CHAPTER 32 - mask

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i open the fridge, getting out the minced beef and onions. clint's family sits on the couch, turning on the tv. "laura, you don't have to help! me, peter, kate and yelena got this. plus, this is your day to not cook for once." i say, placing the stuff on the kitchen counter. "fine, i'll watch." laura says, sitting on the stool, leaning her hands against the counter. "peter, would you mind mashing the avocado? this is for the guacamole." i say, throwing him 2 avocados. he catches it, putting it down and getting 2 bowls. "got it, chef silk." he says, and yelena gets the onions. "i'll chop these." she says. "perfect, make some for the guac and some of the meat, okay?" i say, and she nods. "i got the tomatoes, y/n." kate says, and i smile. "thanks." i say, turning on the electric stove. i put a pan on, adding the minced beef after i put a little bit of oil in.

yelena pours the onions in, and i continue stirring. i turn off the heat, putting the minced beef in a big bowl, bringing it to the dining table. i put soft tortilla shells on the table too, and peter puts the 2 bowls of guacamole on it. "looks good, pete." i say, smiling. he smiles back, sitting down. "guys dinner's ready!" yelena says, and everyone rushes to the table. kate sits next to me, nathaniel sitting on my left. lucky sits on the floor next to kate, waiting for food. yelena sits opposite of me, fanny coming shortly after. i get 3 tortillas, putting one on kate and nathan's plate. "thanks!" they both say, and i smile. "thanks for cooking this y/n, it's delicious!" clint says, mouth full. i smile, nodding. i just the spoon for the meat, scooping some onto my shell, handing the spoon to kate, she smiles taking it.

i get the spoon, scooping a spoonful and putting it on nate's tortilla. "want guac?" i say, and he nods. i scoop guacamole with another spoon onto his tortilla, putting it back. "cheese?" i ask. "yes please." he says, and i smile, adding some cheese onto his shell. "how about some sauce?" i say, and he nods again. i pour a spoonful of sauce around his tortilla, and i fold it up securely. "thanks, y/n." he says, taking the taco carefully so it doesn't fall. "of course, let me know when you want me to make another one, okay?" i say, and he nods as his mouth is full. i add whatever i want on my taco, taking a bite.

i sit on the couch, next to kate and yelena. lila goes to disney plus, putting on the live action aladdin. i lay my head on kate's shoulder, wrapping my arms around her left arm. "a little like deja vu, huh?" kate whispers, bringing memories from the few nights after we met each other. i smile, leaning a little up to kiss her cheek, before bringing my head back to her shoulder.

"happy birthday y/n. this is for you, from the barton family." clint says at the door, handing me a medium sized box, wrapped. i smile, looking at it. "go ahead, open it." he says. i unwrap the box, and i smile widely. "clint... you still have this?" i say, looking at my original suit. "yeah, it was all ripped when you it was the whole iron man verse captain america thing... so i fixed it." he says, smiling. i place the box on the floor, hugging him tight. "thank you, clint." i say, and i let go. "of course, kiddo. have a good night, yeah?" he says, and i nod. "i should get going, it's pretty late." he says, and i smile. "bye clint, have a safe drive back." i say, as he walks away. "thanks, happy birthday again!" he says, and i smile, picking up the box and placing the lid on top, then closing the door. i open the lid again, then placing it under the box, walking back to the couch. i run my fingers over the white and red logo, smiling. haven't seen this in years, can't believe clint kept it.

"y/n!" peter says, running to me. he stands in front of me, box in hand. "happy birthday, y/n." he says, smiling. "yelena helped me design this too." he says, and hands the box to me. i smile at both of them, opening the box. "holy heck..." i say, looking at the mask. "clint told me about the old suit he gave you, so i figured i'd make you a mask!" he says, and i smile. "it looks beautiful." i say. the mask was the same material as the suit, with red, black and gold on it. i put the suit next to me, standing up. i hug peter, almost making us fall. "thank you, pete." i say, and i hug yelena after. "thank you lena." i say, and she hugs back, patting my back.

"this... is for you." kate says, smiling. she hands me a small box, and i smile, taking it. "i know it's not the best gift, so i'm sorry in advance." kate chuckles, and i open it. "are... you kidding me kate?" i say, smiling at the ring. "w-what? is it bad?" kate panics, and i laugh. "it's perfect." i say, and she takes a huge sigh. "are you proposing to me?" i joke, and her eyes widen. "h-huh? what, no! i mean- not yet, anyways." kate says and i laugh. "i have a matching one, too." kate says showing me her ring. hers is engraved with the letter 'k', while mine's engraved with an 's', for silk. "wanna swap?" i suggest, and she smiles. she takes off her ring, handing it to me. i carefully take out the ring from the box, handing it to her. i place the ring on my middle finger, smiling. "fits perfect." we say at the same time, laughing after.

i web a guy to the wall, before punching another in the chin upwards. kate shoots a bow past me, hitting a guy right in the chest. "nice shot, kit kat!" i say, webbing to a guy, kicking him in the face with both feet. i see kate lining up the arrow, and as she shoots the arrow, i shoot a web bomb at the arrow, it sticking to it, exploding on the guy, webbing the last guy up. suddenly, my spine tingles. i jump up, sticking to the street lamp upside down, before kate shoots an arrow through him. "i got your back." kate says, puffed out. i smile, sticking a web to the street lamp, lowering myself down while holding the webbed string. i get to kate's level, and her nose touches my mask. i smile under the mask, and kate smiles, pulling my mask down slowly. she pulls it down so it's just my lips uncovered, putting her hands on the sides of my cheek to cover the rest of my face. kate leans forward, kissing me. i kiss her back, and she smiles against me.

a/n - that's the book! hope you guys liked it, i really enjoyed making this :)) please remember to vote! also, i'm thinking of making a hailee book as well so stay tuned! update, it's out!

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