the rumors or news he saw online. "Wait, I had screenshot that article in my phone,"

Jaehyun looked up on his phone, searching for the screenshot. "Oh, on July 15. Why?"

"Hyung, I saw the same pictures in Dohyu's hyung gallery. The same pictures that they used in the article. The date he received the photos was on July 14."

"Jisung, are you being serious right now? Do you know what are you talking right now can make things worse?" Jaehyun grabbed Jisung's shoulders, making Jisung looked at his direction. Jisung nodded. "Hyung, I accidentally opened his chat, and someone just sent him pictures of Jeno hyung, that man and two children."

Jaehyun sighed. He did not know how to response with what he just heard. Well, it did make sense because before this, Dohyu accidentally mentioned about 'two sons' which no one ever talks about that. Jaehyun also knew how Jeno likely to keep his secrets from Dohyu. "If any articles come out tomorrow, I will talk to Dohyu and the company personally. We will see, what they will do next,"

End of flashback.


|| hello everyone!! i update two chapters today! twenty seven and twenty eight <3 ||

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