CHAPTER 3 - the trip

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a/n - please remember to vote !
i wake up and roll over, kate still sleeping. she looks so pretty when she sleeps. thats weird, y/n. stop thinking about it. i shake the thoughts out of my head and cautiously get out of the bed. i grab my phone from the bedside table, the time showing 8:29am. i walk out the door, looking behind to see kate still sleeping. i smile and close the door, heading to the kitchen.

hm, no ones up yet. might as well make breakfast for everyone. i get the pancake batter and start up the pan and shake the pancake batter before placing some on the pan. eventually, i make enough for the whole family.

"hey y/n, is that pancakes?" lila says, rubbing her eyes. "yeah, i made it for everyone, you can eat now if you want." i reply, looking at the time. 9:43 already. "cool, thanks." she responds, taking some pancakes with syrup and sitting down. over time, everyone else starts to wake up. nathaniel, clint, laura, cooper, then kate.

"morning kate." i say, sitting at the table, finishing up my last pancake. "morning y/n." kate says, yawning halfway through her sentence. i turn my phone on, and the time's 10:13. "woke up pretty late, still tired?" i say, and kate sits down next to me. "mmm no, just haven't slept in for a long time, and the bed is so comfy." "yeah it is, i love sleeping in there." i agree, chuckling. "i made pancakes for everyone if you wanna eat now." "smells yum, thanks y/n." kate replies and takes a pancake and puts maple syrup on it. "this is so good y/n!" kate says, once she's finished the mouthful of pancake. my phone vibrates in my pocket and i pull it out to see who it is.


pepper potts

Hi y/n, basically finished the tower,

would you like to come visit?

also, i've got the furniture for the living

room, kitchen, hospital room,

etc. so i'll transfer you money to get furniture for your

bedroom and bathroom so call me when you're done

i'll get some moving trucks :)

thank you pepper! i'll go to the shops and pop

down after :)


Pepper Potts has transferred you $750,000


"jesus, pepper!" i say, a little too loud. "what happened y/n?" clint asks. "oh pepper just transferred me like 750k to get furniture for my room and bedroom at the tower." i say, still shocked. "it's what tony would've wanted." clint says. i smile at him before getting another message from pepper.


pepper potts

By the way, Clint told me

about what happened in NYC and how he met Kate,

she seems like a good addition to the tower,

would she like to join? there's a lot of rooms,

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