CHAPTER 22 - misunderstanding

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i sit on a fairly high rooftop, taking a sip from the coffee. swinging my legs off the edge, i look down, seeing the coffee shop. i see 2 people walk out, and i squint my eyes. it's kate, and her bastard 'friend'. i take another sip of coffee, watching them. they stop walking, and they turn to face each other, kate's friends facing my back. they start talking for a bit, then it gets heated. of course, i could easily ease drop with EDITH, but i'm a respectful person. i look from above, and kate starts yelling, but i'm too far hear anything. her friend yells back, and kate yells louder. this attracts people's attention from the food shop next door, and everyone's gaze turns to them. EDITH, glasses on. i zoom in with the glasses, not listening into their conversation. kate looks extremely aggravated, still yelling. i furrow my eyebrows, taking another drink of the coffee. "ah shit!" i say, realising i drank too much, burning my throat. i shake it off, focusing on their conversation. after a few seconds, her friend shifts, before trying to take a punch at kate. luckily, she blocks it. her friend then walks away angrily, kate still standing there. EDITH, glasses off.

"silk! down here!" someone says, making me turn my gaze to them. i see a kid waving, and i wave back, looking at the corner off my eye to kate again. she gets out her phone, before pressing her phone to her ear. my phone vibrates and i take it out, kate calling. "oh god..." i mumble, before pressing accept. "are you stalking me?" kate says, sounding irritated. "what? no! i was already up here when i swung out." i tell the truth. "i'm guessing you saw what happened, huh." she says, sighing. "yeah, just saw. i didn't eavesdrop, so you're welcome." i say, slightly smiling. "can you come down here? we need to talk." she says. i nod, even though she probably can't see. "yeah, one sec." i say, and kate hangs up, leaning against a wall. i put my phone away, gripping my coffee cup. i stick my feet to the wall of the building i was sitting on, starting to walk vertically down it. once down, i speed walk across the road, making my way to kate. someone taps my shoulder behind, showing a 15 year old girl. "hi!" she says, pulling out her phone. "hey! what's up?" i say, and she smiles. "i was wondering if we could take a photo, if you're okay with it." she says, and i nod. "yeah of course." i say, and she stretches her arm out, taking a few pictures. "cool, thanks!" she says, and i smile. she walks off the opposite way, back to her family. i turn back around, walking to kate.

"hey." i say, and kate stands up from the wall. "hi." she says, and we start to walk. i walk beside her, looking around. "i didn't send those messages to you." she says, still walking and i furrow my eyebrows. "whaddya mean?" i ask. "johnny did. that's why we were arguing. he stayed over mine that day, and i didn't realise i left my phone unlocked, and he texted you." she says, putting her hands in her hoodie jacket, breathing out cold smoke. "continue." i say, taking another sip. " me and johnny are over- well, whatever friendship we even had anyways. i thought he changed, i guess he didn't." she says, and i nod. "so i'm sorry." kate finishes. "it's okay. it wasn't your fault. but i gotta ask, why did you lie about going with your mom, but then going with him?" i ask. "i mean, i thought i was going with my mom, but she said she can't make it, and since johnny was in town, she got him to take me." she says, and i nod, looking at kate's side profile. her nose was a light tint of red, signifying she was cold. i nudge my coffee towards her. "have the rest, you're cold, and the coffee's still surprisingly hot." i say, and she smiles, taking it. "thanks, how'd you know i was cold?" she asks, taking a sip. "your nose is red." i say, smiling. "god, how embarrassing." she says, rubbing her nose to try and clear the redness. "do you want me to walk you home?" i ask, and she shakes her head. "is it cool if i come back to the tower?" "yeah, sure." i say, fidgeting with the necklace clint got me. "i won't if you don't want me to." she says, and we take a left. "no you can, why wouldn't i want you to?" "because you've been leaving me on read for days." "in my defence, you broke up with me." "in my defence, it wasn't me, so technically we're still together." kate says, settling it. i smile, and pull her to turn right. "wrong way." i say, and we continue walking.

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