CHAPTER 6 - moving out

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a/n - please remember to vote !!
i wake up to some shifting on my right, sun glaring through the windows. i feel a leg go over my waist and kate groans in tiredness. "kate." i whisper, not sure if she's awake. "mm?" kate replies, too tired to say anything. "your leg is on my body." "i know, it's comfy." i chuckle at her response and lay in bed for a few minutes before my phone rings. i stretch over to the bedside table and see it's pepper ringing, the time showing 8:45. i press accept and put the phone to my ear. "hey y/n, we just finished the furniture, so you can come down at any time and move in!" "thanks so much pepper! we'll come by soon - ouch!" i say, as kate lifted her leg and dropped it on my stomach. i give kate a 'you're dead' look before pepper talks. "you okay y/n?" kate smiles innocently. "yeah... kate just hit me in the stomach." pepper laughs before someone talks in the background. "okay Happy! coming!" pepper says, before speaking again. "sorry y/n, gotta go. happy needs me to do something, see you later!" "bye pep-" i say before she cuts the call before i even get to finish. "what was that, kate?" i say, putting my phone on the bedside table. "what was what?" she says, acting like she doesn't know. "you dropped your leg on my stomach!" "i thought you were spider-man! didn't think you'd feel that." "silk," i correct her. "and i'll still feel it if you drop your leg on me!" "silk, that a pretty name." kate says, dropping the second part of the conversation. "thanks, it's my last name." kate thinks for a second. "y/n silk. got a nice ring to it now that i think of it." "so does kate bishop." kate laughs and i turn to the right to face her. she leaves her leg and wraps it around my waist. we stare at each other for a few seconds before i break the silence. "pepper says she's finished building the furniture so do we wanna start packing? might as well move in today, we can probably hit the mall on the way to buy more clothes for you and get breakfast if you want." i say and kate nods. "sounds good, i'll go brush my teeth, shower and get packed." she lifts her leg off me and walks to the bathroom. i take a deep sigh and get off the bed and get 2 of my suitcases.

eventually, i finish packing and kate comes out of the bathroom, changed into a black hoodie and loose jeans. "took you long enough." i say, and kate laughs. "i like to spend time in the shower, collect my thoughts." kate says, sitting on the floor next to me, putting some of her clothes into her suitcase. i zip up my suitcases and stand up. "i'm gonna go shower, you'll be done by the time i finish, right?" i ask, and kate nods. "i'm almost done." she replies and i go into the bathroom.

after i finished showering and brushing my teeth, i head out the bathroom door to see kate sitting on the bed, on her phone. "ready to go?" i ask, picking up my suitcases. "mhm" she hums, picking up her suitcase and bag. i open the door with kate behind me and see the barton family around the dining table, eating. clint turns to face us, and so does nathaniel. "you going now?" clint says, standing up from the table. "yeah, pepper just finished putting everything together." i say and everyone gets up. "thank you guys for having me, i owe you so much." i say, and laura speaks up. "it's all good y/n, we were more than happy to have you." she says, and i put my suitcases down and hug her. "you guys come visit anytime, okay?" i say. lila comes up to me and hugs me tight, and i hug her back. "thank you for having me too, i'll miss you guys." kate says, and laura hugs her.

we take turns hugging everyone, and i hug cooper, he returns by placing his hands a little too low. i clear my throat and i pull away. i go to hug clint, and he hugs me tight. "come visit soon, yeah?" i say, mid hug. "yeah, some time." he says and i let go of the hug. "can we keep lucky?!" nathaniel asks and kate laughs. "sorry nate, i think kate wants her dog back, but come visit the tower, he'll be there." i say, and lucky gets up from the couch and walks over to me. nathaniel gives a sad face and hugs me, then kate. "we should get going now." i turn around and say to kate, who nods. i open the front door while lucky follows me and i wait for kate to come out. "thank you guys again." kate thanks, and we say bye one last time. after clint closes the door, we walk to the car and i open the back seat door and lucky climbs in. i give him a few pats before closing the door, opening the trunk. i put the 2 suitcases in there, space for one more. "hey kate, could you bring your suitcase to the back?" "yeah, one sec." kate says, and after a few seconds, she appears from the side. i take the suitcase from her hands and lift it up and put it in. "thanks." kate says, and i start walking to the side of the car to the drivers door. "are you gonna-" kate says, and i press my middle and ring finger down, web connecting to the trunk, and i pull my arm down, pulling the trunk door down. "that's so cool..." kate mumbles from the other side of the car, and i smile. i get in the drivers seat and start up the car. kate buckles up and she looks back at lucky and smiles. "ready?" i ask. "yep." and i start to drive off.

after driving for 20 minutes, we stop at a red light. "can i ask you a favor, y/n?" kate asks, putting her phone down. "yeah, what's up?" i say, turning around to look at lucky, who's sitting across the seats. "can i see your wrist?" kate asks, wanting to know about the webs. "yeah, sure." i say, and give her my right hand, other hand on the steering wheel as the light goes green. she takes my hand and rolls up my sleeve that was covering my wrist. "where's the hole?" she asks, looking for it. "you can't see it, only comes out when i use them, weird i know." i say, eyes on road. "do you have a suit?" kate asks. "yeah, it's on me, why?" "is it under your coat?" "no, it's hard to explain but my brain is connected to the suit tony made, so the nanotech suit comes on whenever i need it to." kate looks at me in shock. "that. is. awesome! can you make me one?!" kate asks. i chuckle. "maybe one day, bishop." "bishop?" "yeah, bishop, new nickname. thoughts?" "sounds good, silk." kate says, and i laugh.

we pull up to the mall's carpark another 10 minutes later. "so we'll grab brunch first then we can get you clothes, sound good?" i say, unbuckling my seatbelt. "sounds good." kate confirms, unbuckling her seatbelt. i get out of the car and open the backseat car. lucky barks and i smile. "come out, lucks, we'll grab you something to eat too." i say and lucky jumps out, standing by my side. i close the door and lock it, kate waiting for me at the front of the car. we walk to the front of the mall, me holding onto the leash for lucky.

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