CHAPTER 21 - manicures and coffee cups

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THWIP! i swing to another building, air rushing through my face. "any crimes around, JARVIS?" i say, taking a sharp left. "funny you say that now, miss silk. there's a robbing, on bank avenue." "what a coincidence." i say, making my way there. i drop down, hearing several screams. "robbing a nail salon, really?" i say, yawning. 6 people turn around, wearing different patterned masks. "awesome masks! when this is over, i'm gonna need to talk design game, y'know, get a few inspirations." i say, and they start shooting me. i jump onto a wall, sticking to it, then boosting off it, punching one square in the face. "let's hope i get a free manicure for this!" i say, webbing a man's face, then slamming it on my knee.

i web the last girl to the wall, and she tries to escape, but there's no use. "y'know, i'm all about girl power, but at least be on the better side!" i say, webbing her mouth. "i've already called the police." a lady says, and i turn around, nodding. "thank you." she says, putting her hand out. i shake it, letting go after. "of course, any time." i say, and she smiles. "silk?" i hear a familiar voice say and i look to my right, and kate's standing there, towel wrapped around her shoulder. of course, i wanted to run up to her, and hug her, but i didn't wanna put her in danger. who knows, maybe someone's listening. "hey. what happened to your shoulder?" i say, pointing at it. "just a piece of glass, it's better than it looks." she says, removing it. her arm showed a cut, and my eyebrows furrow. i walk to her, examining it. "shit, looks bad." i say, and she puts the towel over it again. "like i said, better than it looks." she says. i click a hidden component on my waist, and taking a rolled bandage out, closing the component with the magnetic lock. i take off her towel, now bloody. i place it on a chair next to me, unwrapping the bandage. "learnt from your last mistake, huh?" kate says, and i smile. "always learning." i say, starting to wrap the bandage around kate's upper arm. kate puts her arm up, and i wrap the bandage around her arm. "shit, didn't bring any clips, do you have any on you?" i ask, holding the bandage on her arm. "no, i don't." she says, feeling around. i let go of her bandage and quickly shoot a web onto it. "that works too." kate says, and i shrug. "kate! i've been looking all over the place for you. god, what happened to your arm?"  a boy says, and i look to my right, showing a man about my age, with a septum piercing, toned skin and brown hair. "you're that spider-girl chick! seen you on twitter." he says, and kate corrects him. "silk, actually." she says, and he looks at her. "you know her?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed. "no, no i don't. just seen her around twitter and stuff..." she says. "huh." he says, looking me up and down. "anyways, we should get going, i wanna go to the mall down the street." he says, slouching his arm around kate, and she nods, giving a little smile. i hear the cop sirens, and kate looks at me. "i should get going, cops are here." i say. not waiting for a response back, i turn around, webbing both hands to separate street lamps. i jump, pulling my arms to launch myself out of the shop. once out, i quickly web to a building, going home.

i knock on peters door, and peter shortly opens it. "can we talk?" i say, and he nods, standing on the side of the door, letting me in. i sit on his bed, taking a sigh. "what's up?" he says, laying down beside me. "so you know how kate went home for a bit, right?" i say, and he nods. "i asked if she wanted to hang out today and she said that she was busy getting manicures with her mom." "okay..." "i went out this morning, and hear a robbing on bank avenue, so i head there. i fight bad guys, blah blah, before i see kate, glass cut in her shoulder, holding it with a wrapped towel." "is she okay?" "yeah, she's fine. so i bandage it up, and a guy walks out, calling kate's name, wondering where she went." "uh oh." "and he goes 'we should get going, i wanna go to the mall down the street.' " "oh god. what does he look like?" "that's not the point, peter. anyways, he slings his arm around kate, and i hear the cops siren. i swing out, leaving kate and the guy there, coming home to you." i finish the story, groaning. "do you think she's dating him?" peter says. "pete, we're dating." "oh you are?" "yeah, we are." "my bad. do you think she's cheating?" "i hope not... do you think she is?" "i mean, i don't think friends sling an arm around each other." peter makes a point, and i nod. my phone vibrates beside me.

"speak of the devil." peter mumbles, and i hit his shoulder. i unlock my phone, giving it to peter. "you open it, i'm too scared." i say, and peter takes my phone. he taps a few times, before i see in his eyes he reads the message. "she said 'y/n that wasn't what it looks like, can we call? i'll explain everything.'" he says, handing the phone back to me. i read the message, before looking down at peter. "what should i say?" i say, thinking. "how about... 'there's nothing to explain. i saw him put his arm around you, im 80% sure friends don't do that, and i can't call.' " he says, and i smile. "who hurt you, peter parker?" i say, and he laughs. i type exactly what he says, sending it. a few seconds later, she replies. "eager much." peter says, sitting up to read the message. "why can't you call?" peter reads her message, and i respond that i'm with peter. "he's an ex, y/n. we reunited after a few years, and just went out to hang out." i read, and peter rolls his eyes. "but why would she say that she was going to hang out with her mom?" peter says, and i ask kate the same question, typing it. "why would you say you were going to hang out with your mom? didn't think you were the type of girlfriend to hide stuff." i say, typing it as i say it out loud. "shade." peter says, picking up his water bottle from his bedside table, opening it. "i just thought you were the type of girlfriend to get mad if i were to hang with a friend, that's all." peter reads the message. "are you kidding me?" i mumble. "if you think that, then maybe we don't know each other like we thought." i text, sending it. "then maybe we should break up." "whatever you say, kate." i reply, turning off my phone. "what the hell?" peter says, completely shocked. "what the hell is right." i mumble. 


kate's pov

"why won't she answer?" i say, frustrated at the multiple texts i've been sending y/n. "did something happen between you two?" johnny asks, sitting next to me on my bed. "we haven't talked since saturday-" i say, cutting myself off. "i'm sure it's fine." johnny says, yawning. "what time is it?" he asks, and i look at the time on my phone. "11:23pm." i say, and he lays down. "mind if i stay here t'night? not bothered to drive home, too tired." johnny says, and i nod. "yeah, sure." i say, laying down too. i give a respectable space in between us, before facing him. "still can't believe you got a septum piercing. the johnny i knew a few years ago never would've gotten one." i chuckle. "yeah, well the johnny you knew a few years ago grew up." he says, closing his eyes. i smile a little, still worried about y/n.


y/n's pov 

i open the door to the coffee shop, in my suit. "silk! what brings you here today?" the lady behind a register says. "just wanted a coffee, please." i say, still half-asleep. "of course, on the house." the lady replies. "you don't have t-" "no no, please. it's the least i could do with you and spider-man saving the city." the lady says, with a polite smile. i smile back, nodding slowly. "thanks, it means a lot." i say, then sitting down on a couch. the coffee shop door opens, the bell ringing on top of it. i look up from my phone, and see kate, and the same guy from the nail salon behind her. "you've gotta be shitting me." i mumble, looking down. "tall coffee for silk." the lady says, and i stand up, putting my phone away, walking to the table. "thank you." i say, and she gives a nod. i get the coffee, and turn around, starting to walk out the door. "silk?" kate says behind me, and i roll my eyes. i turn around, seeing kate a metre behind me. "sorry, no pictures today." i say, before turning back around. i web 2 webs to the coffee lid and coffee cup, making sure it doesn't fall off when i'm swinging, walking out of the coffee shop. "silk, wait." kate says, behind me once i walk out. i turn back around, coffee in one hand. "what do you want?" i say, and kate takes a sigh. "can we talk?" she asks, and i scoff. "what's there to talk about? you broke up with me, end of story." i say, and kate looks confused. "what do you mean?" she says. "don't act dumb, kate." i say, before webbing to a building, swinging myself off. "y/n wait!" kate says, and i don't turn around this time.

an - hoped you like the chapter! please remember to vote, helps me out a lot :)

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