chapter 13

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When Jaemin arrived at the kindergarten with Minhyung that sent him there, both of them were startled to see how Huang Renjun acted that morning. Never once have the Chinese arrived earlier to the school within these weeks, having a great mood since morning, oh wait. Why was Sungchan also there? Jaemin closed his mouth, letting out a chuckle only to receive a weird look from Minhyung. He did not get why his husband acted that way.

"Why, baby? What Renjun did? I missed something?"

Jaemin looked at Minhyung, shaking his head. "You should go to work now, Minhyung. I will tell you everything later when we return home, okay?" Jaemin tiptoed, giving a peck on Minhyung's cheek before he walked inside the kindergarten. As he entered the class, he approached Renjun from behind to scare him, expecting the guy to scold him but Renjun just giggled, asking Jaemin to welcome the students that will arrive later.

Sicheng walked towards Jaemin once he saw Renjun walk away from the guy. "You know what, hyung. He smells like a guy,"

"Jaemin. He is a guy."

"It's not that. He smells like me after Minhyung and I have s-" Sicheng covered Jaemin's mouth tightly only to be bit by Jaemin on his palm. "You don't have to say anything that happened in your private life,"

"But he smells like that."

Sicheng rolled his eyes, ignoring Jaemin with his 24 hours dirty mind. How can Minhyung handle this guy? Sicheng himself had enough of Jaemin.

The day continued like usual, taking care of children, preparing their meal, bathing and taking them to sleep. But Jaemin never once left his eyes from Renjun. The suitable time for him to ask Renjun about that finally came, he grabbed Renjun somewhere else while Sicheng was being asked to look for the children for a moment, which the guy badly did not want to do. He also needs to know about Renjun!

"So, what actually happened, Renjun? I'm your best friend, I should be the first one to know everything!" Jaemin dramatically showed how he felt, how upset he was with Renjun that did not tell him anything, shaking the guy's body until Renjun needed to stop him immediately.

"Jaemin, he asked me for a date,"

"What? Who? Yangyang?"

"Dumb Jaemin. Why would Yangyang ask me that?"

"S-sungchan's dad? Mr. Lee?"

Renjun hummed, looking at the floor as he was embarrassed with Jaemin. Not when the guy already hitted him excitedly, asking him everything, especially the things that Jaemin really wanted to know. About last night of course. "Go for it, Renjun. Minhyung and I can take care of the kids, trust me,"

Sicheng then joined them, actually he eavesdropped on them before. How could he be the only one who was left there? "I can take care of Chenle too,"

Jaemin and Renjun looked at the person that interfered with their conversation. It's done. Completely done.

"Ah, no. Sicheng hyung, no. You heard us,"

"So, are you planning to hide it from me? Renjun, I'm your hyung."

"Both of you are so dramatic, please stop. He just asked me for a date, not a marriage. It's not a big thing to tell everyone about it,"

"So, confirm about it with Mr. Lee. Later on, the three of us will take care of the children! Don't worry about that and enjoy your date, bestie!"

Renjun smiled at that, really thankful to have such friends like them.

But, should he tell Yangyang and Kun about this too? Bet they will become excited too! Especially Yangyang that always asks him to open up his heart to someone -but only if Yangyang knows someone that is not Yangyang.



Renjun walked out from the elevator as soon as he saw the guy from a distance. Jeno was wearing a black long coat with a beige scarf around his neck. The night was really cold that day. Seeing Renjun went down to see him with only a pair of sweatpants and a layer of cloth made, Jeno quickly ran to the man. "Hey, wear your jacket. Come here," Jeno took off his scarf, wrapping it around Renjun's neck. "Ah, it's okay. By the way, where is Sungchan?"

"He sleeps in the car. Are you leaving Chenle alone?"

Renjun shook his head. "No, uncle Kun took care of him, along with Yangyang," Renjun bit his lips once he saw Jeno looked away when he mentioned Yangyang's name. Feeling guilty, he grabbed Jeno's arm before intertwining their hands together. Jeno smiled at that, putting his hands in his long coat's pocket.

"It's cold, let's stay in my car for a while,"

Renjun followed Jeno, entering the car quickly when the cold breeze blew on them. He looked at the back seat, seeing Sungchan sleeping soundly there. Once Jeno sat beside him, both of them stayed silent for a while, enjoying each other's company.

"So, how about this weekend? Do you agree for the date?" Jeno asked. He took Renjun's hand once again, playing with it. Renjun let out a chuckle when he saw Jeno acted cute, playing with his fingers while blowing onto each of the fingers. "Of course, Jaemin wanted to take care of Sungchan and Chenle. Are you okay with it?" Jeno looked at Renjun. "The other teacher, right? Yeah, sure. He is your friend."

"Is that only the thing you want to say? You can call me, Jeno,"

"Love, listen. I want to see you. I miss everything about you," Jeno hugged the man, kissing Renjun's cheeks over and over but still managed to not make a loud sound while kissing the other. "Jeno, stop. I miss you too,"

"Really? How can I trust you?" Jeno made a thoughtful gesture, looking at Renjun with a full expectation on his face. Renjun's face turned red, quickly grabbed Jeno's cheeks before giving a quick peck on Jeno's lips. Jeno smiled when Renjun covered his face with his palms, looking cute like always. "Love, do it again,"

"Jeno, I need to go upstairs. Kun might wonder what I did in the middle of night,"

"Just tell him that you meet your boyfriend,"

"You are an idol, hun,"

"Call me that again before I let you go," Renjun shrugged Jeno's hand off, glaring at the man jokingly before quickly going down from the car. "Call me when you arrive home, good night," Jeno laughed at how Renjun ignored him, knowing that the Chinese were not really into lovey-dovey things, unlike Jeno, he wanted that, but only from Renjun.

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