CHAPTER 18 - visiting

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i unlock the garage door, and drive in. i park in the same spot i always park, closing the garage door. "c'mon guys, let's go." i say, taking my hand off kate's thigh and opening the door. once everyone's out, i lock it, and peter opens the door to the compound. i yawn, closing the door behind me as i was the last to get out of the garage. "i'm so tired..." i mumble, and kate turns around. "wanna sleep?" she offers, and i nod. "we're probably gonna head to bed now guys." i say, and peter, ned and mj head to the elevator too. "alright, ned and mj are gonna sleep here, in my room." i nod, getting into the elevator, and we go up to peters level. once there, peter, mj and ned get out. "goodnight guys, see you tomorrow." i say, smiling. "goodnight!" kate says after, and they all say goodnight back. the elevator closes, and we go up 2 floors.

we get into our room, and both brush our teeth. i get changed grey sweatpants, and a bra. i walk out, and kate takes her shirt off and putting on an oversized shirt, wearing black nike shorts. "do you need a shirt?" kate asks, looking at me. "no, it's pretty hot in here." i say, laying in bed. "yeah, it is." kate says, laying on my left. "eventful day today." kate says, both staring at the ceiling. "yeah, you get used to it." i say. "wonder if yelena's back..." kate says, and i pick up my phone. "i'll text her."



yelena belova

hey lena you home?

yes in my room why

nice nickname and btw lucky's

with me

just wondering, and i know

thanks :)

alright, gonna sleep now

goodnight y/n :)

goodnight yelena :)


i turn my phone off, facing kate. "she's in her room, going to bed now." i say, and kate nods. i move to my left, resting my head on the crook of kate's shoulder. "i might go visit my mom tomorrow." kate says, with no expression. "want me to go with you?" i ask. "if you want." she says, and i nod. "let me know when you're going, how far is it?" "not that far, maybe 15 minute drive?" "wanna swing there?" "yeah, of course. well- i mean, if you want to, we can." i smile at kate's reply, sliding my hand up her shirt, tracing her abs. after a few minutes, i take my hand out and sit up, putting my right leg in between kate's legs, laying fully on top of her. kate's hand goes up my back, rubbing circles with her fingers. i lay my head back on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her neck. i start to kiss her neck softly, making kate leaning her head to the other side. i smile, unwrapping my arms from kate's shoulders, a hand going to her waist, one beside her on the bed, keeping me upright. i choose a spot on her neck, which is the crook of her neck, so no one can see. or at least be less conspicuous. i kiss her neck a few times, before starting to form a hickey. "are you giving me a hickey?" kate whispers, and i hum a yes. she quietly laughs, and i smile. 

eventually, i finish the hickey. "whadduya think?" i say, and kate looks down, smiling. "looks pretty." she says, and i laugh. "did it hurt?" i ask, and she shakes her head. "that's good." i say, and kate rolls us over, laying on me. i smile, and kate moves closer to me. she leans in, lips touching. i smile, kissing back. she pulls away, pecking my lips once more. "what are we?" kate whispers. "whadya mean?" i whisper back. "like... what are we? i don't friends give each other hickeys." kate says, sitting up on my hips, leaning towards me. "yeah, you're right. i don't think they do." i say, smiling. kate takes her legs off me, sitting next to me. "i'm serious, y/n." kate says, sighing. i hold kate's hand, pulling her on top of me, putting our hands on top of me. "you're gonna make me say it?" i whisper, kate's nose touching mine. she nods her head slightly, and i smile. "i like you kate. i really, like you. when we kissed in the spa, i knew i wanted you to be my girlfriend. do you wanna be my girlfriend?" i whisper, getting nervous. "of course, y/n." kate says, smiling. i smile back, leaning forward. kate leans forward too, and our lips reconnect. we pull apart, and kate lays on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "your lips taste nice." kate whispers. "thanks, it's the lip gloss." i reply, smiling before closing my eyes.

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