CHAPTER 28 - been a long time

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"w-what?" i say, completely shocked. "you... you came back." kate says, standing up from her chair. "how do you remember?" "its all flooding back to me now..." she says. "what took you so long?" she asks quietly, walking around the desk to me. "i... i'm sorry." i say, not even knowing what to say. she looks down, and silence takes over. "how are you?" i say, quietly. "i'm fine." she says, not saying any more. "how's... everyone else?" i say, referring to peter and yelena. "they're fine too." she says, and i sigh. "still living at the compound?" i ask, and she nods. "kate! we need you in here for a second." a worker says, and kate nods. "i'll be back." she says, walking off.

i sit on the one person couch a few meters away, waiting for her to come back. i hear footsteps coming back, and see kate walking towards me. she sits on the opposite couch, and i look down at my shoes. "kate... i love you too." i say, remember the promise. "you remembered." she says, smiling. i smile back, nodding. "how could i forget?"

"do peter and yelena remember me?" i ask, and she shakes her head. "we haven't talked about you... since then. so...i don't think so," kate says and i nod slowly. i'm glad i still have you, kate. "where have you been for almost 2 years?" she asks. i take a sigh, avoiding eye contact. "in an apartment." "all your clothes are still in your room, though." "yeah, i got new clothes. well, barely any but still works. water bills for the washing machine is... going through the roof." i say, and kate quietly laughs, making me smile.

"come back to the compound." she says, confidently. "what?" i say, confused. "you heard me, come back." "no, i can't. peter and yelena don't even know who i am." i decline. "so try and get them to remember." kate says. i take a sigh, before thinking. "i'll see. did you get the job here?" i say, looking around. "yeah, yeah i did." she says, smiling. "congrats." i say, smiling back. "um, speaking of work, my shift ends now, i need to pack my stuff up." she says, standing up. "wait here, yeah?" she says, and i nod. she walks away, to the receptionist table. i smile, realising she hasn't really changed, looks and personality wise. i stop staring at her, pulling out my phone. i go to photos, scrolling through. i smile, coming across this selfie of pete and i. standing on the empire state building, both our masks off.

"c'mon, peter!" i say, already at the top of the skyscraper. "shut up! i'm going as fast as i can." peter says, running up the building. once peter reaches the top, he looks down. "god, this is high." he says, and i smile. "funny you're spider-man, yet i'm helping you overcome your fear of heights." i laugh, and peter takes off his masks, taking a breath. "i think i''m getting the hang of it." peter says, after a few seconds. i smile, pulling out my phone. i pull my mask down, going to the camera. i stretch my arm out, making sure to get both of us in the frame, as long as the city below us. "3,2,1." i say, and i take multiple photos. "alright, jump off." i say, and peter looks at me. "what?!" he says, and i smile. "what? jump off, or i'm pushing you off." i say, and he scoffs. "i'm not jumpin-" "3,2,1." i count down, and i push him off. "WHAT THE HELL!" he says, his voice quieting as he falls down. i laugh, diving off too.

"okay, i'm done." kate says, adjusting her backpack, pulling out of my memory. she looks at the photo of us two for a second, and i turn off my phone, putting it in my pocket. "let's go." i say, standing up. we walk to the elevator, kate pressing the ground level. the elevator ride is silent, and the doors open. i walk out of the building, cars beeping. "where are we going?" i ask. "back home." kate says, opening the passenger door for me. "still using my car?" i say, getting in. "oh- uh yeah, sorry." kate says, getting into the drivers seat. she turns the car on, turning the radio on too. we drive back to the compound, and i pull out my phone. going on twitter, i see a tweet from silkupdates. "silk hasn't been swinging with the girl she used to! i wonder what happened to her..." the tweet says, and kate parks the car in the garage. i get out, staring at the door that leads to the compound. i stop walking, sitting on the hood of my car i haven't seen in forever. "you okay?" kate says, closing the car door, locking it. "yeah, i just need a second." i say, taking a deep breath. after a few minutes, i stand up. "ready." i say, and kate smiles, opening the door. i walk through, smelling the familiar vanilla smell.

"hey kate! how was work?" peter asks, not turning around from the couch. "it was interesting." kate says, looking at me. "how's- y/n!" he says, running up to me. my eyes widen as he hugs me. "you... remember me?" i softly say, still hugging him. "what do you mean?" he says, chuckling. "we did the water wrestling in the water with yelena and kate! then a few days later... you left, without saying a word to us. you didn't come back." he says, letting go of the hug.  "i'm sorry, pete." i say, hugging him again. he doesn't remember what happened. he thinks i just left. i let go of the hug, and she gives me a sympathetic smile. yelena comes out of the elevator, fanny and lucky next to her. "lena!" i say, running up to her. "took you long enough, cyka." she says, hugging me. "do you remember?" i say, hopeful. "remember what? that you left for almost 2 years without a single word? yeah, i remember." she says, shadily. she doesn't remember either. better than nothing though. i sigh, and lucky runs up to me. i crouch down, ruffling his hair. "you're so big, bud!" i say, smiling. he sticks his tongue out, and i kiss his head multiple times, standing up after. "where'd you go, by the way?" peter asks. i try to quickly think of an excuse, one coming to mind. "i- i uh, i was on a mission. pretty big one." i say, and kate looks at me. god, i hate lying to him. "oh, alright. we missed you." he says, and motions me to the couch, and i get yelenas hand, pulling her along. i sit on the couch, next to peter, kate sitting on the left of me, yelena on kate's left. i missed this. so much.

a/n - i was gonna make it peter and yelena forget about us but i think we've been through enough LMAO, please remember to vote !

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