CHAPTER 9 - care for a swing?

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i wake up to a giggle on my right, opening my eyes to see kate, laying on my right shoulder on her phone. "what time is it?" i groan, kate getting off me to look at me. "good morning to you too, it's 7:52." she says, turning her phone off. "why're you here?" i say, rubbing my eyes to get used to the brightness. "i just got here like 20 minutes ago, i figured it was a little too early to wake you up and i'm too lazy to go back to my room, so i just stayed here." kate says, resting her head back on the crook of my shoulder. "let me wake up properly, then we can check out your suit." i say, closing my eyes. "take as long as you need." kate says, yawning. after a few minutes of laying on my bed, i finally get up. "alright, i'm ready." i say to kate, and it gets off my shoulder. i sit up, one final big stretch before getting out of bed. "you can go to bed after, i don't mind, plus i might sleep too, i'm still tired i just couldn't sleep, excitement, ya know?" kate says as we walk into the elevator. "i'll see, still so stumped after last night. like my brain's exploded. haven't made a suit in a hot minute." i say and the elevator goes to the 22nd floor. kate opens the door to the fabricator lab. "morning JARVIS." kate says, walking into the room. "good morning miss bishop." JARVIS says. kate heads to the wrong direction of where she thinks her suit is. "kate, your suit's this way." i say, and kate follows me to the other side of the lab. i walk over to a little chip, which is the base for the nanotech. "this is the base for your suit, just gotta put it in you." i say, picking it up carefully off the machine. "where are you gonna put it?" kate asks, beside me. "probably your arm, technology is so advanced now that wherever you put the chip you can connect from your whole body." i say. "alright, let's do it."

after putting the chip inside kate's arm, she was finally ready to activate her suit. "so how do i activate my suit?" kate asks. "just think 'JARVIS activate suit, or suit on.'" i say, and my suit comes on by accident. kate smiles before thinking it. a second after, the nanotech starts to spread around her pj's. kate's eyes widen in shock, and i smile widely. after the suits fully on, kate's now in a purple, black and gold suit, looking amazing in it. "this is awesome! it feels nice, i'm almost wearing nothing too!" kate says, looking at her suit. "that's nanotech for you." i say, smiling. suit off. kate runs up to me and hugs me, almost knocking me down to the ground. i hug her back, and i can feel her smile on my shoulder. "thank you y/n. really. i wouldn't have got this if i never met you, i'm so grateful, thank you thank you thank you!" kate says, hugging me even tighter. she finally lets go, still smiling. "of course, you deserve it. plus, you look amazing in the suit. it suits you." i say. she hugs me again and i hug her back, then lets go. "although i'm still really tired, so i might head to bed again." i say, and kate nods. her suit disappears and i smile. "got it already, huh?" "yeah, pretty easy stuff." kate says, and we walk to the door. "i'll swing by later JARVIS, bye!" i say, almost at the door. "goodbye, miss silk."

we head back to my bedroom, the time being 8:34. i lay back on my bed, kate laying on the right of me. i pull the blanket on both of us, and shoot a web to close the blinds. THWIP! i pull the blinds shut, kate moving closer to me. "how was your sleep?" i ask kate. "it was actually really good." kate replies, putting her legs over mine. "that's good..." i say, closing my eyes. kate shifts around before her head lands on my right shoulder, and i can feel her breathing on my neck. her legs are still over me, her body heating mine. "it's cold." kate whispers, hot breath on my cheeks. "yeah, imagine how cold it is outside, luckily i added a heat warmer in your suit." "you did?" "yeah, i did. there's one in mine too. and peter's." "that's so cool." kate says, moving closer to me. i hum in response, eyes getting heavy. "i'm gonna fall asleep, kate." i say, half asleep. "that's okay, i'll be here." she whispers and i close my eyes.

"y/n do you ha- OHHH MY GOD!" peter yells, waking me up in shock. "THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" kate yells, moving completely off me. "WERE YOU GUYS DOING THE- I CAN'T EVEN SAY IT!" peter yells, looking away. "WHAT? NO! KATE WAS JUST LAYING NEXT TO ME!" i yell back, embarrassed. "right right right... so you guys a thing or...?" peter says, still at the door. "nope." kate says, and peter chuckles. "what's so funny?" i ask. "no nothing, i was just wondering if you have any web shooters with gadgets, i kinda broke mine." "i knew you'd say that, go to the fabricator lab, i made a web shooter gadget for me, just add the web shooter." i say. "alright thanks y/n, you're the best." "i know." i say before peter laughs and closes the door. i take a deep sigh, before sitting up. "what time is it, JARVIS?" i say. "it is 10:43am." JARVIS replies. "we should grab something to eat." i say, getting out of bed, kate following me. "where though? pepper said she was getting food today, but she hasn't left yet." kate replies and we go in the elevator. "wanna swing to a restaurant?" i ask, smiling. "wait really?! like as in you swinging?!" "yeah, that's what i mean."i say, getting out of the elevator. "that would be awesome!" kate says and we walk out of the exit/entrance door. "are you scared of heights?" i ask kate, in front of the tower. "no not really, i'll be okay." suit on, JARVIS. my suit goes on and kate smiles. "hold on, bishop." i say and kate wraps her arms tightly but not too tight around my neck, jumping onto me. "it's okay if i hold your ass, right?" i say and kate laughs. "yes, it's okay. as long as you don't drop me." "i would never!" i say, and i hold kate's lower waist. "ready?" "ready." i smile and shoot a web using my right hand, and it connects to a street light. i pull us up, getting into a momentum, connecting to street lights, then buildings. "woooo!" kate yells, making me smile. we swing for about 10 minutes, kate cheering every now and again. eventually, i climb down into an alleyway, kate holding onto me still. suit off. we walk out of the alleyway, the sushi shop being right next to it.

we get takeaway sushi and head back to the alleyway. suit on. "can you hold the sushi bag? i wanna take you to the top of a building, we can eat there." i say, and kate nods. i smile and kate wraps her arms around me again, bag behind my neck. i hold onto her and climb to the top of the building, before jumping off, connecting to another building. once i find a good building height, i climb to the top and sit kate down. suit off. my suit goes off and i sit next to kate, feet dangling off the building. kate gets the sushi out and hands me what i got. "nice view up here." kate says, looking in the distance. "yeah, we can go much higher though. maybe next time." i say, and kate starts eating her sushi.

once we finished out sushi, i put it back in the bag, dropping it below us into the trash bin. luckily, it made it. "wanna go back now? we've been up here for like 5 hours, it's almost dark." i say, and kate nods. "yeah, let's go." she says and we stand up and i put on my suit, kate holding onto me. "i'm gonna drop off this rooftop, okay?" "yeah, okay." kate replies and i jump off, swinging from building to building. i miss this. i miss the breeze of air, the adrenaline rushing through me every time i swing.

we get back to the tower, me a little tired, but not a lot where i'm panting. "you're strong." kate says, smiling at the entrance. "you're pretty light." i say, opening the door for kate. "hey guys, finally back!" peter says, playing with lucky. "wanna go in the pools? i've been waiting all day for you guys to get back." "yeah of course! just let us get our swimmers on, we'll meet you there." kate says, and we head to the elevator.
a/n - please remember to vote !

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