CHAPTER 20 - kate's house

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i open the all-too-familiar door, walking in the compound. "what time is it, JARVIS?" i say. "the time is currently 11:03m." i nod, and kate walks up beside me. "i think i'm gonna stay at my mom's for a bit, maybe a few days." she says, and i look at her, nodding. "i understand, you can always come back at any time." i say, and kate wraps her arms around my arm. "y/n, you saw that video at the arcade, right?" peter says, and i turn around. "yeah, why?" "your suit still has a rip in it, from the muggers." he says, laughing a bit. "i'll probably fix that now." i say, and i head to the elevator, kate still holding onto my arm. "are you tired? you can go to bed, i won't be that long." i say, pressing the fabricator level. "no, i'll stay with you." she says, and i nod. i open the door to the fabricator, and kate lets go of my arm, sitting on the couch. she pulls it out, laying down. (the buttons on the side that pulls the couch out to have leg space.) EDITH, glasses on. suit on too. my suit comes on and i get a screwdriver. unscrewing a part in the suit, a little compartment comes out, showing an electric chip. i place this into a slot on the fabricator, pressing a holographic 'EXPAND' button. the suit comes out, and i see the rip in it. i sigh, shaking my head. i scan the parts i need with the glasses, then getting them. 15 minutes later, the suit was finally done. after rotating it, i put it back on. suit off. the suit goes away, and i put away the tiny screwdrivers and tools i used. once down, i look over at kate, who's sleeping on the couch. "how do you fall asleep so quickly?" i say, walking over to her. i stand in between her legs, wrapping my arms around her back, pulling her up. her legs wrap around me, and i smile, rolling my eyes. walking out of the room, i close the door, going to the elevator. once in, i press our floor. "deja vu, isn't it?" kate whispers, still clearly tired. i smile, opening our door. "yeah, something like that." i reply, gently bending down, setting kate on the bed. i pull the blanket on her, and she lays there. "let me get ready for bed, i'll be back." i say, going into the bathroom.

once done getting changed and brushing my teeth, i go through my closet, picking out sweatpants and a t-shirt. i walk back to kate, taking the blanket off her. she groans, and i smile. "arms up." i say, and kate puts her arms up. i take her shirt off, putting the new shirt on. i place her shirt in the basket, taking the pants from beside her. i unbutton her jeans, sliding them off. i put my pants on her, and she moves her hips upwards to get them on. "are these your clothes?" she asks, and i nod. "thanks." she whispers, closing her eyes. i smile, bending down to give her a quick peck on the lips. she smiles, and i walk to the other side of the bed, laying down. kate lays on me, wrapping her arms around my waist. i smile, softly raking my hand through her soft hair.


"my mom called me." kate says, sitting on the couch. "what did she say?" i ask, opening the cabinet draws in the kitchen right across. "she got out." "that's good." "i think i should go back home for a bit..." kate says, and i nod. "can i leave my clothes here? i already have heaps at home." "yeah, of course." i say. "cool, i think i should get going now." she says, standing up. "like right now?" "yeah, right now." "how far's your house? i'll swing you." i say, closing the cabinet door, not finding anything i'm craving. "like half an hour from here. are you sure you can go that long?" "yeah, that's nothing!" i say, and kate nods. "thank you." she says, and she nods her head to the front. i follow her, and she opens the door, and i lock it behind me once out. suit on. kate jumps on me and i bend my legs to stable myself. "woah!" i say, and kate laughs. i smile, wrapping my arm around her. glasses on, EDITH.  "what's the address?" i ask, and kate tells me the address. the blue holographic line show up when tell EDITH the address and i web to a building, jumping up. 

we jump into the alleyway a few metres from her house, and i put kate down. "never gonna get sick of swinging." kate says, making me smile. suit and glasses off. "let's go." i say, and kate stands beside me, out of the alleyway. "do you wanna come in?" kate says, once we're at the door. "i-" i say, before the door swings open. "y/n! kate!" kate's mom says, and i smile. "morning, miss bishop." "call me eleanor." she says, smiling. i nod, before kate talks. "hi, mom." kate says. "how did you get here?" kate's mom says, looking behind us for any cars. "uber." kate lies, and kate's mom buys it. "come in, come in! i just made breakfast." kate's mom says, standing on the side of the door. kate walks in, and i follow her behind. once, in, i look around the house, and it's impressively big. "you've got an amazing house, eleanor." i say, and she chuckles. "thank you, y/n." she says, and kate pulls me to the kitchen. the dining table has food on it, quite a lot. kate sits down, and i sit next to her. kate's mom sits opposite kate, smiling. "well, dig in!" she says.

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