CHAPTER 19 - restaurant

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a knock comes from the door, and i stand up from the couch, lucky following behind me. i web to the roof, swinging myself to get there faster. i open it, and clint smiles. "hey clint, right on time." i say, and stand to the side, letting everyone in. "hey y/n!" lila says, giving me a hug. "hey lila!"  i hug her back, us letting go shortly after. "y/n!" nathan says, running up to me. i crouch down, giving him a hug. "hey nathan! i missed you." i say, and he giggles. "i missed you too." he says, and i stand up, giving laura a quick hug. "hey y/n, how have you been?" "i've been doing good, how about you?" i say, making laura smile. "i'm doing good too." she says, and we walk to the lounge. kate and peter stand up from the couch, hugging everyone. " i missed you peter!" nathan says, and they start talking. 

"we were thinking of going to a restaurant, i have one in mind." i say, and clint nods. "how far?" he says, and i think. "only 15 minutes, is anyone hungry?" i ask, and i get a few no's and a few 'a little's "wanna start heading out now?" i say, and clint replies with a yeah. "we'll split up, my family in one car." he says, and i nod. 

i open the car door for kate, and kate gets in, smiling. "thanks for opening my door, y/n!" peter says, sarcastically. "shut up, peter!" i say, sitting in the drivers seat. peter laughs, sitting in the back. i pick up my phone and call yelena. "hurry up! i told you to be ready! clint's already gone to the restaurant!" i say, once she pick up. "i know, i know! i had problems, i will be down in a second!" she says, and she hangs up. eventually, yelena comes running to the car, opening it then closing it once she's sat down. "took you long enough." peter says, and yelena hits his arm. "ouch!" he says, making yelena smile. i reverse the car, closing it, driving on the road. it was already dark, cities lit up. i smile at the sight, taking a left. kate presses a button on the car, turning on the radio, the current song being 'lover' by taylor swift. i tap the beats on the steering wheel, turning the wheel right. 

after parking next to clint, we all get out of the car, and i lock it. glasses off.  "this is it." i say to clint, and he nods. i look up at the neon sign, smiling.

"this is my all time favorite place!" natasha exclaims, opening the restaurant door for me. i smile, looking around. "looks fancy." i say, and we get a table for 2. "here's to our first- and successful- mission, y/n!" natasha exclaims, holding her wine up. i smile, picking up my coke glass and touching it against nat's, making a clink! sound. "can't believe they won't let you have wine, you're like what? 18? old enough!" she says, and i giggle. moments later, the waiter comes. "could i get the..." natasha says, pulling out the 'e', skimming through the menu one last time. "the chicken piccata pasta, please." the waiter nods, writing it down. "one chicken piccata pasta for you." the waiter corrects her, and i laugh quietly. "right, sorry." natasha says, looking at me. "make that two, please." i say, and the waiter nods. "that all for today?"  he confirms, and we nod. "it'll be with you shortly." he says, walking away. "i always get it wrong!" natasha says, putting her palm to her hand, making me laugh.

i open the restaurant door, letting everyone in. "table for 8, please." i say, and we're guided to a rather big table. i sit down, kate sitting on my right, yelena on my left. "yelena! you're here." clint says, sitting across from yelena. "yes i am." she says, grabbing a menu. i get two menus, handing one to kate. even though i already know what i'm ordering. a waitress walks over, and laura orders first, going around the table, i tell my order. "a chicken piccata pasta with a wine, please." i say, smiling. 

eventually, our dinner's here. everyone gets handed their plates, and my pasta is placed in front of me. i smile, realising i haven't seen the pasta in forever. still looks the same. "so, yelena. where have you been staying?" clint asks, taking a mouthful of fish and chips into his mouth. "at the tower, actually." yelena says, smiling. clint smiles, looking at me. "i'm glad." he replies, and kate taps my shoulder. "yeah?" i say, putting a forkful of pasta in my mouth. "can i have some, please?" she says, pointing to the wine. i smile, nodding. she smiles back, taking the wine, and taking a sip, before putting it down. i feel feet hitting me, and i look at cooper, who's opposite me. i move my feet back, taking another forkful into my mouth. i twirl pasta onto my fork, putting the fork in front of kate's mouth. she opens her mouth, leaning forward, pulling back once the pasta's in her mouth. "good, right?" i say, and she nods, eyebrows raised. 

"everyone done?" clint asks, setting down his fork. "we were all waiting for you!"  nathan says, beside him. i smile, taking another sip of the nearly finished wine. i put the wine in front of kate, and she takes a sip. i stand up, going to the counter to pay. "bill for table 13, please." i say, and the man nods. he hands me the bill, and i pay from my wallet. i walk back to the table, motioning everyone that i'm ready. they stand up, and we walk out. i check the time, 9:03. "anyone down for the arcade? we still have credits from last time." i say, and everyone agrees. i smile, kate catching up to me. "want me to drive? i know the way from here." she says, and i nod. "yeah, sure." i say, and kate opens my door for me, and i laugh, getting in. everyone eventually gets in, and we start to drive there. 

i open my car door, locking it with the key. clint's already inside, getting a card. i meet kate at the front of the car, wrapping one arm around her waist. we go in, clint waiting for us. "did you get a card?" i ask, and he responds with a yes. i smile, and nathan, lila and cooper already run off to play games. "i have heaps of credit left on the card, wanna go play some games, yelena?" peter asks, and yelena accepts. i smile, leading kate to a photo booth. "hop in." i say, and kate goes in, me going in after. i scan the card, starting the booth. after adjusting the settings, the countdown starts. i squish kate's cheek with my hand, smiling. CH CH! we pose again, this time kate kissing my cheek. i wrap my arms around her, closing my eyes. CH CH! the countdown starts from 5, and i wait until 3. i smile, tilting kate's face towards me, and i lean in, kissing her. i can feel her smile mid kiss, making me smile. CH CH! the last photo clicks, and we pull away. "so cringey!" kate says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes. "i'm kidding, that was cute. maybe the cutest thing you've done." kate says, and i smile. moments later, 2 strips of our photos come out, showing the 3 photos. i take it out of the machine, smiling at the photos. "let me see!" kate says, and i hand her one of the strips. "it turned out so cute!" she says, smiling at the photos. i agree, and we head out of the booth, putting the photo strip in my clear phone case. "what now?" i say, looking around. "verse me in air hockey?" kate says, heading towards the air hockey machine. i smile, swiping the card. the puck comes out, and i hit it, sending it to kate's side. this goes on for a few seconds, before it goes into kate's. "you're kidding!" she says, and i laugh. 

"aaaand i win!" i say, and kate groans. "i blame your..." she says, doing the spider-man hands. i roll my eyes, and she laughs. after a few games, we run out of credits. we head to the rewards section, and kate picks out an owl plushie. "this is so cute!" she says, picking it up, hugging it. "then let's get it. we have enough credits." i say, and she smiles. we pay for it using our card, and wait on the couches. kate looks at the plushie, smiling. moments later, peter and yelena head towards us, peter holding a spider-man plushie, yelena holding heaps of candy. "of course you got that." i say, and peter laughs. "what? it's cute!" he says, rotating the plushie around. 

clint's family walks towards us, multiple toys in hand. "look y/n! i got a toy! he says, showing me the wolf plushie. "it's so cute!" i say, smiling. i stand up, handing my hand to kate. she takes it, pulling herself up. holding my hand. we walk out to the car, stopping in front of it. "thanks for today, y/n. the kids and i appreciate it." clint says, and i smile. "of course, come by anytime, yeah?" i say, and he nods."see you soon." he says, smiling. i wave goodbye, and the kids head into the car. "bye everyone!" i say, waving. they wave back, kate waving beside me. i sigh, watching them drive away. i open the passenger door for kate, and she gets in. i walk to the other side, sitting in. peter yawns, and i start the car up, driving out of the driveway.

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