CHAPTER 15 - internet famous

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i wake up, head resting on the crook of kate's neck, hands still interlocked. i smile at the sight, and kate picks up her phone from beside her. she unlocks it, then going on twitter. after scrolling on her feed for a few seconds, she comes across a familiar picture. the picture shows the man i met at the rooftop and i, taking a selfie. my hand in a peace sign, the man smiling happily. the text above reads "just met silk! nicest superhero ever." kate clicks on the picture, looking at it. she likes the tweet, shows 14.7k likes. woah, that's a lot. a message pops up at the top of kate's phone, and she taps on it



peter parker 🕷

morning kate, you up?

morning peter, y/n's still sleeping 


all good, did you change her bandage?

yeah i did :)

awesome, thanks a lot 


kate likes peter's message, and turns her phone off. she stares at the ceiling, even though there's nothing there. i smile, shifting myself up, and taking lifting my head up just a bit. i reach her cheek, and give her little multiple kisses, before laying back down. "good morning to you too, y/n." kate says, and i smile. "good morning, kate." "how's your cut?" she asks, and i focus on my cut "still hurts a little, should be okay soon." i say, and she nods. "hungry?" she asks, and i yawn. "not yet, i'll go down soon though." i say. "i'll go down when you do." kate says, and i smile.

"you know you're getting recognised, right?" kate says, referring to the viral video of me swinging. "yeah, i've seen the video of me swinging. some guy showed it to me, then we took a picture." i say. "i've saw the picture on twitter, it's cute." kate says. "what, the man?" "w-what? no! stop teasing me, you know what i mean." kate says, panicking. "i'm kidding, kate." i laugh, and push myself up to lean on my elbow to look at kate, my elbow holding my head up. "how was your sleep?" i ask, and kate smiles. "it was really good. slept like a baby." "maybe because you are a baby." "shut up!" kate laughs, and i smile. the tension in the air starts to thicken as there was pure silence in the room. kate shifts her gaze from my eyes to my lips, as i do the same. i lean in slowly, not sure if this is what kate wants. kate's left hand moves to my right cheek, slowly pulling me closer. noses touching, kate's hot breath on my lips, mine on hers. i tilt my head to the left, moving closer. the gap closes, kate's lips on mine. the adrenaline rushes back to me, kate's familiar taste coming back to me too. we pull away after a few seconds noses touching. kate smiles, making me smile. kate moves closer again, lips touching. i smile mid kiss, then kiss her again. 

"wanna go down now?" kate says, after she puts my bloody shirt on me. "yeah, let's go." she says, and she takes her feet off the bed, getting out. i decide to get out the same side as kate, and she waits for me. my feet reach the floor, and i stand up. a pain hits my wound, and i do a sharp inhale, teeth together. i sit back on the bed, and kate furrows her eyebrows. "you okay y/n?" she asks, standing in front of me. "guess the wound hurts more when i stand up." i say, and kate reaches out her left hand. "c'mon. i'll help you." i smile, reaching my left hand to hers, and she wraps it around her neck, and i stand up. "this okay?" she asks. "yeah, this is good." i say, taking a step. we get to the door, and kate opens it, and we walk out. without turning around, i bend my right arm back, shooting a web to the door. i hold the web, and lightly pull it to close the door. we go to into the elevator, and kate presses ground floor. she adjusts her hand, making us interlock around her neck. i smile, and we get to ground floor. the elevator door opens, and we walk out. we walk to the lounge and kitchen, where yelena, peter, fanny and lucky are there. "hi guys." i say, and we get to the couch. "y/n! how's your cut?" yelena asks, turning around from the couch. "still hurts." i reply, and lucky walks up to me, not jumping on me. "hey bud." i say, and he woofs. (also im making lucky male, sorry for the confusion lol) i smile, and kate sits me down on the couch, next to yelena. she unwraps my arm from her neck, letting go of my hand. "i made mac and cheese if you guys want that, there's heaps." yelena says. "it's pretty damn good." peter says, mouth full. i smile, and kate goes to the kitchen. she gets 2 bowls, scooping a full bowl for each. she comes back, and sits next to me. "here you go." she says, handing me a bowl with a fork. "thank you." i say, digging some mac and cheese onto the fork. i take a the fork into my mouth and realise yelena's staring at me on my right. i raise an eyebrow, mouth full. "so, how is it?" she asks. i smile, before nodding. "it's pretty good." i say, putting another mouthful in my mouth. "i know, good for box mac and cheese, right?" yelena says, and kate quietly laughs. 

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