CHAPTER 5 - the movie

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a/n - please remember to vote!!
i pull up to the driveway and turn off the car. kate was still sleeping, and it's almost 11. i'd feel bad if i wake her up, she's sleeping so peacefully. i open the car door and get out and shut it quietly, and go around to kate's side. i open the door and unbuckle kate's seatbelt carefully. i unwrap the seat belt from her waist and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her up. once in a comfortable position, i lift her up out of the car and close the door. suddenly, kate wraps her arms around my neck. "you're up, aren't you." i say, before starting to walk to the house. "yeah, but i'm too tired to walk." kate says, giggling. "it's cool, i don't mind carrying you." "thanks y/n." kate says and she wraps her arms around my neck even tighter.

i can feel the tension between us when i realise that our bodies are pressing against each other. my body starts to heat up, and the door is so damn far. "don't trip in the snow, y/n." kate says, in a sleepy voice. "i'll try not to." i reply, smiling. we finally reach the door and i shift kate's body to my right arm to grab the keys in my pocket to unlock it. "y/n... you're kinda touching my ass." kate says, and i realise where i put my hand. i shift my hand a little more up to her lower waist. "oh right, sorry." i say and kate laughs. "i'm kidding, you can put it back there if you want." "no it's all good, we're basically in anyways." i open the door and see everyone sitting on multiple couches.

"hey guys, back so late?" laura says, and kate unwraps her arms around my neck as i let go of her. she stands beside me, embarrased. "yeah, why's everyone still up?" i ask. "we're watch a movie! dad let us stay up, sit down guys!" nathaniel says, and i look at kate, who's smiling back at me. we sit down, rather squished. (imagine above the fireplace theres a flatscreen tv and there's 3 couches). kate sits down first where the empty spaces are, next to cooper. i sit on the left of her, lila on another couch, nathaniel on the floor with lucky, clint and laura on another couch too. "have you guys picked a movie?" kate asks, moving closer to me, a little further away from cooper who side eyes kate for a second. "yeah, we decided on Home Alone." clint says, clicking the remote to Home Alone. "classic movie." cooper says, and the movie starts playing. "are you still tired? you can go to bed if you want." i whisper to kate, who stops watching the movie to turn her head to me. "mmm no it's okay, i can watch." kate says, and she leans her head into the crook my neck. i stiffen up a bit and my eyes go to clint on the right, who's smiling in the teasing way. i wrap my right arm around kate, and throw a middle finger at clint who laughs quietly. ah shit. what do i do with my arm now? leave it around kate? not i can take it back. deal with it y/n! kate already made her move, or was it really a move? what if she was just tired? i decide to leave my arm there i hear light snores from kate. "she's sleeping y/n." lila says, and turns down the volume a bit. "she falls asleep so quickly." i say, and lila laughs.

we finally finished the movie, me almost falling asleep too. everyone says goodnight and heads to bed, leaving kate and i on the couch. kate groans and leans more into me. "wanna go back into the bedroom?" i ask. "only if you carry me." kate says, and i chuckle.

kate's pov

y/n unwraps her arm around me and wraps her arms around my waist. she leans down to pick me up, which she does basically easily. i wrap my arms around her neck while she picks me up and heads to the bedroom.

once there, she sets me down on the soft bed and pulls the blanket over me. "these jeans are uncomfy y/n." i say, too tired to get up. "want me to get you pyjamas?" she asks, and i nod my head. she smiles and goes to my suitcase. eventually, she picks out sweatpants, and a t shirt. "kate you don't have a sweatshirt, it's too cold to not wear one." "i don't? i swear i washed one the other day." "don't worry about it, you can wear one of mine, i have heaps." y/n says, grabbing one of her sweatshirts from the closet. she brings the clothes to me and goes into the bathroom. i lay in bed for a bit before deciding to get changed under cover. i take off my coat, shirt, and jeans, leaving me in underwear and a bra/. y/n comes out after brushing her teeth and goes to lay on the bed and starts to pull the blanket up to get in bed. "don't pull the blanket up y/n!" i half scream half whisper. she drops the covers immediately. "you good?" she asks, standing in front of her side of the bed. "yeah, just let me get changed, kinda in a bra and underwear right now." i say, grabing the shirt and putting it on undercover. y/n's eyes go wide open and and looks down. "y-yeah uh, let me know when you're done." i get the sweatshirt on and get the pants and put it on. "i'm done, you can go into bed now." y/n nods and gets into bed, sitting up. "i'm gonna go brush my teeth, i'll be back." i say and get up to go to the bathroom.

y/n's pov

"that was... awkward." i mutter to myself. i lay down and pull the blanket up. eventually, kate comes back and lays in bed. we both stare at the ceiling in silence before kate speaks up. "today was a good day." i smile. "yeah, it was. pepper likes to get on this quickly, so i wouldn't be surprised if they've already finished setting up the furniture." kate laughs before turning her body around to face me. she moves closer to me, her head being at the end of her pillow. "tell me about peter, i wanna know more about him if we're gonna live together." i smile before talking. "peter is the funniest person i kno-" "until you met me." kate says, making me chuckle. "one of the funniest people i've met, better?" she nods and we laugh. "i met peter when he was fighting mysterio, i heard it on the news, and i was in the area, so we teamed up. ever since then, almost every mission 'the avengers' did, me and peter would team up. he's young, and he has so much potential. he's became my best friend." i say, and kate sighs. "good story. 9/10. could've added more." kate says, and i laugh. "maybe i'll tell you more another day, or maybe peter will." i look at the time. 2:32. "we should sleep, it's getting real late." i say, and kate yawns. "yeah, goodnight y/n." "goodnight kate." i say, and we fall asleep.

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