chapter 5

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Jeno entered the backstage room as they gathered for the last concert with a wide smile. Dohyu found it a little bit weird for Jeno to be like that as the guy always keeps on his serious face for 24 hours per day. In the morning, Jeno showed his interest in joining the others, making jokes and even supporting Dohyu's teases.

"What's wrong with Leno?" Deju whispered to Guan, but Guan only shook his head. "I don't know. He has been acting weird since morning."

"He never teased me before, but he did this morning," Jisu suddenly stood between Deju and Guan, looking at both of his favourite hyung in JCT. "Ah, it should be. You always try to attract everyone with your cuteness. Bet, Leno just noticed that side of yours now," Deju pinched their maknae's cheek, making Jisu pouted suddenly and teased by his hyung.

Suddenly, Jaeyu gathered all of them as their last day of the concert will begin soon. Being a good leader he is, he was making sure that no one got injured from the day before and giving them positive vibes and advice.

"Today's concert will end a little bit late. I hope all of you must be careful while you guys perform later. We can do this okay?" Jaeyu then chanted their group's cheers before everyone started to do their own preparation. Jeno wore his blue in-ear, with help from the staff.

"Leno, I think you should unbutton your upper shirt. You will look great with that, yeah. But just do anything that you want," His female stylish stutter, scared if Jeno might refuse to do it as before, Jeno always rejects the outfits that she prepared for him.

"Yeah sure,"

Jeno did what she asked him to, looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Yeah, you are right." Jeno smiled at the stylish, making her blush before walking away. It's a win for her to have Jeno smile at her.

"See, I said just now he looks weird," Deju whispered towards Dohyu but Dohyu just shrugged him off. "Hyung, you need to become closer to him. Leno is unpredictable," Dohyu laughed before leaving Deju with his random thoughts about Jeno. Inside, Dohyu was also wondering why Jeno suddenly changed.

Jeno did not have much to think about that day because he had someone who could take care of Sungchan. At least, he knew Sungchan was in good hands. Before this, everytime he had a concert, he needed to leave Sungchan with the babysitters. No one can take care of Sungchan as the boy can't stay still, and did not want to listen to anyone else except for his dad. All of the babysitters he paid before immediately dropped out of work. That was why Jeno was impressed when Renjun could attract Sungchan just like that.

Renjun is soft-spoken, has a nice personality and also he is such a husband material. (In Jeno's mind)

Ah, what was he thinking about?

"Jeno, come on. Let's get on the stage,"


"You bring him along?" Jaemin asked Renjun as soon as Renjun took Sungchan together with Chenle. "Yeah, is it just extra work? You can pretend it to be like that,"

That day, Jaemin and Minhyung sent Renjun home as usual. Renjun likely preferred to go home by a taxi as he did not want to be a burden towards those two. The couple really helped him a lot and Renjun was really thankful to know both of them, including their son, Jaeyun.

As soon as they arrived home, Renjun immediately took both Chenle and Sungchan to bath, wearing their pyjamas before preparing the dinner. Knowing that Sungchan really loves tofu soup, he prepared it for him along with Chenle's favourite, tomato egg. "Pa, we want to watch Peppa pig, can we?"

Renjun smiled at Chenle before taking the remote control from Chenle's hand. "Yeah sure,"

The kids cheered excitedly, running towards the small living room before laying on the big sized couch at the centre of the living room. Renjun switched on the television before walking back to continue his work in the kitchen.

The digital clock on the wall showed 9 p.m. which already exceeded the dinner time. At the same time, Renjun had already finished preparing the food on the large table.

"Lele, Sungchan, let's eat,"

"Coming, pa!"

"Okay teacher,"

Both of them sat on the chairs with Renjun's help. Renjun put the rice on the bowl along with spoon and kid's chopsticks. Renjun sat in front of both of them, putting the soup and also the egg on their bowl. Sungchan was kind of amazed with that. He never eats home cooked food.

"Thank you, teacher,"

Chenle looked at Sungchan, knitting his brows.

"Why do you call pa as a teacher? We are at home right now,"

"Then, what should I call the teacher with?" Sungchan looked at Chenle, waiting for his answer.

"I call pa as pa. You should call him pa too, right pa?" Renjun coughed but tried to smile sweetly before nodding. He did not know how to give a suitable answer to that question. Not wanting to ruin his son's mood, Renjun just agreed to the suggestion. Nothing wrong with it, doesn't it? He guessed so.


Renjun tucked both of the kids to sleep inside his bedroom. Their bodies already covered up all the space on the bed. Although Chenle had his own bedroom, he preferred to sleep with Renjun as he was scared to sleep alone. Seeing two sleeping figures on his bed made Renjun smile, loving how Chenle and Sungchan became closer than ever. If everyone sees them, they will also mistake both Sungchan and Chenle as siblings.

Renjun slowly walked out from his bedroom, closing the door behind him before he sat on the dining's chair. He sighed, feeling a little bit tired as he did not get enough rest, especially when Chenle already started to go to school. Before this, he always sent Chenle to his only chinese friend that lived in South Korea along with his family. That friend is Yangyang.

Yangyang was born in a wonderful family of Kun, his father. Kun never seems to bother when Yangyang wanted to take care of Chenle, despite that, Kun was also the one who spent most of his time with Chenle, considering Chenle as his own grandchild. Both Kun and Yangyang were really nice towards Renjun and his son. They also knew the stories of Renjun's life and that was how Kun started to help Renjun with his work, and now, he works as a teacher in the kindergarten, knowing another good person such as Jaemin and Minhyung.

Everything is already enough in his life. He felt thankful with what he has and he gets. But something was missing.

Renjun feels lonely.

He wants to be loved by someone.

He needs love,

and a lover.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Renjun, I'm here,"

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