CHAPTER 7 - moving in

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once we get through the automatic doors, we go to elevator. i click the open button, and a few seconds after, the door opens, revealing no-one inside. we go in and i look at the levels. "do you wanna eat first?" i ask. "yeah, sure i'm pretty hungry, and i'm sure lucky's hungry too." i click the 'food court' level. "lucky's always hungry." i say, half kneeling down to pet lucky. once out of the elevator, we head to the food court, which was right in front of us.

"what do you wanna eat?" i ask, skimming over the food shops that were around. "i'm kinda feeling pizza today, do you want pizza?" kate asks. "yeah, i'm down." we head to the pizza shop and order a large pepperoni pizza, getting it a few minutes after. we sit down at a table for 2 and kate puts the pizza on the table, lucky sitting patiently for his slice. i pull out a slice and give it to lucky, who puts it in his mouth and starts eating it. kate grabs a slice and so do i and she takes a bite of it. "this is so good." she says, after finishing the mouthful. i nod my head after taking a bit myself.

after a few slices, we finally finish the pizza, lucky having almost more slices than me. "can we go in here?" kate says. "yeah of course, you can go anywhere." i say, and we head into this clothes shop. kate looks around , picking out a few clothes. "i'm gonna get changed in the change rooms." kate says, heading to the changing rooms. "yeah i'll wait on the couch." i say, sitting on the couch outside the changing rooms. lucky sits in front of me, and i pet him. "don't worry lucks, we'll get you treats and toys." i say, and kate comes out of the changing rooms in a short red dress. "wow." i say, unable to think of words. "wow what?" kate says, striking a few poses. "you look really good, you should get it!" i chuckle, and kate smiles.

we go to a few other stores, kate buying a few clothes from each. of course, we went to the pet store and got whatever toys lucky wanted, along with food and treats. "by the way, we should probably get a few swimsuits since there's an indoor pool and spa if you forgot." i say, walking next to kate. "right, how could i forget?" she says, and we head to a bikini store.

we both pick out a few bikinis each, mine consisting of a plain black one, pastel blue and sage green one. kate picks out a purple one, yellow and dark red. "wanna show them at the same time?" i say to kate, who's in the changing room next to me. "i thought that was what the plan was, silk." "yeah, right." i say, and i finish putting on the sage green one. "ready?" i ask. "ready." we both unlock the changing room doors, and kate stands there in the dark red bikini. her body is amazing. faint abs, toned body. "quit looking y/n!" kate says, hiding her body.

kate's pov

i look y/n up and down, her abs shining in the light. god her body was perfect. "you look amazing." she says, and i smile. "not too bad yourself." i say, laughing. "i'll take it!" y/n says, laughing too. "i'm kidding, you actually look hot." "i'm actually quite cold, i'm gonna get changed now." y/n says, smiling. we get changed, y/n wanting to pay for the bikinis.

after another half an hour of shopping and a handful of shopping bags, we finally head back to y/n's car. y/n opens the back door for lucky and he hops in. she gives him one out of his 13 toys and he starts playing with it. "hey kate can you pass me your shopping bags? i'll put them on the floor under lucky." y/n says, and i walk over and give her my shopping bags. "thanks." we both say at the same time and we laugh. i head back to the passenger seat and sit down, y/n sitting down in the drivers seat, starting up the car.

y/n's pov

"luckily the drive to the tower is only like 20 minutes." i say, reversing the car out of the carpark. "lucky us!" kate says, and i smile. we drive for a bit until i stop at a red light. "do you have a suit?" i ask kate. "yeah, but it's not as cool as your's and peter's." she replies, leaning her head back. "i'll make you one in a few days, after we settle in." "really?!" "yeah really." "thanks y/n." kate says, smile beaming from her face.

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