CHAPTER 10 - spa

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i pull out the pastel blue bikini and get changed into it. i go down to the 7th floor to where the pools were, and opened to glass doors. 

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(pool then spa on the left of the pool)

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(pool then spa on the left of the pool)

kate and peter were already in the pools, and i put my towel on a rack, along with kate and peter. "couldn't wait for you y/n, sorry!" peter says, hovering in the water, wearing blue swim shorts. i stand at the edge of the pools, and kate swims up to me in her purple bikini. "jump in y/n!" kate says, splashing we with water. i smile and dive into the pool, splashing kate beside me. kate covers her face, and splashes me again. peter swims up beside kate and starts splashing me as well. "stop ganging up on me! this isn't fair!" i say, splashing them both back.

they both eventually stop splashing me, and i challenge peter to see who can swim to the end of the pool first. "ready, set, go!" kate says, on the side of the pool. i kick my feet off the wall, giving me a boost. i swim freestyle to the end of the pool, touching the end first. "y/n wins! woop woop! kate says, and peter puts his head down in defeat. "give a a few days y/n, that was just a practice." peter says, floating on his back. "sure, peter, practice it was." i say, swimming to kate. "what's up?" kate says, pushing water to me. "nothing, can i not talk to you?" i say, pushing water back. "you obviously can." kate says, pushing the water harsher. i flick water at her and some flicks onto her face, and she flicks water back. 

after a few hours in the pool, the time was 10:23. "guys i'm probably gonna take a shower." peter says, getting out of the pool and getting his towel. "so early?" i ask, and he nods. "yeah, gonna sweep up the city at night." "have fun!" kate says. "yeah, you guys too. y/n you're helping me if i come back with a massive cut- or even worse, gun shot." peter says, walking to out door. "spa?" kate suggests and i nod, and i walk to the ladder. once out of the pool, i turn around to see kate on the ladder. i reach a hand down and she takes it and i pull her up and we head to the spa. 

i hop in, a little water splashing out of the spa. kate splashes in, and her mouth goes open. "it's so hot in here!" she says, bobbing up and down. "i think that's what a spa does, kate." i say, and kate splashes me with the hot water. "shut up, i mean it's hot compared to the pool." she says, and i laugh, wiping the water from my face. "how do you like the tower?" i say, sitting down on the seat. (idk what it's called like the blocks that are built in the spa LOL). kate sits next to me on my left, and moves her legs around the water jets that were on, making bubbles. "it's the best, really. i'm really thankful for you, y/n. i'm glad i met you." kate says, smiling at me. "i'm glad i met you too, kate." i say, and kate moves closer to me, legs touching. "no, like i really mean it. thank you, y/n." kate almost whispers, then shifting her left leg over my legs, then sitting on my lap. "kate..." i say, kate looking into my eyes. "yeah?" she whispers moving a little closer. "hows your... um, cut?" i say, and move my right hand to touch the bridge of her nose near her cut, and she smiles. "it barely hurts, kinda forgot about it." i move my hand down to her jaw, holding it there, left hand moving to her waist. kate down looks at my hand placement on her waist and smiles. i move closer, making our noses touch. i then get my nose and move it to the side of kate's, puling her face back in front of me. kate looks at my lips for a second, then back up into my eyes. "can i kiss you, y/n?" kate whispers, moving closer, lips almost touching. i smile and lean in, closing the gap. kate leans more into the kiss, arms still around my neck. kate's lips were as soft as it looks, i could kiss them for a life time. after a few seconds, we pull away for breath, smiling. "did that answer your question?" i say, and kate laughs before nodding. me move our faces away and i take my hand off kate's jaw, and rest it on her thigh. "we should go to bed, right?" kate says, and i nod.

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