CHAPTER 14 - the cut

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y/n's pov
"excuse me?" a light tap hits my right shoulder, and my body jolts open, standing up in a defensive stance. a middle aged man, around 30, puts his hands up. "woah woah, calm down." he says, and i stand properly. "sorry, i didn't realise i fell asleep here." i say, brushing my clothes off, feeling the mixture of platinum and iron. "it's fine, how'd you get up he- wait, you went viral! everywhere! on twitter, instagram, youtube, you name it, you're viral on it!" the  man's eyes open in shock. he exclaims, and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "for what?" i ask, and he pulls out his phone. "lemme show you." he taps a few things, before nodding his head towards him. i walk to him, and he tilts his phone to me. "a video of you swinging last night, back flips and everything. everyone thought you were spider-man this whole time, but this video shows you." the video shows someone in their car, videoing me swinging through the city. "yo look at this chick! this aint spider-man!" the boy says, still showing me swinging. i do a backflip mid air, the swinging to another building, away from the camera."yo connor! you get that shit on recording?!" i assume one of his friends say. "yeah bro, posting it everywhere! this bouta go viral as hell!" he says, and the video ends. "guess he was right." the man says, turning off his phone. it's a weird feeling, getting recognised. i guess it was more of a peter thing to go all show off. i nod my head slowly, taking everything in. "can i get a pic, if it's alright with you?" he says, going into the camera app. "yeah, sure." i say, and he stretches his arm out, getting both of us in frame. i do a peace sign, and he takes a few photos. "cool, thanks." i smile, even though he can't see with my mask on. "what was your name, by the way?" "silk." i say, and he nods. "is it cool if i post this on twitter? people are gonna go crazy." he says, and i nod. "awesome. well i gotta go, see you around, silk." he says, and he heads back into the door. that was weird. "you have new messages, silk." EDITH says, and i open the messages.
y/n where are you?

come back soon




you better come back today or i'll hunt you down myself

i smile at peter's messages. glasses away, EDITH. the glasses go away, and i run towards the end of the building, jumping off. i lean forwards, hands beside my body, getting speed. the adrenaline is running through my body, and i put my middle and ring finger down, webbing to a building on my right. "JARVIS, any crimes around? feel like i need to clean this city a little." i say, swinging to the lamppost. "there's a mugging reported, 9th avenue on roe street." JARVIS replies, and i web to the right. "thanks." i say, doing a front flip.

moments later, i land on a street lamp, squatting down. there are 6 men, all crowded around a middle aged girl in her 20's "c'mon sweetheart, that all you got? surely you can get up, take another hit." a guy says, and his friends are laughing. jump down, landing like a cloud with the feet padding. i lean on the lamppost, arms crossed. "hey boys, hope i'm not too late to the party right?" the men turn around quickly, getting into a fighting stance. "look, it's the spider-man wannabe." one says, holding a bat. i web the to the bar, yanking it off him and swinging it, making it hit 4 others. impact web. PST! i shoot an impact web to the guy who made the comment. he gets pushed back into the air, and gets webbed to the brick wall. "that's for the comment. didn't they teach you in school? if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all!" i say, and punch a guy that's running towards me. webbing another guys face, he attempts to try and get it off, and i punch him in the face, knocking him down. "shit!" i say, as a knife slices deep through the side of my right stomach. "feel that, honey?" the man says as i turn around. i kick him in the face, punching each side of his stomach, before kicking the side of his face. "feel that?" i say, when he's on the floor.

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