CHAPTER 26 - is this work?

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i open my eyes slowly, recognising i'm in my room. i look to my left, and kate's laying next to me, on her phone. "kate?" i half groan, and she looks at me. "hm?" she says, and i sigh. "what happened?" i ask. "you passed out on the couch the second you laid on it, i carried you up." she says, looking at the ceiling. "oh... thank you. what time is it?" i ask, kate looking at her phone before putting it down. "12:02am." she says. "where's gwen?" i ask, getting a little heartache feeling as i remember what happened to gwen from this universe. "downstairs. she's fine." kate says, blandly. "what's wrong?" i say, sitting slightly up, leaning on my stretched out arm. "nothing." kate says. "seriously. tell me." i say, and kate takes a sigh. "do you regret... us?" she asks, and i furrow my eyebrows. "what? no! why would you think that?" i ask, stunned. "that gwen girl... she's pretty." kate says, with a hint of sadness. "kate..." i trail off, knowing where she's going. "i don't love her in that way any more. yeah, it might be crazy seeing her again, yeah, it hurt. but my heart belongs to you." i reassure her, and kate doesn't say anything. "i promise. i'm trying to fix this." "are you sure? i mean, i know it's weird seeing your ex, especially after what happened..." kate says. i move towards her, moving her bangs out of her face, tucking them behind her ear. "i'm sure. i love you." i say, not realising how naturally it came out. kate looks at me, smiling. "i love you too, y/n." she says, and i rest my head on her chest, falling asleep.

kate's pov

i wake up, time showing 9:32am. turning to my right, y/n's sleeping on her pillow, blanket half off her. i carefully get the blanket, pulling it on her.i get ready, wearing a coat, black pants, t shirt and a white beanie. shit! how am i gonna get there? i think, before i come to the decision to wake up y/n. i gently shake her shoulder, and she hums. "can i please take your car to my mom's work? i don't have any other ride." "yeah, sure." y/n whispers. i smile, taking the keys off the beside table. i bend down, kissing y/n's cheek before heading out the door.

once at ground level, i start walking to the garage, before turning back and just seeing gwen's head sleeping on the couch. i turn back around, opening the door to the garage. i start up y/n's car, reversing out of the garage. once out, i close the garage door, starting to drive to mom's work. 

after about 20 minutes, i park y/n's car on the curb, locking it and heading in. i head in the elevator, i turn in front of 2 men, pressing the level i needed to go. i take off my beanie, taking a deep sigh. "a few days later, the silk superhero was seen swinging around with a female companion." the man's video ends, and i look around the elevator with my eyes. the elevator door dings, and i walk out. "kate." dee the receptionist stands up, and i walk past her. "hi, sorry, can't talk." i say, leaving my bag in front of the receptionist wall. "what?" dee says, following me behind. "hi, kate." a worker says, sitting at the desk. "hey." i reply, heading to my mom's office. "oh- excuse me, nope you can't- you're not suppo-" she says, standing up. i ignore her, walking into her office. mom hangs up the phone with a 'gotta go', and facing it. "oh god sweetie, why're you here?" she asks, going for a hug.

our conversation ends, and i open the door. "i love you!" mom says, and i start to head out. "say it back! say i love you!" she says, and i turn around. "i love you too." i say, heading to the reception. "hi terry." i say, walking past a work friend of mom's. he nods towards me, and i keep walking. "alright dee, i'm ready to start." i say, walking to the other side of the receptionist table. i stand awkwardly next to her, watching her type on the computer. "so... how does this work? i only see one computer, and one phone. what am i supposed to do." i say, and dee doesn't reply as she continues typing. "hm." i hum, getting a seat behind me. i pull it forward, sitting down, and i peek over the desk that's way too high for me to see over. "god this is so low..." i say, referring to the chair. i find the lever under the chair, pulling it up. i stand up, then sit back down, making a large amount of noise with the chair rattling. "oh." i say, as it goes up, and dee looks at me. i sit up extremely straight, dee still staring at me. "there we go." i mumble.

"i have a feeling we're gonna get real close sittin' together like this, don't you think?" i say, with a grin. "nope." she replies blandly. "yeah, i bet that's what you say to all your future best friends, let's be honest." i say, as she continues typing. "do people find this charming?" she ask. "well my girlfriend does." i say confidently. "how about i look something up on my pho-" i say, getting cut off. "i know you've never had a job, but this isn't a good start." dee says. "i had a job." i say, and dee looks at me with the slightest bit of hope. "i was a cater waitress." i say, nodding my head. "yeah, it was um..." i say, not being able to find the word for it.

"so... um..." i say, interlocking my fingers on the desk. "what do we do all day?" i ask, and dee takes a big sigh. "receive." she says. "receive..." i respond, picking up a coffee cup, drinking it. dee looks at me with a what the fuck? face, then looking at the table where the mug used to me. "oh my god i'm so sorry is that yours?" i say, putting it down and looking for mine. "pf course it is. who else do you think it would be?" i over lap her question. "of course it is i- who else would i think, i- that's- that's my bad- it's yours, it's your desk- well- well ours  ,technically so it could've been mine. lemme check you a new one, how do you take it?" i say, standing up. "hallway to the right." dee says, after she tells me how she has her coffee. i think for a second. "my right or your right?" i ask. "you know, don't worry about it. i'll get it." dee says, standing up to go and get it. "and don't touch anything." she motions to her computer before walking off. "sipping on people's coffee." she says, walking away. i sit down in her chair, looking behind to see if she's coming back. i log in, doing a few stuff, before i hear coughing. i quickly move back to my seat, picking up the work phone pretending someone's calling, clearing my throat. "hello! yes, uh- i i- i am so sorry." i say, and dee walks back with her coffee. "i understand the concern, um... we will absolutely do whatever we can-" i say, before dee takes the phone from me. "bishop security this is dee-" she says, before taking the phone off her ear and looking at it. "there's not really any body there."  i say, and she looks at me as if she wanted to kill me, which i bet she did.

a/n - fun fact the work scene was from a deleted scene in hawkeye! please vote :)

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