CHAPTER 8 - making the suit

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"y/n? can you grab the door? peter's here, i'm doing something right now." pepper says, on the phone. i hang up and kate and i walk out of my room and go into the elevator. kate presses 'ground floor' and we wait until the elevator reaches ground level. peter rings the door bell again, and i speed walk to the door. "hey y/n." peter says, as i open the door. "hey pete, coming to check our your room?" i say, peter walking through the door. "mmm no, more like moving in today." "what about aunt may?" "happy's staying with her, or at least visiting a few times a week, i offered her to stay here but she'd rather stay at home." peter says and i lock the door, and turn around to see kate on the couch, playing with lucky. "hey kate!" peter says, walking to them. "hi peter!" kate says back. peter sits on the floor, lucky rushing over to him. between laughs as lucky licks peter, peter manages to say a few words. "is this your dog? he's so cute!" peter says, and kate smiles. "yeah, his name is lucky, found him on the streets." "he's so cute! he staying here with you?" "yep, you'll see him quite a lot, seems like he loves you already!" kate says, and i sit next to her. "hey peter, there's a fabricator here right? i'm thinking of using it now." i ask. he thinks for a second, lucky calming down a bit. "i think... 5th floor?" kate looks at me, confused. "the fabricator's gonna help us make your suit, kate." "right now?! are you serious?!" she says, and peter stands up. "yeah, if you want to now." i say, and kate nods her head excitedly. "i'm gonna go put my clothes my room, let me know if you guys need help with the fabricator." peter says heading out to the car.

"can we go now y/n?!" kate says, standing up. "yup, let's go." i say, and kate grabs my hands and pulls me up, but lets go when i stand up. we walk to the elevator, lucky being occupied with his toys. i click floor 5 and i can see kate smile excitedly from the corner of my eye. i swear she's got the mind of a 5 year old. we reach the 5th floor and the sign on the door reads "stark fabricator". i'm glad we still have something to remind us of tony, besides the tower. i still remember the day he made me my first suit using a fabricator.

i open the door, kate behind me. the room is filled with different types of fabricators, the blue holographic design and silver metal on each of them. i see a small table with a few seats. i walk over to there and sit down, kate sitting across from me. "so, first we gotta design your suit. any thoughts?" i say, getting a pen and paper next to me. "well, these LARPERs designed my other suit and i really like the design, so something similar to that?" kate asks. "do you wanna go wear it? it'll help me with the positioning of the suit on your body since it's holographic before i make it." i say and kate gets up. "yeah, let me get it, i'll be back." she says, before rushing out of the door.

moments later, kate comes back in her suit, and let me tell you, she sure looks good in purple. "wadduya think?" kate says, pinning in front of me. "looks awesome." "i know, clint got a matching one too. well, i kind of forced him to wear it, but i didn't think he'd actually wear it, but he did!" kate says, sitting down. i laugh, twirling the pen around. "seems like a blast, is there anything you don't like about the suit?" i ask and kate thinks for a bit. "maybe the weight? it's kinda heavy to wear, slows me down a little." i think for a second, writing a dot point in the top right. "do you want nanotech?" i ask. "are you kidding me?! of course! that's sick?!" kate exclaims, excited. i smile, watching kate get excited, i remember how excited i was when tony helped me with my suit, he almost quit because of how excited i was. i write down "nanotech suit" on the paper. "anything else?" "i can't of anything..." kate trails off, thinking hard. "kate can you stand up again?" i ask and she stands up. i look her up and down, trying to figure out what else i can add. "do you want me to show you my suit? you can see if you wanna add from it." i say, standing up. "of course, let's see it, silk." suit on, JARVIS. i feel the nanotechnology covering my body and in just a few seconds, my suit was on.

(main idea of the suit, but whatever's red is gold! sorry if u don't like it, this is just based off the marvel superhero

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(main idea of the suit, but whatever's red is gold! sorry if u don't like it, this is just based off the marvel superhero.)

"oh. my. goodness." kate says, mouth forming an 'o'. i open my arms and do a 360, showing her the suit. mask off, JARVIS. my mask disappears, making kate even more stunned. "what do we think?" i say, and kate smiles. "it looks astonishing." "thanks bishop, anything i have you wanna add?" i ask, sitting down. "maybe a belt along the waist, for spare arrows?" kate asks, still looking at my suit. "do we wanna make some arrows like pocket size so it can fit on your belt? you can make it normal size on command whenever you want." "yes please." kate says. "you done the suit?" peter says, walking in, sitting next to me. "almost, just seeing what else kate wants." "is this your suit right now?" peter asks kate. "yep, why?" kate asks, leaning on the table. "looks good, so this but in nanotech?" he guesses correctly. "yeah, we'll get JARVIS in there too." i say. "who's JARVIS?" kate asks. "just a rather very intelligent system." me and peter say at the same time, causing us to smile. "okay." kate says, pulling out the o. "so, suit but nanotech, belt, heaps of arrows." i sum up. "wait wait, gold for the belt, and black and gold arrows?" kate suggests, and i write it down. "for sure, give me a sec." i get up and walk over to a fabricator, kate following me. "hey JARVIS, what's up?" i say. "miss silk, how may i be of service?" JARVIS says, recognising my voice. "i'd like you to meet kate bishop, you'll be hearing her a lot from now on." i say, and look at kate. "hi, JARVIS. how are you?" kate says, looking around the room. "miss bishop, i'm good, how may i be of service?" JARVIS asks kate, and kate looks at me, clueless. "we're gonna make her a suit, as fancy as the one tony made for peter and i." "what type of suit, miss silk?" "let's make it a nanotech one."

"kate, can you take you suit off?" kate looks at me on the couch next to the fabricator i'm working as, confused. "what, now that peter's gone to bed you wanna do the... uhh..." kate teases, smiling. "no, asshole. i finished the belt, i need to measure your waist size and i can't do that with the suit on, it'll be too loose." "i'm only kidding, one second." kate says, and she fumbles to take her suit off. i move my hands around, rotating the holographic belt with heaps of pocket things for arrows. looks damn good to me. "i'm done." kate says and i turn around, kate in a bra and underwear. be professional here, y/n. i clear my throat and grab a holographic measuring tape and pull it towards kate. i kneel slightly to wrap it around her waist, the holographic tape bending easily. "do you want the belt here?" i ask and kate looks down. "yeah, perfect." i say, and i bring my index finger down on the measuring tape where it overlaps, making a darker blue mark. i unwrap the tape from her waist. i go back to the fabricator, ruling the holographic belt to match kate's waist.

30 minutes later, the belt was done. "i'm gonna start on the suit now, so i need to do your body measurements again, like your shoulders and stuff." i say and kate gets up, still in a bra and underwear. i measure her body in whatever i needed, then making a holographic figure of her so i can make her suit easier.

"kate your suit is halfway done, there's still another 3 hours left." i say, kate laying on the couch. "are you tired? you can go to bed." i say, and kate shakes her head. "no, not yet. what have you got to do now?" she asks. "i've already finished your arrows, and saved them on JARVIS so you can just make them faster whenever you run out, just let JARVIS know, he'll start making them for you on the machine over there." i point to a machine across the room, and kate nods. "got it, thanks." she says. "now i've just gotta make some more gadgets, i'll make peter some incase he needs them." i say, starting to make a gadget web shooter for both my hands. "okay, i'll stay with you." kate says, shifting on the couch. "are you sure? it's almost 2am." i say, turning my fingers to rotate the unfinished web shooters. "i'm sure." kate says. an hour of constantly measuring the web shooters, holographically testing them out, the web shooters were finally made. i made them a metallic gold and silver, matching with my suit. i attach them both to my wrists, them sticking like an incredibly strong magnet, only coming off on demand. i put my middle finger and index down, pointing at the corner of the roof. THWIP. good, my normal webs work still. "how're you gonna clean that?" kate asks, standing up and walking over to me. "they dissolve in an hour, no mess to clean up." i say, cleaning up some stuff on the fabricator. "awesome." kate says, facing me.

"what time is it, JARVIS?" i ask. "2:42am, miss silk." "jesus it's late, we should head to bed, your suit'll be done in the morning." i say to kate, who yawns after. "yeah, let's go." she says. "goodnight JARVIS." we both say. "goodnight miss silk, goodnight miss bishop." i close the door and we walk to the elevator. once in the elevator, we go to the 22nd floor. kate opens her bedroom door and lays on her bed. JARVIS, suit off. the suit comes off, and kate smiles. "can't wait for mine to finish." she says, and lays on her bed. "neither, if you wake up before me, wake me up so we can get your suit, yeah?" i say, leaning against her door frame. "deal, goodnight y/n." "goodnight, kate." i say, and she smiles. i close her door and head to the elevator.

once in my room, i get changed into night clothes and get ready for bed. after brushing my teeth, i lay in bed. the empty spot on my right feels weird, and i close my eyes, falling asleep.

a/n this chapter took so much creativity, hoped you liked it, please remember to vote !

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