CHAPTER 16 - the arcade

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i get out of the bathroom, outfit ready. i'm wearing loose, blue, ripped jeans,  a black tank top and a thick brown coat. kate's sitting on the bed, waiting. "cute outfit, we're basically matching!" she says, smiling. kate's wearing a brown loose jeans with a black belt and a black crop top. "i know right, and it's cold outside. you sure you don't wanna wear a jacket?" i say, sitting at the makeup desk, getting the eyelash curler. "i'll be fine." kate says, getting up from the bed. after i'm finished with the eyelash curler, i place it back on the desk, getting the mascara. "can i use this?" kate says, placing her left hand on my left shoulder, standing on my right and she points to my eyelash curler. "mhm." i say, putting mascara on my eyelashes. she takes her hand off my shoulder and leans closer to the mirror. once finished with the mascara, i put it back, taking the lip gloss. i smooth it on my bottom lip, pressing my lips together to get it on my top too. kate places the curler on the desk, sitting back on the bed. i look in the mirror, examining my work. my phone vibrates on the desk, showing peter calling me. i press accept, putting the call on speaker. "hi peter." i say, picking up the curling wand that's been plugged in. "'sup y/n? everyone's down here, and by everyone i mean ned and mj. yelena's still out, doing god knows what." he says, and i start to curl my hair. "alright, we'll be down in a second." i say, and peter laughs at something ned says. "see you down." he says, ending the call. i curl the rest of my hair, and take the cord out. "ready?" kate says, standing up. "ready." i say, standing up too. "your hair looks nice!" kate says, and we walk out of the room. "so does yours." i say, and we walk into the elevator. "this is how it always is!" kate says, and i press ground floor. "i know, it's nice." i say, and kate laughs. 

the elevator door opens, and we walk out. "hey guys!" i say, kate next to me. "hey y/n!" ned says, and i walk up to ned, him meeting me halfway for a hug. he pats my back, and we let go. "ned, this is kate. kate, this is ned, peter's best friend." kate smiles, hugging ned politely. "we were thinking of taking one car, making it easier and saving petrol." peter says, standing up from the couch, mj following. "yeah sure, my car?" i say, holding my keys up from my back pocket. "yeah, why not." peter says. i smile, heading to the garage, everyone following. i open the garage door, and unlock my car by pressing the unlock button. beep beep! the car lights flash, indicating the car's been unlocked. i open the passenger door, kate giving a thanks before sitting in. i close the door, heading to the driver's seat. i get in, turning on the engine. peter gets in, mj in the middle, ned on the other side. i reverse the car, looking at the rear camera. i close the garage door, reversing the car out of the driveway. "you've seen the video of you going viral, right y/n?" ned says, and i take a right. "yeah, feels weird." i say. "looks pretty cool to me." mj says, and i smile. EDITH, glasses on. the glasses go on, and i look around the road, getting used to the faint tint. "you wear that when you're driving?" peter says, and i take a left. "yeah, helps me focus... and i also need directions because i've been wandering around for a minute." i say, and kate laughs. directions to the nearest arcade, EDITH. "the nearest one is 45 minutes away." "do you still wear yours, peter?" i ask, following the blue faint line taking me to the arcade. peter takes a deep sigh, before answering. "yeah, sometimes." he replies, and i nod. "so kate, what's your power? i'm the guy in the chair for spider-man, cool. i know." ned says, and i smile. "i-i uh, don't have a power." kate says, and i take a right at the round-a-bout. "she's great with a bow and arrow though, calls herself the best archer in the world." i say, smirking. kate hits my shoulder and i laugh. "stop saying that!" she says, and mj laughs. "she is good with a bow and arrow though. just don't piss her off while she's holding one of those things." i say, and ned and peter laugh. 

"we have another half an hour." i say, and peter groans. "what? you were the one that wanted to go to the arcade. take a nap or something." i say, and mj quietly laughs. i rest my hand on the gear shift, other hand on the steering wheel. i take a sigh, stopping at a red light, a bit of traffic. taking my hand off the gear shift, i take the glasses off, looking at it. even dead, you are still a hero. "...them on?" kate asks. i look up, in confusion. "sorry what?" i say. "can i please try your glasses on?" kate asks, and i nod, handing them to her. she puts them on, and look around. "holy crap..." she says, and i smile. "cool, huh." peter says, and kate nods. she takes them off handing them back to me. i smile, taking them and putting it on. i put my hand back on the gear, and press on the accelerator pedal, taking a right. a few minutes of driving, my hand gets lifted off the gear. i look down, and kate places her hand under mine, resting our hands on her lap, interlocking them. i smile, taking a left. i look in the mirror, and see peter resting his head on mj, all of them on their phone. 

i pull into the carpark, reversing the car into the an empty space. peter yawns, and everyone unbuckles their seatbelts. i squeeze kate's hand before letting go, unbuckling my seatbelt. i open my car door, and everyone gets out. i close the door, and locking it once everyone's out. i meet kate at the front of the car, and she looks at me. "what is it?" i ask. "you were right. it's cold." she says, and i laugh.i shake my head, taking off my coat. "you don't have to, y/n." kate says. "have it." i say, smiling. i put the jacket over her, and kate puts her arms through the sleeves. "better?" i ask. "better. are you cold?" she asks, and i shake my head. "no, not really." i say, and we start walking to the entrance, the other behind. "hurry up guys!" i say, and they speed walk to the entrance. we get inside, my ears filled with laughter.

"45 credits, please." i say, pulling out my phone. kate starts to pull her wallet out, but i put my hand over hers, stopping her. i take my phone out, and double tap the on/off button, showing my wallet. i pay for the card, and the lady hands me the cards with the credits on it. kate takes it, giving a thanks. "we ready?" peter says, waiting for us to finish. "yeah, let's go." i say. peter stops at a punching machine. and scans his card. he takes a few steps back, and so do i. peter launches forward, punching the bag with all his strength. the punching bag makes a loud sound, and his points are tallied above. "967! new record." peter says, and i smile. "take a shot, silkworm." peter says. i roll my eyes, moving forward. i scan the card, and take a few steps back. the punching bag lowers, and i launch myself forward, punching the bag, grunting. i look up to see the numbers going up, and it stops at 956. "you're kidding!" i say, and peter laughs. "good try. maybe next time." peter says, patting my back. i shake my head, smiling.

"anything you wanna do?" i ask kate, as ned, mj and peter went to do some other stuff. "verse me in hoops?" kate challenges me, and i smile. "you're on." i say, swiping the card and swiping kate's too. "3,2,1." i count down, picking up a ball and throwing it in the hoop. it goes in, and i throw the next. 

i look at kate's score, then back at mine. "beat ya!" i say, beating her by 83 points. "so not fair." kate says, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows. "c'mon, bishop. let's go to another game." i say, and she nods. all of a sudden, the electricity is cut.

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