CHAPTER 4 - going back

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a/n - please remember to vote !
y/n's pov

we walk through the glass doors which were heavy (for kate) and the interior was a beautiful dark mood, black couches, black desks, dark colored everything, i love it. "god this is amazing." kate says, as stunned as me. "amazing, isn't it?" a voice i haven't heard in a while. coming through one of the doors, stood peter parker. "peter!" i say, running towards him. he opens his arms and i hug him tight. he chuckles before talking. "i missed you!" he says, hugging me tighter. "i missed you so much." i say, letting go from the hug. i look behind me and see kate, standing there, smiling. "kate, this is peter, one of my best friends." i say, and kate shakes his hands. "peter, this is 'the world's greatest archer'" i mimic, and kate looks at me. "well i- uh- i mean, not as good as clint, obviously. he's like- the hawkeye!" she says, stuttering a lot. peter laughs, and so do i. "do you trust her?" peter asks, hinting about his identity. "she won't tell." i say, not entirely sure if i trust her, but i'm certain she won't tell anyone. peter nods in approval, talking after. "you're probably wondering why i'm here, and i trust you not to say this to anyone, but i'm also known as spider-man." peter says, scratching the back of his neck. kate's eyes widen, mouth drops open. "OH MY GOD!! YOU'RE SPIDER-MAN!! THIS IS SO COOL! OH MY GOD!" kate screams, and i look at peter, his face embarrassed. "just give her a second, she acted the same way with clint and i." i whisper to him, and he chuckles.

after a few seconds, kate finally calms down, and someone else walks through the same door. "pepper!" i greet, hugging her, and she returns the hug. "how does everything look?" she says, after we walk for a bit, wondering how each others days were. "it really looks amazing." i say, looking around. "well, you've still got a quite the levels to se- are you kate bishop?" pepper says, looking past me to kate. "h-hi! yes i'm kate bishop, you must be pepper potts. thank you for letting me stay here! i owe you so much." kate says, giving pepper a polite, short hug. "oh it's no problem, really. plus, we need people to fill in this tower." pepper says, chuckling. "the moving trucks are here, i should probably help them figure stuff out." pepper says, backing away. "need help?" peter offers. "no no, you guys should go explore! figure out your rooms!" she finishes, walking away in a hurry. "i've already picked a room for me. you snooze, you lose." peter says, smirking. "that's unfair, you live closer!" i say, and peter laughs, so does kate. "true, but i do have to go now, i have a date with mj." peter says, smiling. "have fun! love you." i say, while peter walks to the exit. "thanks y/n, love you too!" i turn back to kate, who's by my side. "let's go see everything, shall we?" i say, and kate eagerly nods.

we go through the doors peter and pepper came through, and there's a a space with a couch, flatscreen tv mounted on the wall, 2 rooms, and an elevator. we check out the rooms, which was a meeting room and a massive gym, with archery equipments which kate was excited about, holographic dummies which tony created for combat, gym equipments, and a boxing arena. we head to the elevator, which was extremely modern. "this is so cool." kate says, while we get in the elevator. i look at the levels and there's 24 floors. "thank god they have an elevator." i mumble, and kate laughs.

eventually, we get through most of the levels, and get to the 21st floor. 'peter's room!!' a sign says on a bedroom door, and i laugh. classic peter. we get to the 22nd floor and the bedroom is massive, including a walk in closet and ensuite to a massive bathroom. "i so want this room!" kate says, excited. "ask and you shall receive." i say, and kate smiles. "i'll let pepper know soon." we get to the 23rd floor, and the bedroom is the same as kate's, just a few modifications. "i'lll take this room." i say, and pull out my phone.


pepper potts

figured out our rooms, kate will have

the 22nd floor bedroom and i'll have the

23rd :)) thanks a lot pepper

Sure, I'll move your stuff in soon!

No need to thank me.


"and it's official! rooms are taken by us." i say, while we're in the elevator to go back to the first floor again. "yess!" kate says, smiling. "it's almost 7, we should head back now, we'll grab dinner at mcdonalds or something." "sounds good to me." kate says and we walk out the tower and to my car.

"want me to drive? i don't want you driving for so long." kate says as we get to the front of the car. "you can drive?" i ask, shocked. "duh, is your bar really that low? ouch." she asks, and i laugh. "sure, if you want." i say and kate gets in the driver's seat, starting the car up. i buckle up, ready for the long ride back.

"turn right here, we'll get mcdonalds." i say, and kate turns right into mcdonalds. she looks beautiful driving, she's so focused, it's cute. "what would you like?" kate asks, pulling into the drive through. "could i please get a medium cheeseburger meal, fanta for the drink please." kate says my order to the worker and orders her food.

we get out of the drive through, we pull into the car park. i hand kate her food as she passed it to me as she drove, and she takes off the wrapper and starts to eat. eventually, we finish our meals and kate takes a massive sigh and leans her head back. "you okay?" i ask, putting the wrappers in the bag. "yeah, just tired. and full." i smile and take her rubbish and put it in the bag. "let me drive, you can sleep again." "are you sure?" "i'm sure." i get out of the car and so does kate go around the car, and i sit in the driver's seat, kate reclining the passenger seat. "finally leant how to do it, huh?" i say, starting to drive away. she giggles and lays her head back. "yeah, i think so." she says, and after a few minutes i hear light breathing. i focus on driving back to clint's sky being practically dark, some stars lighting up the sky.

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