CHAPTER 29 - burger date

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"do we want kfc for dinner?" i ask, and everyone agrees. once i get everyone's order, i stand up from the couch. "alright, i'll go get some." i say. "i'll come with." kate says, getting the car keys. "i can drive." i say, and she hands me the keys. i open the door to the garage, opening the door for kate. "been a long time since you've done that... thanks." she says getting in. i close the door once she's fully in , heading to the other side. i open the door, getting in, reversing out.

taking a right, kate turns the radio on to fill the silence in the car. after a few minutes, i drive into the drive through. i order the food, paying at the next station. the man about my age at the next station looks at me, and clears his throat. "is it okay if i could i grab your phone number?" he says nervously to me. "i have a- uh... i can't. sorry." i say, and he nods, handing me the food in a bag. i get it, passing it to kate. she puts the food on the floor in front of her, and i grab the drinks, also giving them to kate, which she puts on her lap. i say thank you, driving off, taking a sigh. kate puts her hand out to my mouth, holding a drink. i lean forward a bit, taking a sip. i pull away, and kate puts the drink back in the tray.

i park the car in the garage, and i take the cup trays from kate, opening my door. i close it once i'm out, but the tray starts shaking as i'm losing my balance on my arm. "woah!" i say, trying to regain balance. i stick my hands to the tray, and i take a deep breath once my balance is back. "you good?" kate says, slightly laughing. "yeah, it's all good." i say, grinning. kate opens the door, kfc bag in the other hand. we place the food and drinks on the dining tables, peter and yelena sitting down. "thanks guys!" peter says, and i smile.

i sit down next to kate like i always did. i take out the food, handing everyone's orders to them. "to y/n coming back!" peter says, holding his frozen mountain dew up. kate holds her frozen raspberry up and so do i, yelena holding up her frozen pepsi. i smile, and we all clash our plastic cups together.

i go into my room after taking the suitcase full of clothes into the room, and it hasn't changed very much. looking around, i smile. i go into the bathroom, getting a new toothbrush from a drawer underneath the sink. kate walks in as i'm brushing my teeth, getting her toothbrush from the stand it's on, putting toothpaste on. i look at her in the reflection, and she meets eye contact with me and i quickly look away, face starting to heat up.

kate lays in bed, on the left side like she always was. i hesitantly lay on the right, turning on the beside lamp on. after a few minutes of silence, kate speaks, both of us staring at the ceiling. "i missed you. even thought i didn't know who you were until i saw your face again, a part of me was missing." she says softly. "i missed you too. you have no idea how much..." i say, taking a sigh. "y'know, when i saw you swinging on recording, i couldn't even remember who you were under the mask and suit... you were just silk." she says, mumbling the last part. "yeah, i know." "do you though?" kate says, teasing me. i smile, facing her. i examine her face, and she stares at me too. "i really missed you." i say, and kate smiles. "i know, you already said." kate teases again, and i groan, smiling.

"are we still together?" i decide to ask, after holding back for a few minutes. "yeah... about that." kate says, and my heart drops. "i'm kidding! of course." she says, sitting on my stomach. "idiot." i say, rolling my eyes. she puts both her legs on the side my my waist, laying down on me. she wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. i wrap my arms around her waist, hugging her tighter. "what have you been up to?" she asks, her hot breath against my neck. "fighting crime." i say, and she laughs. "what? i'm serious." i say, smiling. "yeah, i know. it's just funny that was was the first thing you said." she says.

i run my hand through kate's hair, missing the softness. "thank you for waiting." i say. "what do you mean?" "thank you for waiting for me. i know you didn't remember, but thank you. i'm so glad to have you back." i say, taking a sigh. i feel kate smile against my neck, before she talks. "i'll wait for you for as long as i need to. thank you for keeping your promise." she says, and i smile too, hugging her tight.

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