CHAPTER 12 - and you are?

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"and who are you?" the blonde furrows her eyebrows, being more serious. "i was one of natasha's best friend's, i'm sorry." i say, looking down at the ground. "are you y/n?" she asks, kate looking at lucky. "how do you know?" i ask, looking back up at her. "she talked about you, a lot. i guess i didn't picture you to look like... this." she says, moving her index finger up and down at my figure. "is that an insult?" i ask, tilting my head slightly. "oh no no no no, i was just saying- you know what? never mind." she says, flicking her hand up, in defeat. "yelena, right?" i ask, and she nods. "natasha told me about you too." i say, smiling lightly. "s-she did? what did she say?" she asks, extremely curious. "she said that you were the best sister ever, and about your uh, pocket situation." i say, and she laughs. "i must say, i do like pockets." she says, and i laugh. "did you guys work together?" yelena asks, curiously. "yeah, we had missions with each other often." i say, and she smiles. "tell them to me." she says, wanting to know more about her sister. "l-like right now?" i say, pointing my wrist and index finger down. "why don't you come stay at the tower, yelena?" i suggest, and yelena looks at me, confused. "what is a tower? is that a code name? for an underground lair?" she asks, and i smile and shake my head. "no, it's l-like the avengers compound, just a little smaller." i explain, kate nodding. "right, the avengers." yelena says, blandly. "where are you staying?" i ask. "some old shitty hotel down there," she points down the street before continuing. "not the best, but it's fine." "you can stay with us!" i say, trying to convince yelena. "i don't know..." she says, looking at the ground. "stay for a few days, if you don't like it, you can go." "alright, fine. you win this time, y/n silk." yelena says, pretending to shoot webs out of her hand. "guess you're not so secretive with your.." kate says, doing the same hand pose as yelena while laughing. "natasha told me, i haven't heard of anyone named silk that has spider-man powers before." yelena says, standing up. "a few people stop me in the streets when i'm swinging, believe it or not." i say, nudging kate. "you have a dog, right?" i say, assuming she does since she's at a dog park. "yes, the american akita. his name is fanny." she says, pointing at a specific dog. "and you?" she asks. "the golden retriever, playing with your dog now." kate says, and yelena nods.

"do you wanna get a suitcase or something if you're gonna stay at the compound?" i ask. "yeah, i'll go now. and remember, temporarily. i just wanna see what it's like." she says, standing up. i nod my head, kate sitting on the bench. yelena whistle, before calling her dogs name. her dog walks up to her, standing by her side. "we'll be back, around 20 minutes. where will you guys be?" yelena says, looking at both of us. "we'll be here." kate says, smiling. yelena nods before heading out of the park, dog next to her.

i sit next to kate on her left. "you never told me you knew yelena." i say. "i met her with the whole ronin fiasco, she was trying to kill clint because of what happened to natasha. i would've told you when i was telling you what happened but..." she trails off. "it's okay." i say, looking at lucky. "do you have his water bottle?" i ask, changing the subject that was starting to turn into natasha. "yeah, let me get it." kate says, reaching into her bag and giving his water bottle to me. "i'll be back." i say, standing up to go to lucky. "hey lucks." i crouch down and open the water bottle, pouring the water onto my hand for him to drink. she happily drinks the water before stopping, indicating she was done. i shake the remaining water off my hand, and pet lucky. "you can go now, bud." i say, and she runs off to other dogs.
(also just realised lucky is a girl)

i walk back to kate, sitting where i was before and hand her the water bottle and she puts it in her bag and i rest my hand on her left knee, massaging it. moments later, yelena comes back, suitcase pulled behind her, fanny next to her.

"do we want to go and eat? i know a restaurant down the road." yelena says, standing in front of us. kate nods and i take my hand off kate's knee, both of us standing up. lucky runs to me and i crouch down, tying the leash to her collar. "ready?" kate asks, looking down. i stand up, brushing my knee. "yeah, ready." i say, lucky beside me. we start walking, yelena in front of kate and i. lucky seems to pull on her leash, wanting to go to fanny. i loosen the leash a little so she can walk next to fanny.

we get to the restaurant, getting a table for 3. yelena sits opposite me, kate next to me. a waitress hands us menus, and i skim through. "i'm gonna get the mac and cheese and chocolate milkshake, how about you guys?" yelena says, putting the menu down. i decide on getting a chicken wrap and a strawberry milkshake, kate getting pizza of course. "could i please get a chicken wrap with a strawberry milkshake, pepperoni pizza and mac and cheese with a chocolate milkshake?" i order and the waitress nods. "extra spicy for the mac and cheese please!" yelena adds and the waitress nods.

moments later, we get our meals. "mmh!" yelena says, satisfied with her meal. "is it that good?" kate smiles, taking a bite of her pizza. yelena nods, mouth full. i smile and take another bite of my wrap. "so, tell me." yelena says after a few minutes. "tell you what?" i say, taking a sip of my milkshake. "your moments with natasha. i want to know." i look down and smile, thinking of all the memories. "we had this one mission where we had to go undercover at this auction, serving people as fancy waiters in suits. natasha trips over someone's foot, spilling the 10 glasses of vodka on the floor, glasses smashing. i couldn't help but laugh, and eventually our cover gets blown and we end up fighting dozens of people." i say, and yelena laughs. "must've been fun..." she trails off looking at her empty bowl, a hint of sadness washes over her. "i'll tell you more about her later, i promise." i say, reassuring her. yelena then looks up, a smile forming across her face. she nods, and kate feeds a pizza slice to lucky, tearing another piece for fanny. i take another gulp of my shake, almost done it. "want some?" i hold the drink out to kate, and she takes a sip. "this is good!" she says after swallowing it. i smile and motion the cup closer to her. "you can have it, i'm full." i say, and she smiles and takes the cup. "thanks y/n." she replies. yelena clears her throat before speaking. "i'm still here ya know." i smile, and stand up. "i'm gonna pay the bill, we can go back to the tower after, we can give you a tour." i say, tucking my chair in and i start walking to the counter. "can't wait." yelena says.

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