chapter 28

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After the incident that happened in their group meeting, all five of them were deciding to make their way to Jeno's house. They really need to have a good discussion with Jeno after the sudden decision that he made.

"So both of you know about this for a long time?" Jaehyun asked Guanheng and Dejun which they slowly nodded, feeling guilty because they kept it by themselves.

The car that Guanheng drove finally arrived in front of Jeno's mansion. It was big, and Jisung gasped at the sight in front of him. "This place looks comfortable to compare with our small, shared dorm."

All of them entered the mansion, not to mention the lorry that was being parked there, taking out the things from the house.

"It seems like he decided to move out from this house. He planned it for the long time, I guess?" Guanheng said before entering the house, searching for Jeno.

At the corner of the living room, he spotted Jeno with Sungchan, packing their things into the boxes. Seems like he was rushing to move out from the city. Until Jeno's eyes meeting them, Jeno quickly looked away, muttering word sorry as his ex groupmates walked closer to him.

Sungchan who saw Dejun and Guanheng, quickly jumped on the others, saying how he miss the two.

Jaehyun made his was to sit beside Jeno, patting his shoulder. "Did you already thought about this seriously?"

Jeno nodded. "Being an idol is not my dream at all. It just a quick way to earn money. I lose nothing, hyung after leaving the company. I only only lost someone that I love if I still be there, and now, he will never accept me again in his life after what I had done. I should stay away from everyone,"

"But, don't you think that you should talk personally to the person that you love? He still need an explanation." Jaehyun asked Jeno, which the guy quickly shook his head. "It's too late, hyung. I'm leaving anyway. And there is someone out there who love him more than I do. I'm sure he will be happy with that person, more than me."

They stayed silence for a while, before Jeno asked, "Where is Dohyu?"

The sudden question made Kiro and Jisung looked at each other before they looked at Jaehyun, did not know what to reply. Only if Jeno knows what his best friend done to him.

"He wants to go here badly but he needed to attend another photoshoot. Oh, let us help you then," Jaehyun lied, changing the topic to avoid Jeno from talking about Dohyu.


"Renjun, seriously are you okay with it? I'm really sorry," Jaemin looked at the chinese who stood in front of him. It was Minhyung and Jaemin 2nd wedding anniversary, and Minhyung was planning on something special for Jaemin. To make the plan works, they ended up there, in front of Renjun's house which Renjun was volunteering to take care of their only child, Jaeyun that day.

"It's not a big deal, Na Jaemin. Enjoy your date," Renjun said, giving a warm smile towards the two persons that help him a lot before. Taking care of Jaeyun was not something that burden him. It just a simple task for Renjun.

"Sure, we will enjoy it. Might give Minhyung another child, or maybe more," Minhyung coughed, face getting redder when his husband blurted out just like that, although it was in front of Renjun who already used to hear those kind of words from Jaemin. "Will wait for Jaeyun to become a big brother. Look at him, smiling innocently without knowing what his parents planned behind him." Jaeyun who was in Renjun's arms only giggled when Renjun talked about something he did not understand.

"I think we will go now, take care Renjun. Call us if anything happened," Minhyung said, taking Jaemin's hand into his. "Look at Minhyung's horny ass. He starts to get excited over my words of having another child. It's not only my fault here, but yeah. See you tomorrow, my little baby boy Jaeyun! Be a good boy towards uncle Renjun and Chenle hyung!" Jaemin gave a peck on Jaeyun's forehead before finally he held Minhyung's arm, walking away from Renjun's house.

Renjun closed his front door, walking towards the living room with Chenle that waited for him patiently. It was already 8 in the evening, a suitable time for the kids to sleep. As the next day is Saturday, Chenle will go to sleep around 10 after playing with his toys.

"Lele, is it okay if you sleep in your room tonight?" Renjun asked the boy, receiving a nod from the other. "Sure, pa. Jaeyun is still a baby, he needs to sleep with you. I'm a big boy! I can sleep alone!" Chenle proudly said, making Renjun laugh, nodding as he agree with his son. "I am proud of my big baby. Look at him, he already a grown up, can do everything by himself. Give pa a kiss, baby,"

Chenle smiled, giving a quick kiss on his pa's cheek, before saying, "I am proud of my big pa too. He still can smile brightly like stars although dad is not here. He is stronger with dad but strongest alone. I love you, pa!"

Renjun smiled at his child, trying his best not to cry over Chenle's words. He really thankful for having Chenle in his life.

"Thank you, baby. I love you more,"


He did not know how he ended up here.

It was four in the morning, he drove his car in front of the apartment. To be exact, Renjun's apartment.

All of his things already being delivered to where his new house located ; Jeju Island. He left Sungchan in his car, along with the babysitter that will come along with them as he arrived at the apartment. They will take the flight at six, which means they still have two hours left before leaving Seoul.

Jeno took the lift to Renjun's house, thinking whether he should really go there or not. Renjun might have change his house password after they broke up. He did an attempt to unlock the password, which he success at the first attempt, shocking at the fact that Renjun still use the same password as before.

Slowly, he opened the door, although he felt bad about entering someone's house at that hour without the owner of the house knew about it.

"Fuck, what am I doing?!" Jeno bit his lips, hesitated whether he should keep on going whatever he planned to do at that time, or he should return to his car and go to the airport.

He looked at the door in front of him.

Renjun's sweet scent was filling his nose, making he miss the guy more than he ever. Everything about Renjun calm him down, wanting to hug the guy as soon as he meet him although he knew he can't.

As soon as he opened the door, a figure that he missed the most was laying down on the bed, with a baby beside him. He walked towards Renjun's side, kneeling beside the bed.

He brought his hand to stroke Renjun's hair, how he loves to do that everytime they laid lazily on the bed, or when Renjun needs comfort. He gave a long kiss on Renjun's forehead, which he did everytime before their sleep. He brushed Renjun's cheeks with his thumbs, trying his best not to wake Renjun up with his touches.

He knew he was too selfish when he did those without Renjun knowing. But, he can't hold it anymore to see Renjun's lips, that making him feel like he deserves loves everytime those pair of lips touch his lips. Love that both of them deserve.

Ignoring whatever will happen next, Jeno closing the gaps between their lips, kissing the other gently. If Renjun wakes up and hits him, he doesn't care at all. He really wants Renjun to know that he loves Renjun more that everything.

"I'm sorry for everything and I really want you to know that you deserve someone better than me, that can take care of you, like Yangyang. If this will be the end of us, I hope you will find your own happiness and will never hurt again. Please know that you are really special for me, you teach me how to love and the feeling of being love, make me know myself better, make my life brighter, it is all because of you. You are someone that I don't want to lose but I need to let you go. Thank you for everything my first and last love."

Jeno gave a last long peck on the forehead, did not notice his tear already dropped onto Renjun's face. He looked at the sleeping face, whispering last words,

"I love you, Huang Renjun."

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