CHAPTER 25 - strange

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"what the fuck..." i say, seeing the figure's face as she takes her mask off. i slowly step back in shock. "it's not miles. it's gwen." a voice i haven't heard in years says.

"no- no no no no, you can't be real. i'm dreaming?" i say, slapping my cheek. "what're you doing?" the face i haven't seen in years says. her face is exactly as i remembered. "trying to wake myself up! this isn't real!" i say, and she scoffs. "it's real all right." she says. "no, you're dead." i say, and she tilts her head in confusion. "whaddya mean i'm dead?" she says. "you're- you're dead. green goblin killed you. he dropped you down a clock tower, and i dived to save you, webbing a web to your body, but you snapped your neck by the impact. you died in my arms. you're not real." i say fast, slapping myself on the other cheek. "wake up, dammit!" i say angrily. "why didn't i just web myself to safety?" she asks. "you don't- didn't have powers!" i say, and she nods slowly. "well i was fighting drug dealers a few minutes ago, and then i kicked one in the face, then punching another one in the-" she stops, trying to retrace her steps. "oh. i can't remember." she says. "fuck, this can't be real." i say, running my hand through my hair, walking back and forth. "give me a second." i say, and she nods. glasses on. i think, turning my back to the girl who i refuse to see as gwen. "c'mon, pick up." i mumble. "spider-man!" i say, as he picks up. "what y/n? why're you calling me that?! it's so early in the morning..." he says, still sleepy. "you need to come to me. now. it's urgent, please. i just sent you my whereabouts." i say, on the verge of tears from stress. "o-oh, okay, i'm coming." he says, not even questioning it. i hang up, turning back around.

a/n - i'm gonna make this a little like no way home, so please don't continue until you've watched it because spoilers!! i'm sorry if you haven't seen it yet :(

"cool glasses." she says, and i ignore what she says, pacing back and forth again. "fuck fuck fuck!" i say, mumbling, then yelling the last swear. peter swings to the rooftop building in his upgraded suit, and i feel a rush of relief. "y/n? what's wrong?" he says, before looking at the figure a few metres away. "what the fuck?" he says, his spider lens opening wide. "gwen?" he asks, walking up to her. "how do you know my name?" she asks defensively, and peter stops in front of her. "you were y/n's girlfriend. you died! why're you here?!" he says, and she tilts her head to the side. "who's y/n?" she says, and peter points to me. "her!" he says, and she puts her hand up, in defeat. "woah, calm down. like i said to- y/n... " she says, looking at me, and my breathing stops for a second. god, i haven't heard her name in 3 years, this can't be happening. "i was just fighting drug dealers, then i was sky falling from the sky!"  she continues, before peter talks again. "the... the multiverse. it's real!" he says, slightly chuckling. "that's not the point!" i say, walking up to both of them. "why're you here?! was it just you?! how do you not remember me?!" i blurt out questions in stress. "thats a lot of questions." she says, crossing her arms. "doctor strange." peter says, softly. i turn to him, and he looks up at me. "doctor strange did it. he's the only one i know who can open multiverses, on mistake at most." he says, and i take a deep sigh. breathe, y/n. breathe. "we need to go to him." he continues, and gwen clears her throat, reminding us that she's still here. "doctor strange is a sorcerer supreme. he does magic stuff, changing time and stuff. he's the only one -that we know of- that can open multiverses." peter explains, and she nods slowly. "let's go. it's just down here." peter says, walking to the edge of the building, jumping off. gwen jumps off too, following peter. i jump off last, following the two of them. what the fuck did i get myself into?

peter knocks on the door, and the door opens on its own. i feel a cold wind flowing through me, and i shiver. "ah, p-spider-man!" doctor strange says, after seeing gwen. "silk!" he says, walking down the stairs. "we need to talk." i say, cutting to the chase. his face turns to confusion for a second, before nodding. once down the stairs, peter talks. "who's this lady? nice costume. fan of silk and spider-man?" strange says, pointing to gwen. "she's got powers, like us. it's not a costume, it's a suit. also, did i mention that she's my ex?" i say, explaining the half of it. "the one that passed away?" he says, even more confused. "yes, the one that passed away!" "but she's standing right here!" "you opened the multiverse! like 20 minutes ago!" peter butts in, and strange's eyes widen in shock. "crap." he says, running his hands through his hair. "what did you do?!" i say, getting stressed again. "i- i was just trying to get the time stone back." he says, and i sigh. "did you not see the rip in the sky? it was like right next to your house!" i semi-yell. "no, no i didn't." he admits. "so, can i go back? y'know, to my universe?" gwen asks. dr strange thinks, before taking a sigh. "you can, in one condition." he says. "what?" gwen replies. "everyone has to forget who silk was."  he says, looking at me. my heart drops. "what? why her? why not me?" peter says. "she was the closest to gwen." he says, nodding his head towards gwen. "do it." i say, and everyone looks at me.

we go down to the basement like place, and i stand on the platform like thing with strange, peter and gwen standing a few metres away. steven clears his throat, before starting. "the entire world is about to forget that y/n silk is silk, including me." he says, doing his magic to form a circle. "w-wait, everyone? i thought you were exaggerating! uh, can't some people still know?" i ask. "that'sn not how the spell works, and it's very difficult and dangerous to change it mid casting." "so my girlfriend's just gonna forget about everything we've been through? i mean is she even gonna be my girlfriend?" "that depends, was she your girlfriend just because you were silk or" "i mean i don't know i really hope not." i say, and dr strange makes a new circle, putting the old one below. "alright, fine." he says, starting again. "everyone in the world's gonna forget your silk- except, your girlfriend." he says, making a circle. "thank you so much, that-" i say, before realising. "oh my god, peter." "you really forgot about me?" he mumbles. "it's really important to me that peter knows." i say, and dr strange stops the spell, making another one. "okay, let's not change these parameters of this spell any more-" "okay, okay i'm done, i'm done.i swear i'm done, i'm done. ahhh but pepper should really know-" i say, and the circles start shaking. "would you- would you just stop talking?" dr strange says, and i stop talking. he drops the whole spell, without any issues. "what happened?" i ask. "you kept rambling, so i dropped the spell!" he says, stressing out, making me stress out. "b-but what about gwen! how's she gonna get home? she can't just stay he-" "i'll figure something out, y/n. just give me time." he says, walking out. i take a deep breath, before walking out. "y/n, wait up!" peter says,  catching up to me, gwen behind.

"fuck!" i yell, once i'm inside the compound, peter and gwen behind me. "what's wrong, y/n?" kate says, running up to me. she stops, looking at gwen. "who's that? nice outfit." kate says, and gwen groans. "this is gwen, y/n's ex yes, the one who died but shes from another universe because dr strange whos a sorcerer supreme he basically does magic yeah well he accidentally fucked up a spell which opened a multiverse for a second, dragging gwen in and she has spider powers and we went to dr stranges house and he said that the only way to fix it was for everyone to forget who y/n is so they tried to do the spell but y/n tried to change it so then he stopped and said he'll figure it out and now we're here." peter says, saying that all in one breath. kate's eyes go wide, looking at gwen. "what the hell." she says, and i walk past kate, laying on my stomach on the couch. my eyes get heavy from stress, and i pass out.

a/n - please remember to vote :)

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