CHAPTER 23 - a new addition

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THWIP! i swing to another building, running off it, doing a flip then swinging to another building. "yo silk! down 'ere!" a voice says, and i look down, mid swing. i salute to them with my pointer and middle finger,  almost running into a building. "woah!" i say, quickly swinging the other way. i let go late, swinging myself up, the air rushing my hair back. i tighten my backpack strip to my arm, before doing a front flip without tucking my legs. i take a left, before realising i need to take a right. i swing to the next opening where building are separated, using my left hand to web to another building, i pull myself to turn right, letting go of the swing late, pushing my legs to go higher. 

i open the compound door, lucky running up to me. i crouch down, ruffling his fur. i stand back up, lucky walking beside me. "hey y/n." yelena says from the couch, and i give her a wave. "kate's sleeping." she says, and i look beside her to kate laying down on the couch, sleeping. "again? how does she fall asleep so easily?" i say, starting to unpack the groceries. "you tell me." yelena says, and i smile. 

i lift kate's head up, sitting down on the couch, laying her head on my lap. "sooooo cute!" yelena says, next to me. "shut up!" i say, rolling my eyes. yelena laughs, continuing to watch friends. i put my feet on the coffee table, watching it too. 

i hear loud knocking at the door, and yelena pauses the show. kate sits up slowly, and i stand up, going to walk to the door. i get to the door, opening it. "hey!" a teenager around the age of 17, toned skin, buzzcut, wearing a red sweater, inside-fluffy jacket on top, headphone around his neck says. "hi. what's up?" i say, leaning against the door frame. "is peter here?" he asks, and i feel a cold breeze go into the building. "depends who's asking." "well... i'm asking. i'm a friend of peters, and may said he'd be here." he says, and i nod. "i'll call him down, one sec." i say, pulling out my phone. 

"hey miles, what's going on?" peter says, jogging to the door. "i gotta show you something, man." he says, and peter motions him inside. i close the door, and peter talks. "show me what?" he says, crossing his arms. "well, i gotta talk to you - and you i guess now that you're here-" he says, looking at me. "about something i can't tell my mom. about" he continues. "what up?" peter says. "well um... weird things have been going on. like physically." he says. "oh. OH... uh..." peter says, not sure what to say. my eyes widen, realising what they're talking about. "listen, i'm probably gonna head back to the couch..." i say, pointing to the couch with my thumb. "no, stay here y/n." peter says, and i furrow my eyebrows. "well, y'know, you're at that age where your- your body start to change." peter says, and i smile a little. "and, so you noticing some... areas... for examp-" "no." miles cuts him off. "not that." he says, touching his stomach. "i think- i think it's just... better if i just um... i show you." he says, going for his trousers. peter and i look at each other wide open, before there's a mixture of us both saying stop and no. miles bends down, jumping up high. he gets to the ceiling, with a grunt, sticking to it. "what the fuck..." i say, completely shocked. "it's pretty weird, right?" miles says, smiling, still on the ceiling. peter smiles, before bending down, jumping to the ceiling, sticking to it too. "not that weird." peter says, and miles beams with a smile. "well, come up here y/n." peter says, head upside down. i smile, jumping up, sticking to the ceiling too. "wait- wait you're- you're silk?" miles says, eyes wide open. "yeah." i say, and miles laughs. "you're just as pretty without your mask." he says, and i furrow my eyebrows, smiling, tilting my head to the side. he realises what he's just said, shaking his head. "no- i mean- well-" he tries to correct himself, but i laugh. "it's cool, thanks for the compliment." i say, dropping down from the ceiling. peter and miles drop down too, and miles dusts his hands off. "i haven't got to the web shooter part, i've been stuck on that for a hot minute." he says, and peter nods. "i can help you with that." peter says, and miles smiles. 

peter and miles head upstairs, and i walk back to the couch, smiling. "what was all that loudness?" yelena asks, and i stand behind the couch, leaning my chin on kate. "we found ourselves a new spider-man." i ask, and kate's face goes in shock. "are you serious?" she says, and i nod. "yeah, peter's friend, miles." i say, smiling. "so cool..." kate says, and i close the cabinet. "yeah, i'm gonna head up and see what they're doing, i'll be back." i say, heading to the elevator. 

i go to the fabricator level, opening the door. i look around, seeing peter sitting at the desk, working on something. outside on the balcony, miles is spray painting something. "hey pete." i say, and peter turns around, smiling. "what's miles doing?" i say, and peter looks at miles outside. "oh, he's spray painting an old suit i had, turns out it fit him perfectly." he says, and i nod, heading out to the balcony. mask on. i slide open the door, and miles turns around.  i look out the balcony, the sky dark now. "hey... i never caught your name." he says. "y/n, y/n silk." i say, putting my hand out. "i'm miles. miles morales." he says, shaking my hand. we let go, and i look at the red and black spray paint bottles.  "nice color scheme." i say, nodding in approval. "thanks, it's almost done. just need to spray paint my logo, then i gotta let it dry." he says, looking at his suit. "looks good." i say, and he smiles at me. i head back inside, walking to peter. "what're you doing?" i say, and peter looks at me. "doing miles' web shooter. i used the same one as mine, but had to adjust the wrist size, still working on it though." he says, bringing up the web shooters, rotating it. "miles! can you come in here?" peter yells, and miles comes in, closing the screen door behind him. "try out this web shooter, see if it fits." peter says, and miles sticks his hand in the holographic web shooter. peter holds the web shooters, trying to move it around, but it doesn't. "perfect fit." miles says, smiling. "i'll make these, it'll take at least 'till the next day." peter says, and miles nods. "what time is it, JARVIS?" i ask, JARVIS replying with 11:03pm. "so cool..." miles says, smiling. "i should get back home, mom's probably wondering what's taking me so long. is it cool if i leave my suit here?" miles says. "yeah, sure." peter says, smiling. 

a/n - woop woop! miles is here everybody :)

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