CHAPTER 1 - home for christmas

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a/n - please remember to vote !!
kate's pov

"...and i brought home a couple strays." clint says, introducing lucky and i to clint's family. i politely greet everyone, including clint's wife, laura. still standing just in front of the door, i see a door open, revealing a girl in a tube top and grey sweatpants, a little mascara running off her eyes from tears.

y/n's pov

"lila do we have any more tissues? i ran out of mine." i mutter, looking at the ground while wiping a bit of my tears onto my arm. "hey kid." a voice i haven't heard in what seems like forever says. i look up and meet eye contact with clint. "clint!" i say and run up to him, wrapping my arms around him into a hug, almost making us fall back. he chuckles and hugs me back. "you kept your promise." i say, referring to him being home for christmas, letting go of him. "yeah i did, and i came back with -once again- a couple strays." he says, looking at 2 figures. i turn around to see a pretty brunette blue-eyed girl next to a golden retriever. wow, she's pretty. i think to myself. "hi, i'm y/n, y/n silk." i say, reaching out a hand to the girl. i'm a little taller than her, although she's pretty tall, but not tall tall. she grabs my other hand into a handshake. "i'm kate, kate bishop." she introduces herself, her hand feeling as smooth as silk. she looks at my eyes with bit of a concerned look. i immediately remember the mascara running down my eyes. "oh my god." i say, before turning around to the table that laura's sitting at and grab a tissue to wipe away the mascara. "why're you crying, y/n?" cooper asks, concerned. "just the usual." i mumble, placing the used tissue in the bin. i walk over to the dog, who's laying on the floor in front of nathan, who's playing with him. i sit on the floor and pat him, the dog licking my face, causing me to laugh. "what's his name?" i ask kate, as clint's talking to laura. "lucky. his name is lucky." she says, smiling.

kate's pov

god she was pretty, even with mascara running down her face, and her laugh, it was so angelic. i subconsciously stare at her playing with lucky, and she meets eye contact with me and i quickly look away. "we got gifts for you guys." clint says, breaking the silence.  "we-we did! well, clint did, i'm not taking any credit, i didn't even know he had 4 kids!" i say, stuttering. "oh y/n's not my kid, she's just staying with me while pepper potts finishes finalising the young avengers tower." clint replies, giving each present to lila, nathaniel, cooper and y/n. "oh right, sorry." i say, sitting down next to lila.

y/n's pov

clint hands me a small wrapped up present.  "no way!! i've always wanted one of these!" nathan yells, holding up his nerf gun high up. i chuckle before looking at my present. "you didn't have to, clint." i say, holding the present. "you're part of the family now, y/n." clint says, sitting next laura at the table. i smile and upwrap the present, and inside was a small but fancy box. i open the top and inside the box was a beautiful gold necklace, the name 'silk' shown on the gold chain. my eyes go wide in shock. "wow, this is so beautiful, thank you so much clint." i say, looking up at him smiling and then looking back at the box. "actually, kate helped me pick out this one as well, so credit goes to her too." clint says, nodding his way towards kate. i turn to my right to kate, who's smiling. "i'm glad you like it, i don't really know you, so i was scared you wouldn't like it." kate says, nervously chucking after her sentence. "no no i love it, it's beautiful. could you put it on for me?" i ask, shuffling in front of her and taking out the necklace handing it to her before turning around, back to her. "ye-yeah sure." she stutters. she wraps the necklace around the front of my neck. i take my hair and lift it up and she connects necklace around my neck. i let my hair down and face her again. "thanks." i say, smiling. "of course." she responds, smiling back. "kate can you help me with somethin' real quick?" clint says, getting up. kate looks at me for a second before replying. "yeah. sure." she gets up and walks out the back door with clint. i sit next to lila and she shuffles over, room fitting one more next to me. moments later, kate and clint come back inside.

clint walks over to laura, touching her shoulder before sitting next to her and they talk. kate looks at me and giving me a reassuring smile, as if she knows what's going on with me. i almost feel the relief. kate sits next to me, and our legs are slightly touching. lila's talking to cooper on the other couch, giving me a chance to talk to kate. "did you do it?" i ask her, facing her, resting the side of my head on the palm of my hand, which is prompted on my leg. "do what?" she furrows her eyebrows and turns her head the same way mine is. "the... suit." i say, making a light match motion with my hands before resting them back in the position it wsas in, a pause between the and suit, the word suit being a little more secretive as the kids don't know. "oh, yeah. it was reliefing." she replies, voice lower, as she catches on. "must've been for clint." i mumble, taking a sigh before sitting normally, resting my head back a bit. she nods her head and clint speaks up. "kate are you okay with staying in the guest room?" "we don't have a guest room since y/n's with us, dad!" nathan says, before playing with lucky. "oh my god, you're right." he says, resting his face in his hands. "i can stay on the couch, it's okay." kate says to clint. "are you sure?" clint asks, sympathetically. "yeah it's okay." kate replies. without hesitation, i speak up. "she can stay in my room, the bed is more than enough to fit two people, and the couch isn't good for sleeping on, trust me, it hurts your back like hell." i say, facing kate at the last bit. she giggles, before talking. "are you sure y/n? i don't wanna hassle you." she asks. "i'm sure." i say, smiling. "then it's settled!" clint says, getting up then talking "now, what're we cooking for dinner?!"

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