CHAPTER 31 - birthday

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a few days later

"fuck!" i say, as loud yells fill the room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" kate, yelena and peter say at the same time. "it's my birthday already?" i say, groaning. i open my eyes, showing them all standing in front of the bed, a few balloons covering the room. they blow their party horns at the same time, and i cover my ears.

"i like what you did to the room. very... birthday like." i say, looking around. "thanks, we all helped." kate says, walking to the side of the bed.  she puts her hands out, and i groan. "c'mon, my love. stand up!" she says, and i slightly smile at the nickname, holding her hands. she pulls me off the bed, and i stand up. "what time is it?" i say, running my eyes. "9 o'clock." peter says. "let's go downstairs! i made breakfast." yelena says. i smile, kate pulling me to the elevator. "how'd you guys know it was my birthday? i forgot myself." i say, wrapping my arms around kate from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder. "i have a memory, y/n." peter says, and i smile.

we get to the ground floor, pancakes and syrup smell wafting through the air. i smile, sitting on the dining table. kate sits next to me, and i get a few pancake slices. "thanks lena." i say, taking a bite. "is it good?" she asks and i nod as my mouth is full.

"i invited clint's family over... he still remembers you the way peter and yelena do. and peter invited ned and mj if that's okay." kate whispers the last part. i nod, smiling. i feel so bad... i'm sure he's texted me these past couple years. i never got any messages from any of them, i wonder why. i put the dishes in the dishwasher, starting it. kate pulls me to the couch, and i sit in between yelena and kate, peter next to yelena.

i hear knocks on the door, and my eyes open. i take my head off kate's shoulder, standing up, rubbing my eyes. i walk to the door, opening it. "happy birthday y/n!" mj and ned say at the same time. i smile, hugging them both. "thanks guys." i say. "we both got you this." mj says, handing me a bottle of wine. i laugh, taking it. "thank you, looks fancy." i say, smiling. "mj! ned!" peter says, and they hug.

all of us head to the 3rd floor, and peter opens the door. "anyone for a game of pool?" i ask, and peter gets 2 pool cues. he hands one to me, and i smile. "you can break, birthday girl." he offers, and i line up the cue with the whole ball, aiming towards the rest of the balls. i move the cue backwards, before pushing it harshly against the white ball. the ball hits the others, making them spread. a strip ball goes in, and peter nods. "go again." he says since i got one in. "i know how to play, parker." i say, and he laughs. i hear clinking of air hockey, and i see kate verse mj, ned standing on the side. i go to the side of the white ball, lining it up to a red, striped ball. i move the ball back, hitting hit. it just misses hitting the edge of the hole. "you're kidding." i say, and peter laughs. he lines his cue with the white ball, aiming for an orange ball.

"that's game!" i say, as the 8 black ball goes in the hole. peter groans, facepalming his face. "i was like- 3 balls away! so not fair." peter complains, and i laugh. "round 2 another day, until then i'm practising my ass off." he says, pointing his finger at me. "yeah, we'll see, peter." i say, smiling. "someone's at the door, miss silk." JARVIS says, and i walk out the door to the elevator. i get to ground level, swinging lowly, then open the door, revealing clint's family. "happy birthday!" they all say in unison. i smile, inviting them in. "thanks, guys!" i say, closing the door once they're all in.

"where were you for almost 2 years? i texted you so many times... you never responded." clint says to me once we reach the 3 floor to where everyone is. i sigh, realising i have to lie to him too. "i was on a big mission, and i lost my phone." i say, and he nods. "y/n, look!" nathaniel says, and i turn around. "roll over, lucky!" he says, and lucky rolls over in front of him. i smile, and nathaniel praises lucky. i head over to the pool table, and kate and yelena are playing. "who's winning?" i ask, leaning against the table. "kate... by 2 balls." yelena says, after counting. i smile, and kate takes a shot, getting the ball cleanly in. "never knew you were so good." i say to her, and she smiles. "i'm a professional." she says, lining up with the next ball. she takes a shot, but it misses. "i take that back..." kate says, and i smile.

the last black ball goes in, and kate cheers. "i won! i won, i won, i won!" kate rubs it in yelena's face, laughing. "that's because i let you break!" yelena says, and kate scoffs. "you insisted on me going first. you said 'doesn't matter who breaks, i'm winning anyways'!" kate says, and yelena rolls her eyes, smiling. i head over to the air hockey, standing in between mj and lila. everyone's crowded against the air hockey as laura and clint are playing. i smile, as laura gets it in swiftly. "a point to me!" she says, and kate stands on the opposite side, between ned and nathan. we make eye contact, and kate smiles. i smile back, raising both my eyebrows for a second before dropping them back down. my spine tingles, and i look down. i quickly web nathan's hands, pulling them up, off the air hockey table. the putt hits harshly on the side of the hockey table, exactly where nathan's hands once were. "that would've hurt..." lila says, and i nod. i lean over as much as i can, taking off the web on nate's hand, brushing it off. "thanks, y/n." he says, and i smile. i feel arms around me, and i furrow my eyebrows. i look up, seeing kate look at me. i turn around, seeing cooper smirk. i push his arms away, before mj turns around too. "don't touch her." mj says, sternly. cooper puts his hands up in defeat, moving around the table, behind peter and yelena. "thanks, mj." i whisper, and she smiles.

i laugh as laura gets her last point in, and i hear a few cheers. "she beat your ass clint!" i exclaim, and he smiles. "i was... going easy." he says, and laura laughs. "as if! i won, fair and square." laura says, and we high five. "let's go make tacos downstairs." i say, and we all start to head to the elevator, i turn the light off as i'm the last one, closing the door and heading to the elevator.

a/n - this chapter was cute, please remember to vote!

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